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Your /pw/ wrestler of the day is Katsuyori Shibata. Use this thread for all Shibata discussion.

What are your favorite matches of his?
Favorite promos?
What are your favorite Shibata moves?
The very personification of fake tough guy bitch.
I like when they took his brain out of his head and put it on a pole and the winner of the match got to put shibata's brain back in his head
Not nigger enough for you huh
Fake tough guy faggot that got his head kicked around like a football when he tried actual MMA
movie star good looks
>are so unsafe as a trainee that you kill somebody in the ring
>don't get fired due to nepotism
>get heemed by fujita and co
>cry & leave
>get heemed by akiyama when trying to pretend to be a tough guy, job
>get a whole wrestling promotion built around himself, get top booking
>cry and leave
>does mma, gets given free wins to nobodies
>still sucks at it
>cry and leave
>return to wrestling, become sakuraba's Jannetty
>job for years on the mid-card
>KWAB's himself trying to injure the top guy
>top brass and wrestlers don't trust him to be safe anymore
>cry and leave
>collect paychecks jobbing overseas
>heemed by life
What's quite funny about the Okada headbutt is that if Shibata had any knowledge of fighting, he wouldn't have headbutted a guy in the crown of the head, you know, the toughest part of the human body
He was fun and based until he killed his dumb self. New Japan died with him.
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he was fucking based and we've got some gay ass edrones in this topic
Fake tough guy bitch that got raped in the dojos lmao
Fakest tough guy faggot in wrestling history and yes that is counting Minoru Suzuki
His phone gimmick is cringe. Is there anyone that Tony hasn't ruined?
>What are your favorite matches of his?
Fujita Kazuyuki vs Shibata Katsuyori 2004
It's not talked about because Nujamals know nothing about NJPW prior to the mid 2010s, but this is one of the best wrestling matches I've ever watched. This is what Inoki-ism is all about.
How about I beat the shit out of you in person?
Then you'd have won more legit fights than this faggot lmao
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