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Even legends refuse to accept Cody
Damian Priest feels more like a world champ than Cody, and both are midcarders.
Why is it a pic of JR when Dutch said it.
Asking the real questions
I like Cody but he feels like a directionless placeholder while there are we want roman chants every week for bloodline segments
>Dutch Mantell
>Picture of JR
Roman lost, Ranjeet
No shit. That's how fotc works. Same shit with tanahashi or cena
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It took Roman 2 years before people started giving a shit about his bloodline stuff thanks to Sami.
Roman has taught everyone that WWE can put whatever shit on your plate and you will happily eat it. Over time you will call it the greatest thing you ever ate.

Fans have lost all their power.
Dutch Mantel? wtf I thought he was raped lol
the ‘cord should hire me as their graphic designer to make their shitposting more believable give me a job for the love of god please
Why do you keep posting this like sami isn't a midcarder
Roman did a really good job as tribal chief. My official pro wrestler rankings are as follows
1: Roman Reigns
2: Cody Rhodes
3: The Rock
4: Randy Orton
5: Drew
6: Gunther
7: Logan Paul
8: Sami Zayn
9: Rhea Ripley
10: Kevin Owens
11: Bron Breakker
12: Iyo Sky
13: R-Truth
14: Dom
15: Solo
16: Yeetman
17: Uncle Howdy
18: Braun
19: Tony D'Angelo
20: Roxanne Perez
It's so funny how Roman went to work part-time and suddenly everyone started loving him and treating him like the GOAT and biggest legend ever
I'm so glad Cody won and is making Indians kill themselves daily
Literally the exact same thing happened with John Cena just as Roman's singles push was beginning
Sami is a proven kingmaker like Foley.
Unfortunately he is in an era where no one can ever be bigger than the company.
I only started watching wrestling again in 2023 after hearing about Cody winning the rumble so this post just comes off as seething tranny nonsense to me.
Sami is cringe and his bloodline shit was bad comedy you'd have to be subhuman to find funny.
The current bloodline stuff is better than the usos arguing over the ginger muslim being their friend or not while roman has twenty matches in a row with a short fat geek like kevin owens.
Why is it always them? I like Roman too, but holy shit.
shut the fuck up newfag
Cena went through an entire lobotomy in the middle of his run and split his fanbase between people who enjoyed him as a rapper and children who liked a bright colorful manchild Superman.
Roman probably hasn't wrestled 20 times in the entirety of the bloodline saga
This shit mind-broke them. They're calling Cody fans pajeets and larping as "the council" or whatever the fuck on discord, spamming every thread about him with bizarre copypasta.
The problem is that Cody is still just waiting around for Roman adjacent shit. We all know his big feud is with the Rock and that'll likely involve Roman in some way. So everything that Cody's doing right now just feels like filler.
>I only started watching wrestling again after the peak of the bloodline angle was already finished.
You have no opinion here.
Yeah bro it's totally the indians and not the same trannies who have been seething about cody ever since he left AEW
His feud with Randy couldn't come any sooner.
Who the fuck is Dutch Mantell?
You are extremely shortsighted and should never be near a booker position if you don't understand the context of the audience.
This faggot is barely bigger than the fucking ropes, let alone the company
AEW trannies have a lot more to worry about than the guy they rejected over 2 years ago.
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Yeah, hopefully it delivers some good stuff.
Roman didn't even click as that guy until late 2022. The fickle fans will turn on Cody like they turn on everyone because they want the shiny new thing. Roman had and still has the benefit of part timing so can avoid over exposure.
>Who the fuck is Dutch Mantell
Remember Zeb Colter? Jack Swagger's manager during his All American American gimmick.
Fucking bullshit
You're all a bunch of fucking fags who sound like you got into wrestling in the past decade like a bunch of retards... Roman was chosen as the guy over a decade ago when Roman was regularly coming out to the biggest reactions whether that was boos or cheers.. meanwhile all the precious indie fags that smarks supposedly wanted over him were coming out to zero reaction whatsoever...smarks love rewriting history
Go read my post.
When they renamed the FU the Attitude Adjustment, that's the day WWE as a wrestling company died and became the ambling soulless husk it is now. That was the final stake through its heart that truly killed it.
>Fans have lost all their power.
LOL. This motherfucker pays $15 a month for a wrestling opinion.
I prefer Roman's look as world champion and see Cody as a midcarder. That's all there is to it
Unironically he should've put someone else as well as Cody over on the way out, Cody beating him just for Roman to fuck off seems like a fluke, if he took a loss to Seff or Priest or even Solo it'd bring Roman more in line with the rest of the roster
It’s true.
No one throws popcorn at their displeasure anymore. The person who threw a chicken at Cody is a goddamn hero.
You won’t riot if you get a win you don’t want. No one does anything anymore.
Fans are pacified like never before and companies now know they can give you shit with little repercussion. Promoters no longer fear you and stopped fearing it’s fans sometime in the mid 00s.
The blood line was big from the very beginning. The first wrestlemania match with edge and Bryan was fantastic. Then came the early jey vs roman feud which was a huge success. Things started to drag a little bit as he ran out of opponents which led for a resurgence of energy when centering the story with Sami. It didn't start with Sami. He did provide a really strong jolt.
The pajeetslop AI pumping out the hourly wrestling clickbait malfunctioned

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