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I pick Sarita
Ass pics?
best I can give you is current MILF Sarita
need to see her on MyDirtyMaid
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For me? It's Samantha Fiddler. Teddy was her manager, best fren, and part time lover.
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For me it's Heather Monroe
Raven's stripper friend in ECW
Sorry brother, I claimed her back in '97.

How about Sandman's ex wife? She was very fuckable.
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I know there's a grandfathered /asp/ rule that you can't CLAIM anyone under 18. I only ask that there be a waiting list and I call DIBS on Izzy (first among her fanclub).

Once she is mine, I will put her on the trading block. Only 3 for 1 offers will be entertained. I'm looking for young Beckys and young Mickies to complete my stable.
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is that Dark Angel?
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You can't de-bar the Starr
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for me its willow
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I'll take Samantha Irvin, if only to help her overcome her deep-seated racial hatred she has for herself
she has some really sexy intergender matches on youtube. i don't think she's super hot, but she looks great doing those.

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