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Everyone, wish The GOAT a happy birthday.
>complains that’s he’s old
That's a fucking awful photo. Why doesn't he dress like an adult and get a haircut
>Thanks for all the birthday wishes. 67 years old, wow, and still going. I'd like to take this opportunity to once again remind everyone that I could have been working last year like Sting id Goldberg wasn't such a reckless person. He's screwed me out of my best earning years. So gee, thanks Bill
>Anyways hell grand pappy blow out these candles
Rather than celebrate this birthday, let's specifically not celebrate Goldberg's birthday
What the fuck does this even mean? Are you some autist who wears a suit everywhere?
I hope he dies. Not because I hate him, but because he can finally be put out of his misery
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Happy birthday to the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be; the excellence of execution; the pink and black attack; Bret “The Hitman” Hart
Anon that is obviously some kind of event he was invited to. Look at the wall at the back. That's a fucking publicity photo and homie turns up like that.
Kek. Does he sit there bitching about Bill to his family? I bet he fucking does.
>the best there ever will be
Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay are both much better than Bret
This, but unironically
>Everyone, wish The GOAT a happy birthday.
But it's not Shawn's birthday, Anon.
hart dungeon was basically a pedo ring

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