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Whenever I see this I can't help but think he's referencing his wife's vagina.
kek holy shit. are those pasta sheets on top? did she hand make pasta and then make the world's ugliest lasagna? pasta layer never goes on top. what a fucking amatuer
They needed to apologize for this.
I thought it was just layers of cheese singles lol
Was it a rib?
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Who puts a rib in a lasagna?
I thought Mexicans were good at cooking.
Idk why but that shit looks cold
It's fucking RAW
It's actually impressive she fucked up the lasagna that bad. It's like she didn't boil enough lasagna and had to use the lasagna that broke apart for the top, should have just tossed some mozzarella and parmesan on top instead
Why the fuck would you marry a woman who can't cook?
reminder that this man decided to risk capture and torture by the cartel instead of going back home and eating more of his wife’s cooking
humiliation ritual?
His wifes white isnt she
no one give a shit you cooking fag lol
that's how bongs cook meat anon
kek based cooking is for girls
Not Italian food I guess.
He must be posting this in a passive aggressive way to bury her
What a waste of good meat
Is that boiled? What the fuck?
Did she force him to post this?
Is he taking the piss out of her?
Worst lasagna ever
As a meat eater this angers me.
Its called well done because it is meant to sarcastically belittle you. Its shortening the phrase
"Well done now you ruined it."
>he doesnt cook his own steak or chicken or fish or lamb or pork or literally anything.
You deserve the food you have to settle with eating
looks atrocious but its probably good and he's grown to love it to the point where he gets excited and posts it online
>brother gets married to cute woman
>has a kid with her
>she immediately bloats to 3 times the size
>she can barely keep a job
>she refuses to learn to cook
women are unreal
Looks fine, don't see the issue
Why are white people like this?
There's a part of me that thinks it has potential to be good despite it looking like absolute shit
>are those pasta sheets on top?
Looks like slices of american cheese melded together
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I want to see Deonna Purrazzo’s lasagna
Does anyone have Lacey Evans posting what she cooked for her husband, which was like pre made mac and cheese with a croissant?
Drier than a Chris Jericho comedy bit
>doesn't put cheese on top because her husband is a wrestler and needs to stay in shape
>trannies: OH MY SCIENCE
That looks like a dog's dinner
They don't season they food.
okay now put it in the oven. stupid idiot
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>the wifey
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Did Goodle Jay Are BOIL that fucking steak?
Based. Boiled is the only way to really cook meat.
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Looks like ass. So, might be good, might be shit. The logic follows.
Loooks dryer than the Arizona desert
Women haven’t been able to cook for years
i see he learned from the master chefs at ribera
the meat/sauce and the cheese layers always need to be on top of the pasta. also, pasta sheets don't come that big usually. those are like 8x11 paper size. she had to handmake those which makes it even worse.
this a improperly seared dry as fuck shoulder roast. terrible cut of meat if you dont marinade for at least a day
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Here you go
no wonder TK fired him
Yeah Mexican women suck at cooking Italian food
I bet thats pretty good senpai maybe put the oven on broil for a minute to brown that cheese a little
do americans really eat croissants with steak?
Shes trailer trash

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