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Meltzer said there should be a separate category for best match of year one specifically for best Will Ospreay match of the year and honestly, I agree with him.

Will has like the top 5 matches of the year right now. You have to make a new category.
19-48, 51 points, 1 assist, 3 rebounds, 7 TOs
team loses 120-80

dae Player of the Game?
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Ospreay's garbage and his matches are a horrible reduction of pro wrestling into it's barest, most simplistic form of low-level gymnastics.
If you don't understand this, your opinion isn't valuable. Meltzer's opinion isn't valuable.
Nah, if someone is the best, they’re just the best. Shouldn’t make an Ospreay match of the year because he delivers, just have the era of Ospreay in your notes
Just say it's 2deep4u, it's ok.
I don't watch Meltzer Slop so I don't care
He didn't say that.
his matches are cringe
he's pointing at a darkling baby boy
if you like ospreay matches you are a retard with low tastes
Now that he’s in aew and doesn’t have Japanese talent to carry him Dave wants to give him his own category?
but enough about your mom's pussy
On the one hand that would be great because Ospreay sucks, on the other hand, who the fuck cares about Meltzer's taste at this point? Or is it for the one tue subscribers vote on?
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deeper than a pussy that's about six feet.
six dicks feel sweet in her little petite!
> Meltzer says
> he’s obsessed with will to an unhealthy degree
> his own moty category
Dave is making will uncool
Will is making Will uncool by being a flippy dork and a stepfather
Will will always be labeled as “uncool” until he wrestlers under a WWE logo.
Nothing is wrong with him but console wars mean he’s AKTUALLY the worst wrestler to ever exist in history.
I think it's time Dave admits that he's bisexual and in love with Will Ospreay
>first mention of WWE in the thread is used in a cult-like manner to defend a massive shitter
Just say you're a tastelet lil bro. EDrones call Ricochet fucking garbage all the time so what you're saying doesn't even make sense.
I didn't particularly like any of his matches, but they were athletic sure. Is that what matters now?
LMAO. Leagues below Ospreay's level of promo and skill.
Dave's thing is that he likes matches that are basically fast paced spotfests. If you look at nearly everything he's ever praised, match or wrestler, it almost all falls into that category. Ospreay is pretty much everything Meltzer liks in wrestling distilled into its purest form: no psychology, no real pacing, just doing big moves and fancy spots and sequences at 100 mph from bell to bell. Don't think, just watch the guys flip and counter flip and the clap. Misawa was great but, you know, his matches had all those boring parts where they built up to the big stuff or slowed things down. Will, though, just flips and flips and flips some more and gives Meltzer everything he wants without the "boring" stuff getting in the way.
Not the point, and I don't care to dispute it, because they're both fucking garbage and if you rate either you're a sub-sentient pigman.
The point was that WWE fans happily call their own wrestlers uncool all the time so your claims were retarded to begin with.
>Not the point
Yeah, it is. That's like WWF fans in the 90s shitting on WCW Bret, getting called biased, then saying "no, we're not haters, we hate Savio Vega!"
He should win athlete of the year not wrestler of the year. He has no idea how to put together a compelling match.
Nathan Frazer is probably the closest thing to Ospreay in WWE and for every post praising him you get twenty more shitting on him.
Some people just don't like fast tempo spotfests as much as meltzer and his drones, they watch wrestling for characters and to see what happens when those characters clash with each other.
Kek imagine if they dont create the category and all of the match of the year contenders involve Ospreay
No, it's not, as your initial statement was simply that, upon wrestling under the WWE logo, WWE fans would then call him cool, which is provably untrue as WWE fans shit on plenty of guys.
Again, don't care about your goalpost-shifting to ackshually it's about talent. Also Savio Vega mogs Ospreay lol.

Will hasn't been able to have properly fast tempo spotfests since he was a Jr.
What can Asspray do in terms of in-ring performance that cannot be replicated by Rick O' Shea?
They don't have an Ospreay. That's why they wanted him, but he was too scared of the groind.
Could ricochet wait half a second and flip awkwardly and slowly after the momentum has halted? Didn't think so droney.
All he does is a basic gymnist front flip, whatever Bryan is doing has no impact.
That's an insult to gymnasts, gymnasts are way, way cleaner in their movements and execution of shit than Ospreay. They weigh 50lbs less and move twice as fast.
You could take a gymnast, teach him Ospreay's general moveset and he could give you a better Ospreay match than Ospreay ever could just by virtue of doing his stuff faster. That's the ultimate problem with Will's style, it's shallow, soulless, dull, and easily replicable given the base level of athleticism, which in the gymnastics world is not high.
I always hate calling it ballet because ballet is very tightly worked and precise and if you tried to do a lot of pointless "cool shit" to get yourself over you'd be generally scoffed at. There's a European company that comes through my city at the end of the year to do some big classical production like Swan Lake or whatever. But last year they did Snow White which isn't a classical ballet and was their own choreography and production. Barebones plot, lots of high spots made to pop a crowd but ultimately really shallow and boring.

If AEW is ballet it's very bad ballet.

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