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What is your favorite Tony R. Khan moment?
My favorite part is that someone (probably him) edited his wikipedia page to take out the Rafiq, despite it being his shoot name. Like he was that embarrassed that his shoot name is Tony R. Khan
Definitely Brawl Out.
He really just sat there for 20 minutes and took all that shit from a guy you booked to win your world title. I can’t imagine a single promoter not A) cutting the interview and/or B) Terminating Punk directly after.
Yet Tony failed to do either.
The Learning Dong

At one of his little meme press conferences after he fired CM Punk someone asked him if there was a no compete that would stop him from appearing in WWE and he got an "OH SHIT' look on his face
Blud named like the ass monkey from timon and pumba KWARB (Kek What A Rafiq Bitch)
Inoki cursed that paki motherfucker after that night
Having Christian and everyone defend him.
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There's too many really. Some more forgotten Tiny L's such as pic related, Regal carnying him to go back to WWE, Ariel dunking on him.
Inoki was proud of this moment
Bump to trigger the woodditard discord
Disagree. I think Punk was only saying out loud, what he and Tony talked about in private.
I don’t think so.
Tony wouldn’t have looked so dumbfounded, shocked, and betrayed. It was an actual Pipebomb. Tony just didn’t know how to handle it.
Punk was vindicated and did nothing wrong looking back at his rant two years later
There were various points during Punk's tirade where Tony had to stop himself from nodding in agreement.
Is Tony obsessed with Inoki because Tony is a mark for Japanese wrestling or is it also because Tony wants to be seen as an eccentric businessman like Inoki was? Will Tony also attempt to break into politics, like Inoki?
His upcoming suicide when GAYEW gets cancelled
You put over your world title and win after a world title win. There couldn’t have been a worse time or place. There isn’t a single promoter who wouldn’t have fired Punk after something like that. Fuck the brawl.
this moment here
its pinpointed as the exact moment aew got cursed
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my favorite's already been posted but this one always pops me too
This is actually pretty harmless.
Inoki was actually a successful promoter and people liked him though
It’s definitely the former.
That said, I don’t mind a yearly reminder to the west that Inoki existed.
Sometimes I add it back in but it never stays. Guaranteed he watches his own wiki page
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Being awkward in the moment is kind of forgivable but then he also does shit like this
dude is just on a different planet to the rest of us
You posted it.
A close second might be him fearing for his life. Without him saying that the day after Punk left, which he sold as him firing Punk but it didn't happen that way, without that the broadcasting of the Wembley footage wouldn't be so fucking pathetic.
A real promoter would've fired the Elite the second friction developed between them and Punk. When dimeless shitters antagonize your top star you're supposed to get rid of the dimeless shitters. But Tina hails from planet retard so he got rid of his top star and kept the shitters. Now AEW is eating a shit sandwich.
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>Bring Inoki's entire family all the way to the US just to act like an absolute sperg in front of them
Was that a part of his plan?
What's funny is that Inoki was a Communist politician (He's larping but all politicians do that.) who was much physically larger than his political rivals. He also had entourages of naked girls while he was a politician, bought islands from Fidel Castro & used his political pull to pull some strings in Best Korea. He's basically what Vince Mcmahon would've been had he ever been a politician. Just replace the commie with Maga politics & North Korea with Russia. Tony Khan really should try to enter politics as a progressive. He'd be just as much of a joke as the other Millennial politicians like AOC or Lauren Boebert but he at least has daddies money to prop him up instead of stupid simps. Although he has simps too.
Tony is shoot likable
love this fucking dork
'fraid not
At the very least when Jobber Boy Jack Perry wanted to go into business for himself and shoot on some pointless BS and potentially fuck up my biggest show ever. You have to fire him right there. How dare you? I'm not paying you to try to ruin my shit for personal reasons.
Nah he proved how much of a wimp he was with the all in footage and his little noodle arm reaching over the monitors instead of stepping in to break up the fight
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always and forever
tony is being blackmailed by the young bucks
>A real promoter would've fired the Elite the second friction developed between them and Punk
I'm glad we didn't get the demented fucking timeline where the Elite reunite with Cody in WWE. Because even the biggest shitters in WWE are automatically considered good now due to the positive public perception of the company, we'd have to hear about how AEW "fumbled" Hangma'am, and Jack Perry's retard ass would be teaming up with Lexis King in NXT. All the Elite trannies would flock to WWE instead of Punk normies. We genuinely got the best outcome for wrestling
>Just replace the commie with Maga politics

I don't think Vince gave a shit about MAGA beyond having a president in his HOF is good for business, that was Linda
WWE didn't want the Young Bucks. That's why The Elite pretended we all go or we all stay and we decided to stay. In reality only Hangman and Omega had offers and the Buckaroos would've been left behind and embarrassed.
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>Send Tina into a meltdown on xitter
By a ai image no less.
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When he went schizo about the "E-bots"

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