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Next shows:
7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Miku Aono, Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs Bozilla & Myla Grace
>Natsumi Showzuki & Misa Matsui vs Nagisa Nozaki & CHIAKI
>Victoria Yuzuki vs Zayda Steel
>Komomo Minami vs Momoka Hanazono

7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>Utami Hayashishita & MIRAI vs Miku Aono & Bozilla
>Nanae Takahashi, Nao Ishikawa & Mai Sakurai vs Nagisa Nozaki, CHIAKI & Zayda Steel
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Victoria Yuzuki vs Misa Matsui
>Kouki Amarei vs Myla Grace
>Chika Goto vs Komomo Minami

7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST
>Giulia vs Sareee
>Utami Hayashishita vs Iyo Sky
>Bozilla vs Miku Aono or MIRAI
>MIRAI vs Miku Aono
>Nanae Takahashi, Mai Sakurai & Nao Ishikawa vs Shinobi Kandori, Takako Inoue & NORI
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Misa Matsui
>CHIAKI & Nozaki Nagisa vs Myla Grace & Zayda Steele
>Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto vs Victoria Yuzuki & X
>Komomo Minami vs Rea Seto
Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15096421
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Can I get a recap of the KENNY OMEGA grooming allegations?
Takako Inoue gave me a slow, supportive handjob
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>“From someone who lived it, breathed it. Who has very close friends in the industry... the information that they know. Just gonna leave it at that.
>For that individual, someday... people will know the truth. A lot of the higher ups in Japan, they know exactly about the business he's up to, and what he's been up to. For decades.”

>“I'm with Asuka. Always have been.”
>"She has her reasons, and they're probably the same as mine"

>“I don't care about Rossy bring an E-Drone. That is not even the tip of the iceberg. Just you freaking wait... when it finally comes out.”
>"There are a lot of people that refuse to work with him for the very same reason, some of those people are even in WWE and some are in AEW and they have a very good reason to not like this guy"
>"If you wanna know along what lines he tread amongst, the dude just said "Hey we're looking for girls aged 13-21 without a boyfriend." We already know that he puts underaged girls in very revealing swimsuit calenders and books."
>"And I wish that's all he did....."

Full VOD:
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It's true, Kennoid Groomega is in a sexual relationship with a wrestler he's trained since 9
There is no evidence to suggest Kenny and Riho are in a sexual relationship
Komomo's number is 2 because she's twice as attractive as any other player
Shida wrote a song about Kennoid leaving her for Rhino
Rossy would treat Shida so much better than Tony. Make the call.
Act comments on the situation between marigold and awg. Seems like some players on awg are seething at what happened

