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You failed to go viral again. you had ALL weekend and did nothing of note. Sorry incels but posting thread on another board that gets 30 Sametagged comments and then deleted after 2 hours is not making waves. So if you think that works us you're sadly mistaken. All this is to us is MASSIVE cope.How many incels brains you have in that cord? best you can do is flood a dead wrestling board with ignored threads. Really? ok. Has zero effect.

If you want truth. We barely pay attention anymore. Life is too short. It was fun for a while ruining your life's work but now we ruined it... what else can we do? you're repetitive cope is BORING AF. you pretending reposted 100x threads is amazing is BORING AF. You thinking everyone who mocks you is 1 person who is worked by what you are doing is BORING AF.

I honestly just spend my time seeking out girls to fuck online now. And working out. And being strict on diet to maintain lean ripped physique. Believe it or not. Your meme is dead and not growing, not sure why you're obsessed with it, for so little return, but eventually it will hit home, might take years, so be it, doesn't effect us

You don't work us. We are just stubborn. Can't help but mock you. But it goes over your head you're so dumb! The onlt thing about you losers were are curious about is why you're so obsessed - never once got straight answer. It's mental illness at this point.

Anyways im just rambling. But i've go busy day ahead. Grooming. Working out. Then fucking.

All the threads we wanted murked... got murked. Now you just have cope falseflags threads like
>Nash coming to OVW
>nash is top 10 tough guy
>pw humour thread
all dimeless and ignored

KEK... yeah we are SEETHING about this.... not. LOL
>yeah we are SEETHING about this
Thank you for being honest
Bryan Danielson was indeed raped by a black man in 2010
based and true
bows down
Dropped the peru gimmick?
these threads are made by 92fags to justify 40+ threads about gay rape
>I'm definitely NOT seething or obsessed
>Here's my 54th novella proving how not seething and obsessed I am!
wolfie you need to find where hennymore lives and shoot kill him
His pic was posted here a few weeks ago. Well I don't know if it was really him but so it was claimed.
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Sorry my man, I'm a wrestling fan. I am incapable of reading all those words you wrote.
Unironically this
Get it a rest already man
you lost, wolfcoon
yes 14 to 21? no murks?
no lies detected
they're monitoring board like hawk
was sliding to get ride of joshi thread and they bumped 2 threads on page 10 that nobody cares about as they keep reposting them
Not reading any of that shit.
You're still a faggot, Lundy.
A faggot obsessed with a faggot.
As if you would know about any meme going viral in any way because you never leave this fucking so-called "dead" board and have to jerk off to dead babies and kiddy rape for 2 minutes followed by your usual 45 minutes of crying.
And to all you so called troons from Discord posting here or more likely are just just Lundy samefagging replying to his own stupid posts, grab the nearest sharp object in your immediate vicinity and slash your fucking throats open.

>have to jerk off to dead babies and kiddy rape for 2 minutes followed by your usual 45 minutes of crying
Bro, that a whole lot of detailed projection.
Actually, its just merely a daily occurence in that nonce's life. He's just here to brag about nothing and signal to everyone he's the winner....of absolutely nothing.
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