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The problem is they rely on PW Tees who make shirts to order, they don't have their own factory and process that builds up stock
That’s what having the young cucks nepo hire wife running things will get you
Don't worry, bro! Khan hired WWE merchandisers! They gone ficks it!
I went to All In and it was the same shit. 20 stalls and only AEW, All In and CM Punk shirts with some random other ones.
Wasnt she fired
>they don't have their own factory
they literally do by having a print-on-demand business model. if PWTees hasn't invested even slightly in at least one more DTG machine than they already have and can't figure out how to do a run of shirts for an event scheduled at a future date, then they deserve the failure and criticism.
t. anon who's worked with DTG
AEW doesn't have it's own manufacturing process or factory, it's a significant capital investment with a lot of sunk costs.

I swear some of you brainlets think a multi billion dollar operation like WWE is just set up over night with an entire functioning backroom team.

When AEW gets more revenue in (new tv deal), they should start to invest in their own stuff, but right now they're piggy backing off the likes of PW Tees
>AEW doesn't have it's own manufacturing process or factory,
oh fuck off, see >>15109115
Quit after the brawl out stuff
also wrestling is a tshirt business and if tony/aew has not invested in that properly then again they deserve failure and criticism.
When aew gets more revenue Tony will spend it on more retarded shit
oh so it has nothing to do with the Bucks' wife, that was just an insane witchunt by Philcucks? Got it
Dude, a few people could handle merch. You are acting like its friggin amazon. Look at how ecw did it.
By not paying it’s talent to make up for lost costs?
There's a difference between running merch for an indy show and for a company operating across the world, you realise that right?

You are looking at an investment of tens of millions of dollars in factories, machinery, staff, delivery contracts. You can't just do that over night, especially when a company is new and hasn't found it's footing yet (i.e. the new TV deal), it's a risk you probably aren't going to take.

If AEW are still using PW Tees in 10 years and don't have their own setup then i'd agree with you, but right now it's entirely reasonable and a completely fair risk mitigation.
Better than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for music rights to play some shitty song one time on a ppv.
>when a company is new
Fuck off. They have been around for almost six years now. In its sixth year, TNA could already produce a decent amount of t shirts.
got em
You'd think in the first five years of a company someone with a lot of capital to invest and a strong mind for numbers and business would be spending to lay the infrastructure for his company to grow naturally. He'd look at WWE, find any talent that had knowledge of those systems and then use his own connections in football and soccer to improve on them if not emulate them.But this Tony Khan, a guy who has so little business sense his own father thought the best business move for his empire was to give his son several hundred million to stay away from it. Tony's shit tier executive leadership means AEW is not and can not be a profitable company, and not matter how much he has to waste that will continue to fuck his fed.
Unless you have data to back that up, I don't believe TNA were selling more t shirts than AEW do
are you fuckin retarded? there are hundreds of companies that will print Gildan t-shirts for like $4.50/pc and deliver them wherever the fuck you want them delivered. It's how every souvenir based retail shop does it. how come some meth head with a shack on the Jersey shore can figure it out but Tony is too retarded to?
wtf why would aewtists want merch, I thought they just wanted to watch bangers.
The level of incompetence required to not have merch for either guy in your main event is staggering
>hey wrestling fans are known for buying shirts of their favorite wrestlers should we invest on a factory that makes shirts?
>no! Let’s spend 30000000 figures on okada osprey and mone
>you got it boss!
if it's forbidden door, wouldn't you want more njpw and stardom merch?
>implying Tony wants to help his partners make money
Silly anon, forbidden door is just real life scouting for the next toys Tony can take
I feel like I could do a better job than whichever DEI charity case is doing it now. yeah naito shirts is what everyone wants. why they didn't have 500 of the Bruv jerseys ready to go?
no. she was just retarded first. and whoever does it now is just as bad. CONTINUITY!
They need a real company running Aew Merch already
Tony is literally king retard in an asylum of retards.
>500 bruv Jersey's
They couldn't get them made quick enough since they weren't on dat grind bruv
all they need is a container and one guy who can manage their inventory and has access to their graphics, a schedule of their shows and a fuckin email account. It's not hard.
it's not fucking rocket science. making shirts is fucking easy thats why there's 100k companies that do it. Tony is a retard and has delegated to other retards. theres no quality control or oversight. everyone is Tonys friend because this little spoiled bitch boy is a money fountain for shitters and second rate professionals.
doesn't make money, doesn't want to make.money, cant make money and won't make money. even if he get 150 milly/year he is still in the red and there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.
Calm down Phil
Can’t find the lie.
Well, you aren't wrong, but it's still disheartening.
>how come some meth head with a shack on the Jersey shore can figure it out but Tony is too retarded to?
If Tony didn't have a rich dad, he'd be working for that meth head.
>doesn't want to make.money
This has been known for a long time and it's really all we need to know. There's no point for any other business discussion around AEW. This is Tony's hobby that his billionaire father has enabled. Whenever anyone questions Tony's weird booking or business decisions, all you have to do is remind them Tony doesn't want to make money.
Probably not. That guy is a god business man, and can spot similar.
He'd be that meth head
>Tony doesn't want to make money.
You're wrong. Tina absolutely wants to make money, thats why he talks about AEW being profitable one day and why he dreams of a huge rights increase that he's never getting. The problem is that he's got no fucking idea how to make money.
No, spending hundreds of thousands on a song and still fully paying your talent is better.
Imagine having the safety net that is shadid. I’m high key jealous.
No, actually that's retarded and why AEW can't make money. It's because Tina constantly overspends on frivolous things and frivolous people.
I am still not seeing how not paying your talent is a better option.
Paying top talent is smart. Overpaying for mid card acts and jobbers isn't.
Because most of the talent he pays are dimeless shitters who he shouldn't be paying. He needs to stop giving most of them a paycheck and send their asses packing.
>Just employ slave labor bro.
This board definitely needs flags.
Not paying your contracted talent is even more stupid and will probably cost even more money down the line.
>Not paying your contracted talent
Well for one anon if you agree to a contract you can't pay that is already bad business. For two my statement that overpaying is bad isn't like countered by what you just wrote. And three, there are no guaranteed contracts in AEW. None. Punk's situation proved that. Tony hasn't changed the WWE style of contracts that can be negated at any time, despite him chirping he was doing otherwise. Likewise the lawyers he has drawing these things up are from the NFL world where nothing beyond the signing bonus is usually guaranteed.
Wonder if the wrestlers ever get frustrated that they focus so much of their merchandising on the company itself and its events rather than the individual wrestlers. Why is Tony so selfish with the merchandising money?
>Well for one anon if you agree to a contract you can't pay that is already bad business.
Glad we can agree that trying to use ECW as an example of how to do things is stupid.
>Glad we can agree that trying to use ECW as an example of how to do things is stupid.
It's a strong statement to make, but ultimately it is true. It's true because what he wants conflicts heavily with making money. That's why he says he "books for the sickos". He's not aiming for mass appeal or even regular appeal. He's still booking for that small group of online fans that he fantasy booked for on message boards when he was a teenager. Tony isn't going to make concessions where he needs to if it means doing something he doesn't want to do.

