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once again, I am demanding proof of life
MCMG vs Bucks at Wembley
MCMG would've been good in the early AEW days, before the trios killed the whole division.
They’re the bucks if they were good
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they signed months ago, just waiting on creative like many others.
t. someone in the know.
sorry kid we gotta squeeze in a learning tree segment and a daniel garcia squash match
those were my niggas growing up

funny enough some if their best work were with the bucks. but since this is gayew, they'll fumble this
maybe on planet retard
based TNA fired them so they're now wrestling for hotdogs in high school gyms
They've been toyboxed by Tina Khan
the AEW tag division is recovering in terms of depth, the Young Cucks are just holding up the fucking tag belts worse than Roman Reigns. 0 defenses
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I heard the people of Michgan are shoot retarded and this is how you tell someone which part of the state you're from. How do people in Florida tell you?
I've always hated these two assholes.
Their matches on TNA:
>run around the ring with blank facial expressions doing a tag team move that usually takes up to 10-20 seconds
>pop up and face the camera with the same blank expression
>Do their shitty handgesture

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