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Gorilla handjobs
I want a white girlfriend so bad brehs
You should show them your alpacas. Bitches live alpacas
>that smile
wtf, i love women now!?
They're not great, trust me.
Dom's finished.
Lucky Buddy.
what does a woman’s hand feel like bros
Hurts when they have sharp nails, they can claw the crap out of you(I am a rapist).
Depends on the woman.
t. Go to get happy endings twice a month.
Knock em out first bruh. Makes getting them to your compound easier. Plus, they wake up, what the fuck they gonna do? They don't know where they're at, lol. Run bitch, make it past the dogs and we'll call it even, lol.
Bruh. Yeah bruh.
Yes, my troon friend, you may be right. That reminds me, last night the boys and I were feasting on some guinea pigs when we remembered that 2m+ tall wrestler that got raped by a pack of niggers and all had a good laugh. What was his name, Kevin Nash?
Nah that was me.
Si. Nash fue violada.
Is this true???
>'d 'o.
I wish I knew
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>she squeezes your dick so hard you shit your guts out and a tiny dribble of jizz leaks out


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