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Why is Kenny currently living with a vulnerable groomed Riho and sharing a bed with her???
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Many Japanese talent stay at Kenny's place while working AEW. He's basically an unofficial liaison for them.
Hagane Shinnou stayed there for a while, is Kenny sleeping with him also?
It's understandable that some people are upset, but hopefully they're mending fences now
>Hagane Shinnou stayed there for a while, is Kenny sleeping with him also
literally yes, Kenny is bisexual
Kunny Groomega is into bad jokes
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Riho has been living with Kenny for years, started after Shida wrote a song about him leaving her for a younger woman, he's a dirty grooming pervert
Link the song.
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made some webms from the press conference
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Nao is the only one trying.
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Miku was NOT happy about Bozilla's "old widow" comment
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last one
Passionate sex with Nao
Hayashishita Utami, heir to the Hayashishita porn pictures empire
she's not like that
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>tfw you have fallen into irrelevance
I'm not a footfaggot but those are ugly feet
she looks like she doesn't understand a word
Komomo's momos
there was a translator there who said the old widow line. MIRAI got called a parrot because of her hair.
*komomos (small peach)
does Mirai understand English
she tried tweeting in and speaking some English in her Teej days
maybe a couple of words here and there, I doubt she could hold even a basic conversation
our Lady is shocked by such commoner behavior
must've been a day ending in y
for me its the file names
Imagine if she ripped off both shirts haha
talk about awkward!
I love Zayda's 90's girl phenotype
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I hear the units will be flowers, empresses journey, space devils and oni's teeth
What if Miku really is a widow?
Decades don't have designated phenotypes,
I bet if Rossy announced a coombook for sale at Summer Destiny it would sell out within a day
The rings are connected
shindy slop, I thought Marigold was meant to be isolated from this shit but I guess Rossy can't be trusted anymore, I think he is too feeble minded now and being controlled by others
>get poached
>still work with the company that poached you
Mai can chew the scenery with the best of them
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>a flower garden has come to the golden garden
Komomo Dragon
she is a very sexual player
she's never even seen a penis
we don't want this osaka shindy whore
Got to be honest, I'm actually looking forward to the Nanae match because there's no way the oppossing vets won't sell for her
>Seems like some players on awg are seething at what happened
Who gives a fuck? If you're playing for Crystal Palace but not signed and Liverpool makes you an offer, you leave. Also, fuck them for their retarded 'we're not a wrestling company' crap.
Victoria looks bad with blonde hair.
Which side is Alfie on and did Fuka ever give him his money back?
>Those swole arms
Fucking Sendai. They know how to make beasts.
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damn she's cool
So which actress will Rossy poach next?
Nao is so fucking Yen
>Mai can chew the scenery with the best of them
KEK. I didn't see her first because I was watching Nao. Glorious ham from her Ladyship.
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I would knock any of you Rossy cocksuckers out with one right hook
Shovel face, pig nose, Hogan tan

No thank you
kek what a beautiful boy
lmao you got a hook hand, lmao not even got both your hands pirate looking ass
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>I would knock any of you Rossy cocksuckers out with one right hook
let's not act like that doofus isn't on twitter right now slurping up everything rossy is doing with marigold
Rent free. That’s a stardrone
>Kenny is bisexual
No, he isn't. He's straight. The whole bi/gay thing is a gimmick.
Misa Matsui is the only good and cute wrestler on the Marigold roster
Why is she so shiny
A damn shame we didn't get a proper ass shot.
Yup, it's the schizo.
You really do this everyday huh
Pot meet kettle. Just helping others see through your lame attention-seeking when I can.
liceman has no life outside of this gener
And now the samefagging PC/phoneposting begins.
So lame.
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Giulia doing her best Suzu
Showzuki JOI
No one cares about you.
bad hair style players
Showzuki has fire in her again. Based.
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Cant wait for Misa to squash midzuki
The schizo hates Showzuki because she's challenging Misa.
Misa who he mocked a little while ago but now loves apparently.
she's like Mayu she looks better older imo
sex havers
And uglier lol
The schizo talks no end of shit about peoples' appearances, but literally pissed and shat himself when he was called out on being an overweight neckbeard.
Nao is just a ball of charisma.
And passion.
We've got our own little Wednesday Addams here.
Dead fed
Dead thread
The schizo spammed, samefagged and doomposted for months to run people off the board just so he can post "dead fed, dead thread."
it was on page 1 when you posted this
it really is
The schizo posts retarded shit then replies to said post in agreement. He does this because no-one agrees with him and because he's a terminally online autistic shut-in who seeks validation online because he's friendless in real life.
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Bozilla's ass eats everything in its way.
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you should try contributing with some pics or a webm or something instead of making the thread worse seething about your imaginary boogeyman
In my opinion
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The schizo says "imaginary boogeyman" despite being outed as the schizo lolcow in every thread.
The schizo has been told many times that he exposes himself every time he types, but doesn't understand because he can't read.
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Victoria Y.
He didn't like being called out for not contributing
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Io Iyo is very cool
The schizo continues replying to himself. Further proving that PC/phoneposting samefagging is poison.
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>shows up
>cuts heartfelt promo
>does sweet anime pose
This was the precise moment that Rossy graduated from winning and ascended to the level of effortless basedness.
Shame about her face though
We will all be watching Rea closely
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Naho is really ugly
complete meltdown from the liceman
The schizo lolcow accuses others of "melting down" when he has been samefagging, spamming, and doomposting online for over two years, and is in a permanent state of seethe over tiny Japanese women and a wrestling company.
Must be a day ending in y!
wonder what buzzword liceman will learn next
The schizo once again replies to himself via his social worker's phone.
SLK would shit all over Stardom, then arrive in MG right before they go out of business
discovering the term lolcow in 2024 is insane
The schizo lolcow continues to seethe and oversell being called a schizo lolcow.
Kenny banging Riho is as known as Kenny being with Shida back in the day, or Kana being married - it's the worst kept secret.

