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MITB 2014 vs MITB 2024
2014 lookin' real stacked baby!
top one wasn't a mitb match. also bottom one is based
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*clears them both*
It was a MITB match until Daniel Bryan vacated and then they just made it for the title
Ladder matches should not ever have more than 6 people at maximum.
WWE has no star power now
Or then.
Cena and Orton carrying hard
The 2024 guys will put on a really good match. I think they honestly picked the best 6 possible considering most MITB matches are mid-to-upper-midcarders. 2014 was a total outlier
Kane and Orton were put in the match for storyline reasons and Cena was added to the match because WWE needed him to win the title to sell the next PPV.
No one misses that BBC worshipping sissy
>BBC worshipping sissy
But enough about Dax Harwood
mitb should be used as a tool to push mid-carders into main event scene, so 2024 one is better although i enjoyed the 2013 mitb match with orton, punk, sheamus etc
looks pretty good to me
can't wait
>MITB 2014
vince vs paul
tell me again how paul is so much better
Vince is a BBC worshipping cuckold
I don't know who these people are.
Haitch’s Has a decent amount of people that might put on a good ladder match together.
Vince’s was just a clusterfuck of names.
Also I think it ended in that stupid Cena win where the briefcase broke I think.
Vince turns gold to shit
Paul turns shit to gold
No gay wyatt
No old ass kane
No roman
No dorito
No antonio.
Bro only randy cena and shaemus are really the only people worthwhile and didnt cena win this

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