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What’s the last piece of wrestling merch you have bought?
Izzys ring worn gear.
How much did you pay
450 bucks plus 35 shipping.
one of shotzi’s logs
Smackdown VS Raw 2008 if games count.
I don't buy wrestling merch.
Damn what a bargain
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Gunther action figure
A Fiend shirt. Then I got bed bugs out of nowhere. And had to throw almost all my clothes away.
Kind of. Have to be BFF (high tier pateron sub) to have access to the auction
Based FigGOD
some Valentina feroz merch
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I warned you guys that she washed her ring gear. Not everytime, but look at her OG gear, faded and smells like detergent. No spanks!
Very disappointed
I have this old Kawada figure I bought when visiting Japan years and years ago. What a pleasant time.
Yep. Bought her boots. Didn't smell like anything. I don't mind supporting her. But that's a big letdown.
Fortunately, there's Izzybros more psychotic than us and they "warned" Izzy to never was her gear again lol
I got her under armor spanx. So disappointed. No discharge stains, no smell, no pubes.
I wonder if Allie kat washed hers
It was a rookie mistake and trust me she heard all about it. I have my eyes on her "Day of The Dead" gear mainly because I KNOW she has those sealed unwashed already.
link to pateron?
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Now those definitely have discharge stains. Need to buy them!
Pink eye delicious
A couple Zack Ryder t-shirts.
do you virgin incels realize that most women’s underwear simply doesn’t contain “discharge stains”
>virgin incels
naw that's u
Let's be real, it's entirely dependent on what part of the ovulation cycle the girl is in.
Some girls get real leaky when their body is in that extra-horny phase when they're about to lose another egg
What the actual fuck is this thread

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