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Post a more soulful team in wrestling.

(tip: You can't)
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Get that gay shit out of here
This gives me "dads watching their sons match" vibes. All different walks of life united by the thought that the ref has it out for their kid.
Except the guy o the left, he looks like he just wants to check out little boys in shorts.
Lmao dimeless ass vanilla gorillas
Codester>Jey>Sami>>>>>Elton Joker
Everytime I see this image I’m constantly reminded show this board told me this year would be the most stacked rumble ever and the reality was that non one knew who anyone was other than Cody.
*constantly reminded how
Triple H has never booked a good rumble.
I really want Team Paul Heyman guy vs Solo's Crudline at SS instead of a bloodline civil war.
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is this the village people? who is the fucking ginger lol
Anyone have the RAW one that's got Riddle, Orton, and Zeke (among others)?
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