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This shit is going nowhere.
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>no shit
It's okay if you don't get it.
It wouldn't be a proper tribute to rotund ham if it didn't take months of meaningless spoopy promos to build up to a 5 minute shart of a match
But enough about your interactions with female genitalia
>week 2
>"Why hasn't this storyline resolved itself yet?"
I really liked the tape last week but now after watching this nonsense I realize this will be classic Bray Wyatt nonsense that will take a fucking eternity to get to one match. They should've done a tape with one of the other cast members at least instead of this shit
works for aew
what? they literally progressed a fuck ton tonight lol. he laid out his motivations explicitly and named his targets
lol trannies are pathetic trying to gaslight the E Gods all of the time. it never works we see through the charade
He literally said the exact same shit they'd been saying before they even debuted and of course we can tell who the fuck he's going after given it's the guy they're currently stalking
>there you arrrrrrrrrre.
then it wasnt cryptic meandering bullshit like brays stuff you retard. its progressing way faster
>This shit is going nowhere
Just like Rovert when he is downstairs kek

Does it though?
Your entire family is downstairs (they’re burning in hell) lmao
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Lmfao based
don't you guys call that 'resting in abraham's bosom'?
I don’t hate it but the editing is atrocious.
This dumb nigga didn’t get it
...is what your father said after the doctor delivered you.
>he thinks they're still going after Gable
That's false and you know it. Try to prove me wrong otherwise.
This. Its obviously Jey. They debuted with Jey and last night showed up when Jey was there.
Honestly it could be a number of people
>Gable's abuse of AA
>Jey leaving the Bloodline
>Seth turning on his Shield brothers
>Damian drifting away from The Judgement Day
>and then the bell rings
The perfect tribute to Bray if you think about it
AEW.. storylines..?
Bo is better in ring than Bray but who knows how he will wrestle with the spoopy gimmick
I will say the tape last night felt redundant and kinda flat. The tape the week before was phenomenal.
It basically did yet they're still mad
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Can't tell if this is making me wish Bray didn't die so we wouldn't have to put up with this garbage, or if it's making me glad he died so that at least once they finally put this Howdy character out of its misery we'll never have to see any spookie Wyatt horseshit on tv ever again.
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QRD on the gimmick?
is the blue guy from some ghost satanic family or something?
I literally never cared to watch that garbage
Do you actually care or are you baiting to see if some autisit will post the LORE OF UNCLE HOWDY?
Hopefully it's without a mask. Bray was pretty meh to begin with, but with the Fiend mask he was terrible.
The Fiend mask was a lot more obstructive than the current Howdy mask. They seemed to realize early that wrestling in big old masks like that is impossible, and stopped using the full rubber Howdy mask.
The current Howdy half mask seems to be relatively unobtrusive. I'm more interested to see what they'll do with the rest. There's no way any of the others can wrestle in the masks we've seen.
literally I dont know for a shoot, explain the lore please
>is the blue guy from some ghost satanic family or something?
Yes, pretty much exactly yes.
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did they explain how they went from normal human family to that clowny garbage? are they canonically alive?
The big issue is that the original story from Bray's return was a convoluted mess that meandered for too long and never got finished.
From what I surmise: Howdy is something from Bray's childhood. A sort of nightmare that haunted him. After Bray sent the Fiend away he was "better" and wanted to be better. Howdy emerged and said Bray can't escape who he is, and that he'll never scape [his] Uncle Howdy.
Howdy would attack Knight during the Bray feud. It's likely this was actually Bray embracing his dark urges. To pull the wool over Knight, Bray had someone else adopt the Howdy persona to cover for him. If you interpret the lyrics to Shatter literally, the "lie for me brother" line stands out and supports the idea Bo was under the Howdy guise in kayfabe.
Bray embraced the darkness again, and was going to conquer WWE alongside Howdy. Wrheer this was "supposed" to be Bo or the "real" Howdy isn't clear.
Bray dies, and now the lingering presence of Howdy has attached itself to Bo. Bo wants to carry his brother's legacy, and to do so he has to embrace his "role" in playing Howdy. Whatever the "spirit" Howdy is has changed for as well to more closely resemble Bray. Bo lost his family and found a new one, and together with Howdy wants to punish people who betrayed theirs.

