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Kek gotta love RJ
AEW tattoo bros, how will we ever recover?
A tattoo artist wanted to get paid, that's called heckin' synergy, bros.
He's low key dissing MJF
lol fuckin love RJ
Way to literally bury your fan. Dude is going to anhero
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She was probably another chud that based RJ had to filter out.
gonna need to see a full body shot of this bitch before I judge her
looks like shes an autistic brown skin
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not bad
Whoa, trannies passing these days
Bitch has feminist face.
I'd talk wrasslin with her
she must have missed the fact that RJ is flamboyantly gay. unlucky
>Kek gotta love RJ
>she was all for it
no fuck that. if you have a parasocial relationship with a goof YouTube show to the point that you attention seek like this then you should get what's coming.
Kek at the nose cope glasses. Big ass glasses that push your nose in to make it look smaller
genuinely rj should be grateful he has any fans.
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i can fix her
Obviously a man.
Xhe was the first one. How many tattoo Bros are there now?

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