Remember the cope when you convinced yourself Mei Suruga wasn't curried with Akki? Grow up.
>then arrive in MG right before they go out of business
In 2025
The schizo continues doomposting over Marigold's imminent failure. Makes you wonder why he spends every waking moment in these threads giving the promotion attention and traffic.
Is it autism?
It's full-blown inceldom.
Everyone watching joshi wrestling is a weirdo incel
most of us are trans femcels
Most of us are batowls
Maybe on Twitter.
what is batowl twitter?
>Shame about her face though
Rea has the Misa and Zoom appeal in that she's got an odd face but it's still cute
Rea is hideous
The schizo keeps trying to get his failed bat owl gimmick over.
The schizo keeps talking shit about how people look despite he himself looking like a cross between David Bixenspan and a tonsil stone.
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you would know what a tonsil stone is
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People who hate Mokers are the worst "fans" joshi has.
The schizo has just posted three times in rapid succession because he is melting down over a tiny Japanese woman.
yellow fever shitskins are not going to stop overrating average looking players because you call them ugly
Highlights for the press conference

>Showzuki talking shit to Rossy and criticizing him. Her push is over.

>Misa big timing the conference and no showing.

These ActWrez Girls are a handful!
Ice Ribbon produced players are usually the best all around players
If you say so pedo. Hew weird toddler gimmick is made for human trash like you
I was told that Natsumi Showzuki would get to team with Kairi Hojo at sumo hall
She's like Unicron.
The schizo is still melting down and PC/phoneposting.
Must be a day ending in "day"!
You probably watch Stardom though
which device are we allowed to post on?
Posting on my Nintendo Switch right now
The schizo can't cope with being called out on being a PC/phoneposting samefagger.
He has probably replied to himself as I type this.
I'm gonna be that fan that made Saya Kamitani cry but for showzuki and mirai
Called it. Lmao.
most unhinged liceman meltdown yet
licey desperately in need of a (You)
You must type really slow
The schizo lolcow doesn't realize that, by samefagging and spamming, he is the one melting down.
But that's why he's the lolcow, I suppose.
This is rough to see someone go out like this. Zero crowd reaction.
The schizo, being terminally online and autistic, doesn't realize that this isn't a sitcom.
This is not your best work today. Instead of forcing it why not take a couple days off, regroup, and maybe the same posting Phone/PC thing will be a hit again.
/Stardom/ is laughing at us again for being the schizo general...
The schizo really doesn't like being called out on PC/phoneposting.
Imagine being this starved for attention that waiting a minute to post is asking too much.
you can't be accused of responding to every post if you don't respond to anyone
The schizo just can't seem to not be a loser.
I like that not replying to any of the posts he's seething about is his gimmick of the day but he was so sent into a tizzy he still replied to some because he has no self control lol
The schizo continues PC/phoneposting and samefagging because he's so starved for attention and interaction.
If you say 'the schizo' unironically, you are the schizo.
the schizo won't like that one
You probably watch "Teej" though
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i call it tooj
get this little slut raped and gaped
I've gotten one like from Mai and two from Fuka
what's the story
She is fucking hot
Says who?
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i will also start posting the momoka pictures in this thread
Is it true what they're saying about SLK?
Yes, up in November
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Less Marigold
More Mokagold
That she wants nothing to do with rossy? Yep
mokabutt on my cock
waka waka blacks are cumming with momoker
Momoka's big arse
gaped and pissed in
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i will not bother learning the name of the hooker you keep posting until she debuts
Less south-east asian trannies and more Momoka please
The difference between heaven
And hell
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Giulia and Natsumi interview
the surgeons have done irreparable damage to natsumi showzuki face
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Shozuki: "There was a time when I lived in the same dorm as Kairi, and I feel like this is similar to how I felt then. Kairi would take notes after each match, writing down exactly what we should do, even as a trainee. People tend to think that she rose to stardom because they knew about all that hard work behind the scenes, but I think she put in a lot of effort in her own way. So (Julia) is a star too, but I think she rose to stardom through hard work, and I can tell from talking to her, and I think she's trying to convey that to her juniors. She's the opposite of me, she looks flashy, so I think people tend to think that she rose to stardom through talent."

