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Reminder that Tina conducted an interview from a /pw/ poster's house.
/pw/ chads canonically raped Tony
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>it's real
i'm 80-90% certain that tony posts here and it wouldn't surprise me if he was one of the more famous shitposters on this board.
>and Tony was with him
lmao this nigga really does think his toys are his friends
Tony is the "slopdown is canceled " guy
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yo if that anon is here lemme get Jack's @ I wanna holler
I'd pay to see that match!
that was Tony trying to put himself over kek
Tony is my bitch
oops, you found me anon. Wanna hug?
Slopdown got cancelled...KWAPC
This dude fugly.
turn on your monitor
Yes. His own.
Pretty fucking based, honestly. I don’t know if I would be surprised or not if there are people from the wrestling industry posting on /pw/. It would make sense, but it’s a smaller, more schizophrenic board, so I don’t see why they’d have any incentive to stay or post.
Tina's DSL
the voices in my head are telling me exactly who posted this, so hi (((you))). strange someone with your power is here. there is an unironically popular shitter who is a known kevin nash poster. no need to tell you who, because if you know you know.

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