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>contract signing segment doesn't end in a fight
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>heel wins clean
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>ref never gets distracted by the outside guy
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>heel gets fired for getting caught on tape assaulting the opponent with a conceiled weapon
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>AEW gets a milly
>lights out match and they wrestle in the dark
>babyface cheats to beat the heel
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>wrestler gets arrested angle and spends ten years in prison for battery
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>The contract signing segment was for a ski lodge timeshare
it's been done
>wrestler ignores rival's theme and titantron video playing and proceeds to beat current opponent
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>contract signing is 3 and a half hours long, contenders speak through lawyers
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>Flair actually hits the double axe handle
>hell in a cell is a 10 second squash match
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>Heel grabs a table
>Face puts it back under ring
>Heel takes it out again to a monster pop
They legit did something like this on a Raw once. It was a dark match to train a new crew on assembling the HIAC. I can't remember who was in it but 90% sure it was John Cena. John throws guy out of the ring, heel hits John off all 4 sides of the cage and rolls him back in to the ring, John hits AA and wins. It was like 3 minutes at most and then the ring crew started to take it apart.

I think it was 2009? There's footage online
Yeah they did this a few times. There was another multi man half assed squash after a Raw in 2011 for the same reason - training a crew.

this would generate so much heat its unreal
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>referee watches the replay of the heel cheating and reverses the decision
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>GM fires the face for assaulting security
>Revealed that one of the security guards suffered a life changing brain injury in the assault and will never live a normal life again
>Security guard has to breathe through a tube for the rest of his life and no longer has the ability to speak
>Security guard's family sues face
>Face loses and has to pay millions to the security guard and his family
>Face leaves the courtroom and his shot by the mafia to send a message to the roster to never do this shit again
>Face's widow moves on with her life and meets a man in a small town
>They have a daughter together
>Years later he falls into debt and traffics the daughter and wife to Vince McMahon
>heel farts so loudly not only is he DQed but Samantha Irvin has a seizure and the referee calls the UN
>Alives himself instead
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>no dq match has a clean fight

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