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Why is this being shown or even suggested on a TV PG kids show? What's Endeavor's problem?
just gonna get this off my chest.

ive been in that position. it was years ago, i was 19 and in college. was desperate to keep my girlfriend despite her clearly wanting to end things. broke down and told her id do anything and she talked about “sparking our romantic life again”. this started as femdom stuff, but quickly moved into her wanting to do butt stuff with me. i felt like i had to, and relented after a bit.

i still remember it all. she made me go on top like OP’s pic and made me self insert with a thin, black dildo (penis shaped). at first i felt nothing, just a little discomfort. but soon i relaxed and started working my way up and down it. she shifted herself a little and suddenly i felt insane pleasure, like anything id ever felt before. i lost control, started moaning loudly, and after barely a minute i started cumming while partially soft.

afterward, i went to clean myself up in her bathroom and saw myself in the mirror. ill never forget that image. the immense and immediate shame will never leave me. never debase yourself like this for someone. that image will never leave my mind, for the rest of my life.

WWE is really desperate to be edgy rn, reeks of late WCW
that's hot, have sex incel
You know a little bit of the shame Kev feels everyday, brother
They arent staying PG they are going to TV-14 when they go to NETFLIX, HHH has come out and said they no longer need to censor words so Id expect 5 "fucks" dropped a year
Hahahaha DO NOT go to /gif/ and watch hands free cumming videos (dont worry mods ill come back if you remove this post) You'll watch and remember how good it felt, and then you blow your load and then realize you just watched another guy cum from solo ass play.
gayest thing ive read on this board ever. no wonder wwe makes these storylines
Fuck off with this gay shit faggot
You too OP. You're a fucking homosexual for this. The image is supposed to evoke the image of penetration in the vagina. This is why Liv is reaching for Dom with her arms. Of course WWE can't just out them in the literal missionary position because it would be too obvious and therefore got censored, not to mention getting there from a supposed "mishap" would be too difficult and would end up looking too fake. This was the best next thing and they nailed it.

Anyone who reads gay shit here is a literal closeted homo and should kys
promo's good
This is literally just guy falls onto girl in precarious position that people bitch about in anime
ya gotta be pretty dam warped to look at this image and think of "pegging"
lol gross now you're gay faggot
this crappy storyline isnt lasting that long
dom looks like he's getting pegged
Brother you clearly enjoyed it
HHH is married to Steph. He's shoot likes this sissy shit and uses Dom as his self-insert.
kek at the post nut clarity. you also failed a female shit test.
promo's good
good promo here.
ya set the scene kid, not too shabby but it lost steam as it went on and the money shot - any kind of parting words that'll get the audience thinking - ya blew it - sit down with dusty for a couple weeks and have him show you how to wrap everything up when you're given a mic
Kids these days all lie about their age and tug at their under-developed genitals to hardcore porn.
might be the gayest post in /pw/ history
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erm i am NOT okay with this
It's a guy refusing the advances of a decent looking woman. The storyline makes no sense because no man would say no to free pussy.
Nah. In real life if you give in at the first offering, the woman will get bored right there and dump you. The more you make her chase you, the more she will want you. And a chad like Dom won't let her have her way. It's pretty realistic actually.
A bit esoteric, no?
no idea how guys enjoy that stuff.
>while partially soft

is that even possible?
This is true.
Kids now have an orb to the world in the plan of their hands and have seen porn as early as 5 or 6 now.
I only watch AEW, and the British commentator Nigel often makes lewd comments. During Forbidden Door, the women had a three-way kiss after their match, which seems to indicate the show is becoming more provocative.
The three-way kiss was between 3 consenting adults. What's happening on Raw is straight out sexual assault since Dom has clearly stated that he wants nothing to do with Liv.
They're ramping up the edginess of the content in preparation for next year's move to Netflix. They'll be unrated on Netflix and it should help spur on a new Attitude Era. Why do think they've started using blood again, albeit in small amounts.

Go Kill yourself faggot.
I know I did when I was a kid. I remember a lot of quickly pulling up minimized Minecraft when my mom walked into the room.
Some men don't want to cheat on their partners. Some men also know not to stick your dick in crazy like Liv.
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I wanna call you a pussy, but it sounds like you learned your lesson, in terms of what you'll tolerate in a relationship.
I'll say, one of my ex's and I would go 50/50 in all our programs.
>I rape-a you
>You rape-a me
And she'd really lose it and violate me some nights. But that was fun. The one thing I never could do though: she put makeup on me a couple of times, and I outright refused to look at myself in the mirror, similarly to you.. It was fun when she put it on, seeing how into it she was. Her authenticity when telling me I looked beautiful, but I'm a big dude, 6'1", beard, broad shoulders. I'd make an unfortunate looking sissy in my estimation.
I hope your relationships since have been healthier, anon.
god i wish that were me.
why are zoomers like this? is it the onions consumption
The Dynamite Gamthread isn’t until tomorrow, Elitegod
liv doesn't have a vagina
Straightest pdub anon
I actually do hate this unironically. WWE is for kids, parents and people who don't need constant titillation from random media. Get this trash out. Go watch Paige and the scissor gang in AEW if you like this in your wrestling. They have lots of blood and flips and cussing too which is also great if you're mentally 13
they advertise alcohol on the show
I've never cum from having something up my ass, but plenty of flaccid orgasm on meth
>Go watch AEW
Fuck you Tony. I won't watch your trash
You’re a huge wwe fan aren’t you?
No I watch gAyEW, I'm trans now btw
they're jewish democrats
Nice false flag, E-Fag. Go shove the dildo you named Roman up ya butt like Vince did kek
Lmao AEWtists are so gay
cause they’re an evil company then now forever. and extra evil now that they’re jewish

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