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>Was only the guy for 2 years
>Is the Rock's Janetty
>Only got over because of Brett Hart
>Only stayed over because of Vince McMahon
>Injury prone shitter
>Was a dogshit wrestler
>Bigger backstage cancer than CM Punk
>Refused to put Brock Lesnar over
>Refused to work with Jeff Jarrett
>Refused to participate in WM40 because he couldn't get Rock money
>Is a Simp Cuck
>Has Seethe Autism
>>Was a dogshit wrestler
I agree his star power is overrated and he ended up having like the 4th or 5th biggest legacy of the era in which he was on top, but you can't bait me with this brother. He was a genius wrestler that knew how to adapt not some lunkhead who couldn't work like that idiot Bill Goldberg
>Hurr durr lou thesz press then stomp mudholes xD!

Simp Cuck Seethe Autism is the most overrated shitter in wrestling history
Fuck-all Attitude Era and Ruthless Aggression era wrestlers were good at their craft. They just had good writing and were presented as a big thing, because that's all it takes.
I agree that this is bait. I'm not a fan of his Redneck Revenge Fantasy face character, but he was considered very gifted. Watch some of his ECW or anything during his Ringmaster run, he really was quite good.
>Only 2 years

Bro he STILL makes a few million dollars on merch sales every year.
>Must defend bald wifebeating faggot because he made a lot of money for another rapist

He was good in his time, but not doing once in a blue moon matches at 'mania every couple of years has made me lose a lot of respect for him. If Rock can do it in lieu of making millions in Hollywood and Carder can do it until he's like 60, Autismetty can do it too.
He keyed the word "nigger" on Ahmed Jonson's rental car
>beats his wife in your path

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