Julia: "People tend to judge me by my appearance too (laughs). But I think appearance is also a part of professional wrestling. I feel like I'd be a little more calm if I wasn't a wrestler. I do calculate how I'll perform in the ring, and when I'll be in the ring. Well, I'm the type of person who thinks it's a given that I should do it, and wonders why I can't do it!? But I really think it's difficult to communicate because everyone is different. But in the midst of all that, there was Nanae, and as Natsumi talked, I could see that they were in a position to lead everyone and bring them together. They also think about the management, and are seniors with whom I can have deep conversations. I'm really glad they're there."
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Shozuki: "That's right. I worked really hard when I was in Actress. I was working with Akuto and others until halfway through, but then there was talk of her going to America. From then on, I was in a situation where I had to do all the behind-the-scenes work. Of course, Fuka was there and we were thinking about it together, but I was always worrying about behind-the-scenes work and didn't have time to think about my own matches. Ogawa-san really valued that and told the wrestlers to focus on their matches. I'm really grateful for that. However, we also want to make (the organization) better, so we'd like to continue making suggestions in the future, but at the time it was really tough (bitter smile). Problems came up one after the other. I was reaching my limits in many ways."

Julia: "I couldn't think about anything other than the matches. So there were a lot of things you had to do?"

Shotsuki "There were about 40 actresses, including trainees."

Julia "That many!"

Shotsuki "It's tough when that many girls get together. There's a sensibility that's unique to actresses that's different to the pro wrestling world. Pro wrestlers can talk things out in the ring, right? Because that wasn't possible, there was a lot of jealousy and envy, and it ended up feeling like a bit of a nasty women's quarrel. Maybe it was because a lot of the girls didn't have a proper professional attitude, but it was really hard to keep them together. If you took sides, the other one would sulk. It was really difficult to get everyone to move smoothly. I don't have those kinds of worries now."
woppy the whore really thinks she is a locker room leader veteran
--Did the difficulties behind the scenes also lead to your transfer to Marigold?

Shotsuki "That was definitely where it started. No matter how much you tried to improve, it just seemed to maintain the status quo, Or maybe it was a gradual decline, and everyone thought it was fine. Because it was easier that way. But we wanted to liven things up, and make it bigger. It was tough, but we felt like we had to work hard, but that didn't quite fit. The gap between the kids who wanted to take it easy and the kids who wanted to go all out started to show, including the representative, and it got to the point where we felt like we couldn't do anything about it. I held the singles belt at the time, so to be honest, I didn't know what to do."

Julia: "At that time, the belt... "You still had it?"

Shozuki "Yes. I left on the day of my final match, when I defended my title against Goto Chika. I couldn't give an explanation, I couldn't say that I'm quitting today, and I left without being able to tell anyone why. I think people think that everything was half-hearted, and that I really gave up."

Julia "Why did you decide to transfer

, given that you had conflicts and all sorts of thoughts?" Shozuki "To be honest, I was thinking of doing freelance pro wrestling. But then I heard that Ogawa was starting a new organization. I owe a lot to Ogawa, so if I was going to do it, I wanted to work under him."

-- I see. …I mean, it's an incredible amount of information right from the start (laughs)

.Julia: "Really (laughs)."

Shotsuki: "We came here without telling anyone anything. At first, we didn't know that everyone else (Julia and the other original members) didn't know."

Julia: "Really?"

