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File: GRePYqyasAAG9Yz.jpg (205 KB, 1024x924)
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lady tradwife
>Tell me you've never dated a Japanese woman without telling me
The post
shut the fuck up incel
face looks like ai slop
Why don't you make me, sex-haver?
You would think AI would be good at Asian faces considering that they arr rook same.
Racism outside of /b/.
Who's the player? Genuinely cannot tell with that filter
lady c
>has dated and fucked several Japanese women
>gets called an incel by a JAV obsessed virgin
You don't know this because you've never even kissed a girl, but women are women.
You have fallen for an incel meme
It isn't racist to point out that AI isn't very good.
this is what you look like
That dude has definitely scored tons of pussy.
Maybe not with consent, but he's gotten it.
Anime girl pillows you've dry humped don't count, incel.
File: Poi.jpg (425 KB, 1080x1080)
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Love Kimono Players.
marry me
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poi is so cute
more like traditional transwife yikes
heard rumors from onlookers that poi has a cute behind

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