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File: bookerrock.jpg (230 KB, 1659x1080)
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>Hands the strap over
>Buries himself clean
>Never makes a fuss
>Gives Vince a premium N word pass
Is Book the ultimate company man?
He’s a shucking jiving unintelligible Uncle Tom.
I think he was just happy to have a job and a prominent spot considering how hard he fought for it in WCW
>gets pissed on commentary at that NXT tag team with the two black guys and the White girl
That's a cool font.
You know, this is probably the best answer, considering Booker's past and what he had to take care of. But still, the nigga wasn't the SLIGHTEST bit upset at losing to H at Mania with the obvious racism angle, when it was the MOST over he ever was with the company? I get it, it was probably a good paycheck, but come the fuck on nigga, you can't think short term in a business like this.
>you can't think short term in a business like this.
He wasn't. He was thinking long term unlike everyone else in WCW who didn't want to be brought out of their WCW contracts and sat at home. He talked about how this was not an option for him because it would have meant his brand lay dead for the entirety of the contract. Booker still has a job all these decades later. He wasn't a mark. He got paid, is still getting paid, and isn't sawdusted or making angry posts online about what could have been.
You don't need to be a mark to see the stars aligning. He was just more worried about still being on the payroll. If he won at Mania, he would've had an opportunity for more money. Think about it. I mean that was what, WM19? Didn't every single babyface BUT Booker win? Come the fuck on.
Yeah Triple Nose is a bitch. This much is and has always been confirmed.
Even more bizarre because he pulled out the harlem hangover for a match he knew he was losing.
Qrd on this?

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