Shotsuki: "Yes. We thought Ogawa had told us, but when we got there everyone was just dumbfounded."
Typical Rosslurper interview "wah wah wah the old place was shit and marigold is amazing"
niggas seethe so hard
Julia: "I think Ogawa has had a lot going on, and has been thinking about a lot of things to get to where he is now. It's been a month since Marigold was launched, and it hasn't all been fun. He's been so stressed out that he got shingles ."

--Ogawa is probably carrying a heavy burden because he's paid for it himself.

Julia: "That's true, too. So I really want Marigold to be a success, because Ogawa has been so kind to me."

--It was your spirit that led you to Marigold, after all.

Julia: "I think each of us has our own thoughts about it. That's why I wouldn't say, 'Ogawa-san, you're doing your best, so do your best!' But I think that doing your best in this moment will definitely have a wonderful impact on your life after you retire from pro wrestling. I feel like we should work hard together."

--I sometimes hear rumors that there's a chance that Julia might leave here someday.

Julia: (wry smile)

Shozuki: "When that happens, I think that's the time to persevere. I wonder who will speak up then. It's really easy for me or Nanae to speak up, but I think it would be more interesting if someone like Utakami or MIRAI, who seem to me to be taking a step back, were to say, 'I'll go for it.' If that becomes more active, then maybe Yuzuki-chan and the younger girls will feel like, 'We'll go too!'"

--Do you feel like Utakami and MIRAI are taking a step back?

Shotsuki: "I feel it, I totally do. I think she can do more, and I feel like she has a lot more to think. But I think there are a lot of parts where she holds back in her heart because she's so kind, because she thinks it's not her turn now. If she were able to speak up more, I think a lot of different opinions would come out and it would be interesting. I think things that Julia and Nanae haven't thought of would come out and it would become more lively."

the rest of the interview isn't that interesting
when is giulia doing an interview with lola vice
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Pigtami getting called out for being a lazy fat plodding shitter
She’s right tho
I think not being able to see her eyebrows and forehead, is making her eyes look further apart and nose look wider than it actually is
you will not talk your way out of rea muramori being hideous
Schizo activity is the only thing keeping this groomer general alive, you should be thanking them
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>Kairi would take notes after each match, writing down exactly what we should do, even as a trainee
What a GOAT
Why did Hazuki stopped hitting her and walked away? Weird.
to gloat to the crowd
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minion socks
thanks interview schizo
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No. 1 :)
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Hope Misa got better.
pic schizo feeling uppity today
i am the Giulia Utami Mai MIRAI Yuzuki Nao Komomo Chiaki Kouki Natsumi Miku Misa Gochika Rea Fuka schizo
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is she a drunk? She takes a lot of pics with alcohol
Japan suffers women alcoholism epidemic.
drunk schizo out in force
blind retard
Hana-un isn't that ugly
Hostility Schizo makes an appearance.
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idk why but she's looking so much sexier more charismatic and more credible here
spiccy shoop?
chipmunk yuzuki hungry feed her acorn
you can't figure out who she's talking about or what she's trying to say about them "stepping up"

she should have been more direct
keep in mind that's just a translation from Google Chrome, so it might not be 100% accurate and could be missing some contextual language.
She was asked specifically about MIRAI and Utami, she said they're holding back and not getting their ideas out there. Seems pretty clear to me what she's saying.
Is she calling them out for a lack of leadership or just encouraging them to be more involved? That's really the only question.
she can't possibly be saying the same things about both
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why not? It's a generalized statement
Cr---y old cat lady
she was a bartender at a restaurant with CHIAKI part time until they went to marigold
because almost nothing she said applies to both of them
I know you're writing posts about me in your other threads and you're insane if you think me and everyone else can't see what you're doing here
yea girl, i'm out here in these streets
I want to make several hapa babies with Victoria Yuzuki
I want to make out with Mai's puckered bum hole
When will the most recent Marigold show air on WU? Waiting to see it.
5am eastern is sendai
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let's see her nipples
jojo poses
Give her a banana.
im thinking a very dark shade of brown for rea muramori
zelina vega vs liv morgan was great
want to stroke her pussy

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