It'd be silly to just say he's actively trying to not make money, but making money is dead last on his list of priorities.
It didn't take the WWF 5 years to figure out that selling merch relevant to the event draws dimes.
Was replying to >>15109144 initially.
Worked for Heyman and he's in the HoF now.
It only took them about 30.
>go to long island
>Mjf is from there
>realize everyone in Long Island does not like MJF
>Realize how mad it would look if the long island born jew cant sell out his merch in Long Island
>Decide against selling the shirt altogether
It's rightfully embarrassing. AEW doesn't even hand out programs talking about the card(s) they'll be taping. Even E might hand out a single page printout at a house show. Plus the mic under the ring is set laughably high, making the matches that much phonier.
Why should anyone go to a live AEW show? You have a better experience watching on TV and don't have to constantly look at the threadbare hardcam side while wrestlers show their backs to the paying audience.
One (1) facility could handle all of AEW’s merch manufacturing. No way Tony couldn’t afford to do it in house.
they need to cut ties with PW Tees for cutting into their profits or PW Tees needs to quit fucking around and step their game up
i don't know what the fuck compels them to keep working with a partner that is hindering them
Just order a shirt online if they don't have it at the merch stand. People complain too much these days.
Bro I got this shirt when I went to an aew show and order a shirt on my phone then waited 5 days.
Leaving Money on the table
Sorry I got distracted by something else and forgot to order a t shirt online
Guess that’s money that’s being spent elsewhere
what do people do with the shirts? i never see anybody wearing them in real life. do they only wear them to the shows or around the house?
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i bought a cm nobody shirt to cut up and use as my mufflers daddy
It doesn’t help AEW has some of the absolute worst merchandise of all time.
just minor league things
>Change The World
When will the marks understand the AEW mission statement?

Let me be the leftie here for you - because our shitty system is not built for that (generally), I'm not saying it can't be viable, but two lines are going in opposite directions in terms of cost and income. If you want to make money by paying lots of people a good amount of money, you need - to increase revenue (Raise ticket prices, sell more shit, etc., or lower costs.), but there is a limit to what people will buy/spend. This is why though it is often a stupid as fuck choice, or bad long term - companies love to slash wages/fire people. So, paying a lot of people as little as possible is good for that bottom line even if it's not good for - the workers or even perhaps long-term profitability. You see this in lots of industries - do you think Google wants to pay every fuckwit they hire 200k+? No. They will gouge that wage as hard as they can and will only pay it to those who they realistically cannot risk losing
This is what happens when an amateur with no experience tries to enter an industry in which he has no experience. The problem with Tony is he trying do everything on his own. Be honest lads, if you started a wrestling company tomorrow, do YOU know how your going handle your merch? Of course not, you'd get someone who knows how to handle that sorta thing. This is why he should let go of most aspects of running the company.
Maybe they sell the best? Do WWE logo shirts ever show up in their top ten?
>Maybe they sell the best?
What is going to sell if they don't sell anything else?
maybe tiny con should've invested in gayew merch production instead of flop forever
AEW isn't a business. It's a money laundering operation enabled by Pakistan's human trafficking revenues.

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