The nature of Howdy is really confusing because Bray didn't finish the story and it seemed to change a lot. Howdy at times seems to be a real person, an alternate persona (like the Fiend), or some type of malevolent spirit.
They were all unrelated nondescript jobbers on the verge of being released until the blue guy's irl brother shoot died, then something gay happened and now they're all malevolent & wear Halloween masks for some reason. They haven't really explained anything yet about this new family actually, but basically it's just a group of longtime losers banded together to pretend to be greater than the sum of their parts.
social outcasts but with spooky powers
why did the AI give him a thong
They could've had him returning alone and getting some serious heat on someone who is actually over on week one, week two you have a JR w/ Foley style interview with great production, then you start building up to a match and have Rowan return to do a run in at some PPV.
No NXTranny jobbers in a faction parading as some evil woodland critters, no hokey rob zombie smoke machine garbage, this is gonna get we want tables chants soon after the bell rings
trying to get a tan. just look at how white ronald is. bray isn't going down like that.
Jey left Roman because he was being abusive like Gable. Retard
So how many months until we get one match from anyone in this stable? I wouldn't be as bored of this if we didn't have to wait like fucking 3 months of QR codes until they debuted
>basically it's just a group of longtime losers banded together to pretend to be greater than the sum of their parts
Uh /pw/bros?... the stable is literally us.
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>basically it's just a group of longtime losers
Nooooooooooooooooooo. Why didn't WWE ever push me?
It is. You're just retarded.
us HOWDYManiacs are eatin GOOD lately, brother.
holy fucking BASED
why is adam cole in the background?
They're abuse victims and their spooky personas are their coping mechanisms. Their spooky selves are all powerful and can't be victimized. Even if you strike them, it has no effect because they don't sell


Apparently they see not getting booked as traumatic abuse
Explains the visceral backlash pw is having to seeing themselves represented onscreen. "noooo they can't just be a group of weird losers hiding their true identity who just sit around saying stupid shit no one understands or cares about for months on end & never actually work, th-that's so weak and pathetic.."
>Apparently they see not getting booked as traumatic abuse
This mean AEW will introduce a Brodie60?
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Uncle Howdy will kill Adam Pearce and Rock's daughter will be the new Raw GM.
Kek, Bo missed that elbow by a mile
There you are.
And then the bell rang.
Last week's tape was kind of spooky but still grounded. This one went way too much into spooky.
>They were all unrelated nondescript jobbers on the verge of being released until the blue guy's irl brother shoot died
Not really, especially not Gacy who was in one of NXT's main feuds right before this. I assume the idea is that everyone was lost without their families.

>Rowan floundered without the Wyatt Family plus was close with Bray and Harper who are now dead.
>Nikki floundered and seemed to have no idea who she was or sense of purpose when Sanity got shitcanned.
>Lumis basically seems to have been abandoned by The Way and his kayfabe wife Indi and disappeared.
>Gacy lost Schism and turned into a schizo hobo.
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>Gacy lost Schism and turned into a schizo hobo.
Gacy hasn't been the same Since HARLAND went rogue and has been on his pantheon-Destroying spree.
>Not really, especially not Gacy who was in one of NXT's main feuds right before this
I don't watch NXT. The one where he lost a feud to Dijak? Ok so he might be the best one in the group. He's not in his 40's or Bo Dallas, so he's their chance at a breakout star. Because I don't know what those Howdy matches are going to look like or even the zombie girl, I guess she'll wrestle like Abadon?
Schizo hobo Gacy was incredibly based

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