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File: racism.png (69 KB, 465x621)
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Why is racism so normalized in the IWC?
blame the UK
Why are E Wipes like this? Is it because AEW lasted longer than Trump's presidency?
Could be Canadian
>am I getting criticized?
>quick make a fake DM with waaaacism
don't remind me
Must be trevor, he gets weird like that
That is obviously a False Flag racist message that the African sent to himself.
MAGIC NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like how he didn't deny any of it.
if niggers weren't so fragile all the fucking time then trolls wouldn't focus on that knowing they can get a guaranteed reaction
>limousine riding, jet flying
>trail blazing, eyebrow raising
>cotton picking, watermelon eating
a bit Rushmorean, no?
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>joined january 2020
Dude's probably been sitting on this for four years in case he needed it. lmao
I sent that to him.
Promos good
huge pop!
So a Pajeet, got it.
Ibou vs Alfred as the best company nigger would be a certified 2.5*
Because WWE is the top dog in wrestling and WWE is racist as hell. So fans assume it's okay to follow
Guarantee he sent this to himself. Nice touch with the bong spelling.
because wrestling is based
>what is a burner account
We are progressive here. Hell we even have a general full of South Americans and North Africans on page 1

black folk send themselves this shit to put over their dedication to not letting it bother them.

it's why they're called 'brownie points.'

they think their 'bravery' in the face of adversity impresses whitefolk, which is basically what their retarded culture is built around.
A message like that pre Oct 7 would be vile, but a message like that post Oct 7 is a storm in a tea cup
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much like being a tranny, being a racist and a wrestling fan is something autists are very keen on
So he created a burner and sat on it for 4 years for this moment?
Because black people signal boost a handful of chuds
Yeah WWE is racist, they hate anyone who isn’t a coconut nigger.
Kek based

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