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File: COLLISION.png (686 KB, 2176x1224)
686 KB
686 KB PNG
>LAST WEEK: 429,000 (0.14)
>THIS WEEK: 422,000 (0.12)
Fatso (Rovert) really trying to slide this, thankfully his dad is about the rape his asshole so this thread should stay up.
Post quarters
Not bad for a taped show
What's a collision?
File: 1698847863986903.png (113 KB, 457x503)
113 KB
113 KB PNG
>Not bad for a taped show
File: download (7).jpg (8 KB, 311x162)
8 KB
Still not watching the fed
Literally still great for the night.
Samefagging cope. GRIM
Don't worry xisters everyone will come running back next week when we go to head to head with mitb and put on a better show with no stupid stories to get in the way of having bangers
This makes Dynamite seem really bad. Imagine if Rampage beats it one time kek.
the 'cord working extra hard to slide this
What went wrong?
Tony can't book one show, let alone 4.
Porkvert trying to slide this

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