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Tick tock, wcw fags
That dimeless faggot with his anti Christian catchphrase is going no where.
Four years since that terrible tragedy…
i think sting will be the 3rd man. he's like mr. wcw, it would be the biggest swerve
He's not tanned enough
Are the rumors true?
Nah my moneys on P. N. News
You tell me.
this scumbag went into business for himself and buried jake, he's gonna get buried
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angle of the year
That was pretty uncalled for, i was upset with the bible stuff.
What is this?
Vote Trump in twenty years.
the early days of the bWo takin over
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no u
Hopefully they make a sweet wrestling game for this new N64 I just copped
WWF will die in 5 years
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tell me joey
how do you like
my suit
what would /pw/ have looked like in the year I was born, 1992?
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Was at this show, Kurt Angle was there and he loved it. We might actually get an Olypmic Gold medalist on our show ECWchads.
This little kid impresses me, but that high-risk style seems dangerous. I'm worried he might end up having to retire before 30.
*Smoke signals KWAB*
Future HOFer coming through
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Is Sunny ready for the Big Time?
wasn't that in '92?
Either that or he’s gonna end up killing someone. Ws0a
kek extremetards just lost another wrestler to big dimes bischoff
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Don't ask me how I know but this kid is going to end The Undertaker's legendary undefeated streak, but not before he fucks Marvelous Marc's wife.
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shes ready for my big 4 inch french-canadian stigola if you know hwat i mean
I recognize Doink, Mabel, and Isaac Yankem, but who are those other geeks?
I hope he goes to WCW. Imagine a rematch against the new heel hogan. It's be fuckin incredible.
Sid is going to kick the Underloser's pasty ass.
Kane, Eugene & Doink The Clown Vs. Umaga, Viscera & Kevin Thorn

this was in the 2000s tho
Can't wait for Reckless Youth to get called up to the fed. He is the next big thing!
>made up shit from the future

Get a load of Erik Watts over here.
I think this Golddust character is gay and should be banned from television
Same. Every time Undertaker or Cactus Jack's retarded new character whip his fag ass, I get a hard on.
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I can see Owen wrestling into his 50s
The Falcons just cut this dude. I heard Luger and Sting are trying to get him to train to wrestle. I hope he's better than Mongo. Also, I wonder what Bret Hart thinks about him.
Hank dies first and Walt dies next.

Austin Rock feud is pretty good now but he jobs to Rock at Mania and then he goes to Hollywood
Kayfabe truly is dead.
Sidbros how are we holding up?
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these guys will never win any major world titles or anything but i can't wait to see how their careers pan out
No 3.0 rating e-drones?
Benoit's feud with Sullivan feels so real, you would think he really wants to kill Chris with a passion!!
Anon u good?
Yeah, I really believe Benoit could kill Sullivan. I hope Nancy never threatens to leave him because he really seems like the kind of guy who would strangle you and wrap your dead body in a big oriental rug.
I really like that Mongo McMichael dude they brought in as the Enforcer of the Horse Men. Dude is Shredded to high hell and back therefore he must be an amazing worker.
I'm pretty sure he would call his friends before he did anything crazy, besides he spends most of his time in his gym I hear these days anyway. He loves hanging in his gym.
I hear he has an attractive wife with two puppies.
>Unsertaker's legendary undefeated streak
Legendary? WTF are you talking about?

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