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Unironically why do they not hang out? Theyve been in the same company for over 4 years. They are Japanese.They have the same senpai. What gives?
They've both slept with Kenny.
This isn't WWE. Not all non-white people of the same race have to form factions together and be best friends anon
Cause Kenny dumped Shida for Riho. Why would Shida want to be around her.
newfag. they're love rivals
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>But WWE!!!
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Kenny dumped Shida to fuck Riho, and yes, very groomed
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Also Shida wrote a song about it
Nearly all WWE factions are multi ethnic, even the Latino World Order currently contains an Asian member
kek this is even worse because they just threw him in because he looks latino
>Not booking an edge/lita/matt style angle with them and Kenny
Tsk tsk
Racist thread. People who rook same aren’t all friends
I can make her happy.
What a disgusting groomer Kennetty is, no wonder he makes up fake allegations about other people, he's trying to hide his sins
Thought I'd try getting down on your level and speak a language you'd understand
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except they were friends
Until Kenny had an affair with a girl he's trained since 9
Yeah, until they weren’t! Please understand
where was she?
getting even fatter at catering holy christ what an enormous fucking whale she should join stardom now they're all fat too
>even the Latino World Order currently contains an Asian member
He's Filipino, he's an honorary ese due to Spanish colonization
JKunny Groomega is one of those types who points fingers to distract from himself.
Women all secretly hate each other. These 2 just ended up fighting over Kenny. Riwho won

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