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Was this a good spot?
>guy in the audience
litterally me
Was Swerve supposed to double stomp Wills cutter mid-air?
Match of the year contender. I really like how osprey pauses to make sure swerve is in position and they do a worked botch. Great in ring storytelling here.
This is the momentum we need right now.
Yeah better than Hayes-Rhodes cutter botch. At least this one don't make them both look stupid.
It didnt?
I won't even stream this.
I'm not even clicking the webm.
No. No amount of "they know each other so well" can make that not look choreographed and badly. Both guys have hesitation in their movements, it's shit they shouldn't be doing for very little reward. Two dozen conventional spots these guys could do in their sleep that work better (but get fewer ***** from Dave).
It popped me.
I expected a dumb dual cutter attempt.
Swerve killing Ospreay instead and crushing his guts out was amazing to see.
do aewtroons really?
In kayfabe what is will trying to do here? He just jumps back for swerve to land on top of him?
no really
Can't even tell what it was meant to be
Ospreay trying to catch Swerve in a cutter, gets Swerve stomped
This would look great if both guys executed it flawlessly but unfortunately ospreay's very low-tier by actual gymnastic standards of timing and athleticism and swerve's significantly lower than even him, so you just get this absolute dog shit.
there's literally nothing wrong with it
>pause midway from bother
>ospreay still goes for the cutter even though he notes swerve isn't in position
>swerve doesn't even stomp, just awkwardly lands sideways in a way that doesn't look good for either
If you don't see anything wrong with that I can only conclude you are a sub-sentient pigman with hooves
>Swerve doesn't jump right away, faking ospreay out
>When he dos,Ospreay doesn't except the stomp
>gets stomped
Sounds like you just like complaining. Typical bitch behavior.
>there's literally nothing wrong with it
These are the same people who tell you that Ospreay's offense makes the matches more believable.
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>>Swerve doesn't jump right away, faking ospreay out
He faked him out into thinking he'd stay on the ropes and Ospreay's response was to go for the cutter on thin air? Sounds like slop.
>>When he dos,Ospreay doesn't except the stomp
>>gets stomped
Nobody got stomped. Swerve landed sideways across Ospreay's legs, it was more like a botched codebreaker than a stomp lmao
You are literally a pigman
>it wasn't realistic enough, there's no struggle!
>it wasn't smooth enough, he's not actually a good gymnast
Sounds like you just like complaining. Typical bitch behavior.
The point is to make it look smooth in execution AND like there's a struggle as well through both parties doing their shit properly and not going over the top with dumb slop spots. It's difficult. Wrestling is difficult to get right, which is why it's hard for shitters like Ospreay and Swerve.
They made it look simultaneously choreographed, cooperative AND clumsy and uncoordinated with a payoff of little impact. The worst of both words.
You don't understand pro wrestling because you are a sub-sentient pigman, that's also why you like AEW.
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>Nobody got stomped.
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>writes paragraph after paragraph dissecting a webm
>claims he doesn't like AEW
protesting way too much, faggot
No one but fans like you that pay $14 for opinions and send dick pics to strangers to get protected on a wrestling message board want a gymnast for a wrestler.
The stomp would happen when they both land, you fucking moron, Swerve pressing his foot into Ospreay prior to landing when they're both mid-air wouldn't hurt because there's no mat beneath him, the force dissipates beneath Ospreay. Stomps hurt because you're stomping someone who has no give beneath them.
Also in that image his right leg is clearly extended and not even in Ospreay's gut and his leg leg isn't fully visible.

Concession? Accepted.
Based. Should I watch this match?
nah its garbage lol
the number of pigs seething about 48 hours later should make it an instant recommend
kek, posted 4 seconds apart
>aewtists don't even understand physics
kek what a fucking retard
that's him getting his legs up, something you've achieved with a woman. And 2 seconds later in the webm, his knee is in his gut (fully visible btw, although not as visible as yours!)
>>aewtists don't even understand physics
>**watches spooky coconut theater unironically**
Swerve v Ospray was better than anything WWE has produced all year.
>that's him getting his legs up, something you've achieved with a woman.
Thanks, I have, your mother specifically.
So, why'd you post the moment where the stomp DIDN'T happen?
>2 seconds later his knee is in his gut
False. See >>15110704
Swerve lands across the back of Ospreay's thighs with his body sideways KEK
>False. See his knee literally landing on his stomach
i dont watch spook or cocoslop lil bro, sorry to burst your bubble, you're still a retard that doesn't understand physics and the match was fucking terrible
Not good enough for Cirque de Soleil, sorry
>I dont watch wwe I swear! but I was awake well past midnight watching the AEW main event.
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>>False. See his knee literally landing on his stomach
Kek what a disingenuous PIG.
I put a nice red circle around it, there's Swerve's right foot. With his right leg at that angle his knee could knee be in Ospreay's gut, it would be awkwardly across his body, and with Ospreay's legs raised like that the gut would probably be covered up anyway.
btw, you've moved the goalposts from stomp to knee and are still tacitly conceding that the spot is trash in execution by shifting your reasoning to simply looking at the perceived impact and forfeiting the set-up was garbage and made no sense.
>admitting all aewtists are edrones
>you're a wwe fan because you stayed up to watch an aew ppv
>his knee could knee be
whew you are extremely seething and lonely, but I will BLESS you with one final reply, my dumb nigger friend, the screenshot you posted literally shows Swerve's knee in Ospreay's stomach while his ass is on Ospreay's knee, which didn't block anything.
as we can see here, this is why Fox cancelled Slopdown
I accept your concession.
I’ve seen worse.
Definitely would disqualify it from being higher than a dud.
cool story lil pigbro but why come you seething about wwe
Pretty sure that's exactly what happens
Usually in other mediums the lesser-known critic-acclaimed styles are actually substantive and good.
In wrestling it's the exact opposite and it's pure shit.
It's the product of wrestling having one singular tastemaker in Meltzer and that tastemaker also having fucking awful taste.
10 STARS!!
Imagine defending the 502k "megastar according to Meltzer" champ lmao
It's like how art critics will rave over a lobster glued to a telephone and write entire essays explaining how amazing and meaningful it is but then sneer at a well made painting of a landscape using expert techniques.
Hello Gaycia
It's a bad spot but not offensively bad you see worse in AEW every week.

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