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Anyone have a link or know what he said about the political debate?
The youtube clips usually omit his political rants so you'll have to wait for the next podcast. Usually his political rants are in the beginning so they're easy to skip for me but if you're looking for them it should be in the beginning.
Will he suggest double-crossing Sleepy at the convention and putting the strap-on on Kamala?
Brandon screwed Brandon
I think they’ll be on the drivethru but his immediate reaction would have been dimes now he’s been fed the cope talking points by his land whale wife and the media
No it's way more interesting than that.
The media's talking points after Biden's performance in 2020 were "he's brilliant, support Biden"
The media's talking points now are "He should never have been presented, the guy's too old, he can't even speak, the DNC must present someone else" and that's probably what Cornette's gonna say as well.
What makes it interesting is that he's been cutting promos for the guy for years.
The only thing I wonder is whether it'll take 30 seconds or 30 minutes of the show for Cornette to say what Brian Last wants to hear.
Yeah I know people skip the political rants but it’s honestly funny seeing someone who claims to be rational come up with such cope when it comes to Biden who is clearly mentally declining
Jim Cornette's existence alone is justification for Lincoln trying to genocide Southerners. He was trying to do us a favor.
corny loves sleepy joe and will defend him no matter what
The true redpill. Lincoln was based and almost always right. Guys like Stonewall Jackson and John Wilkes Booth are worse than useless losers, they are harmful to the entire country.

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