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File: cornette_349_07022024.png (339 KB, 1237x691)
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yikes...i've been a fan of jim cornette for years but now i suddenly think he's out of touch and also bigoted and racist for some reason
Imagine giving a single fuck what anyone says or thinks about violent soap operas. Like, nigga, we all gay for watching this shit, lol.
Fraid so
Kek based Corny
Dronies in the fucking mud
he jealous cause this spooky shit is better than the spooky shit from his bingo hall fed
all the edrones in the comments crying LMAO
how does it feel to be WROOOOOOOOONG
he's right as always. jason jordan's lil bro is gonna get buried while finally getting over.
spookyslop retard BTFO

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