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Kek what a giving player
Did he adopt Swerve?
Absolutely based, Will is a huge asset to AEW
Paul fumbling him will go down as his biggest mistake among many
Just wanted to make sure there is a strong role model for his wife's son
This company is so fucking gay lmao
MJF not listening
Sure, Will Ospreay hasn't increased the ratings, ticket sales, or anything for the company, but he sure is an asset because uhhh
Retarded. Nobody in that company has any business sense. God could come down and decide to job to swerve and the dude would still be a midcarder
/thread KWAB
So that's why Swerve had a shoot tear on his cheek.
>I took this fight to intentionally lose to you
What in the actual fuck is the point of caring about anything? I hate modern wrestling so much.
Problem is, they listen to the internet waaay too much about the wrong shit. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE DANIEL CAWCIA, TONY.
Ospreay seems extremely sensitive to the shit he reads online. He was talking about ratings shit not too long ago and obviously the Triple H situation. I feel like that trait will hurt him in the long run
its not real
yes please break more behind the scenes stories about AEW
break the 4th wall for me
im gonna
im gonnaaaaa
>Let's hug and kiss and be faggots and remind the fans that this is fake shit and we're all good friends

This is why no one watches this tranny company anymore
all this confirms is that he was a placeholder
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Absolutely pathetic. No drive of his own, just wanting to solidify his friend as a world champion in a failing attempt because all metrics of interest are down with him on top, but that doesn't matter because AEW isn't about a compelling product, it's about friends masturbating each other's egos.
Him leaving NJPW and choosing AEW instead of WWE was a godsend. This guy's a total fucking faggot.
>I took this fight to intentionally lose to you
That's all wrestling. Difference is that these nu faggots can't keep their fucking mouths shut. Even if this story is fake, nu wrestlers have done shit like this before.
All Friends Wrestling
Drew did this for Priest at CatC but you don't see dirtsheets making a big deal about that.
>wrestling is fake and I’m going to expose the business even more
Thanks Will very cool
>i could have won but chose not to haha. say you're welcome nigger
Huh, no he didn't, that may have been the idea behind the booking, but "Drew" didn't do it. Drew just had a match that furthered his Punk story and lost in a far more protected fashion
Yeah, but they pretended to hate each other in public because it sold tickets and no one got their feelings hurt. This all worked fine until Bret and Shawn worked themselves into a shoot. In reality two dimeless shitters who never a nickel created the biggest angle of all-time The Montreal Screwjob, which neither of them had the ability to capitalize on.
fucking mark
>expose the business
Nothing AEW does exposes the business, because nobody's watching. HHH going public calling WWE a movie, though, was even worse.
Literally everything about AEW is winking at the camera and telling you it’s fake and we’re all just playing pretend
This is not compelling TV
>I should job to you to show that I'm not the world champion, you are, and I'm not going to take the belt from you
>you should all be happy to lose to him because our boss gave him a prop, ignore all the business data available and the empty arenas, he is our champion, praise the dear leader and his decisions
Modern wrestlers are bootlicking faggots.
Unironically fucking based.
He understands that you don't make stars by only giving them the least they need. AEW needs new big names and Swerve is on his way but he doesnt become one by beating Will Hobbs, Big Bill, Ethan Page, Brody King and then losing the title.
It also helps Ospreay in the long run
Swerve is never going to become a big name because he's a midcarder for life lmao
He did what Cena should have done against Nexus
Yeah because Will Ospreay is on the level of star power as Cena KEK
Swerve broke the edrone kek
He got buck broken and fired like a bitch kek
He's a bigger wrestling star globally than Cena ever will be. Cena is just an rntertainer who plays pretend Wrestling. Will actually wrestles on a top level unlike most who have ever done it. By every metric Will is a bigger star than Cena in the Wrestling landscape
Okay Dave, how's the divorce going by the way?
Dude, they use Cena and Roman in random advertisements in India. I lived in Japan for two years, no one outside of wrestling fans would know who Will Osprey is.
>i only lost because I felt bad for swerve being not over
what kind if faggot retard says the quiet part loud like this? what the fuck id be hot. he just buried him even further!!
I wish I would have saved that image of Swerve breaking Hangman with the nogs and Piccolo laughing
I don't see anything wrong with leaking this stuff, it even works in kayfabe:
>Will wanted to eliminate the talking point of Swerve being a placeholder for him until All In by taking his title
You don't become a name by beating no-names.
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That's why this company is in the goddamn shape it's in because of bullshit like this.
Being publicly magnanimous about putting him over being a choice like this makes swerve look like a bigger geek than if you beat him
As if Mr. 502k views was in place to put anyone over lmao
Yeah this is basically tacitly admitting he knows Swerve's not viewed by the fanbase as a legitimate champion. Saying shit like this is cloying and basically begging people to view him with legitimacy
>see i lost to him he's a real champion now
Sorry this dweeby ass nigcel isn't gonna be an authentic champion until he can put more than 3k in a 15k arena for weekly TV.
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>bruv, I know there isn't any heat between me and Swerve, but just book the match so I can put him over clean
And TK actually booked it. No wonder this company is ice cold.
>oi bruv, didja evah seen rocky 3?
Why did Will leak this to SRS?
He can do a job without bitching about it, very uncommon in AEW.
sounds like something im never going to watch
Live like a cuck, lose like a cuck.
Nobody does charity anonymously. Like when Liv posted how much she donated to Black Lives Matter.
It's a good move at times, but a bad move to go telling everyone about it.
But we the fans want the best wrestler in the world to be champion and not some DEI crackhead porch monkey.
This, just because you wrestle good doesn't make you a main eventer.
AEW fans are incredibly fickle
Not even 6 months ago you people were saying Swerve was the hottest act in the industry
Bruv's got shoot autism, it's in his natire.
Those were the e-drones who came over when Tony signed all the NXT shitters and Punk. Anyone who has actually seen NJPW would want Billy to be champ.
>Anyone who has actually seen NJPW would want Billy to be champ.
I've seen NJPW and I want him nowhere but back there so they can re-teach him how to fucking wrestle.
He went from pulling blood out of a stone (getting a fantastic match out of Shota Umino) to some of the worst, most contrived wrestling I've seen out of him. A total, instant regression to his RevPro days.
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>does his job and puts Swerve over, without tears, and moves on
Swerve is unironically and uniliterally lmao Midcard champion
Don’t pretend AEW fans watch njpw
There are plenty of examples proving they don’t
He gave Swerve a go at his wife so he can have more little brown darlings to take care off
Wrestlers do this literally all the time, I don't know why we're supposed to pat Ospreay on the back for this.
it's a planted story anon because the only people aew knows how to appeal to are the fat smark virgins who would give a fuck about something like this
The BBC never loses
Willy should consider definitive retirement
Even tho willy & the mighty BBC AEW world champ's form sum tag team and conquer the tag team titles
The issue is wrestlers giving interviews talking about this for brownie points. Hell, you have cody talking about the people that want him to go heel in interviews. Haitch and Tony need to put a lid on this

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