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Has copying anything from wrestling helped you in your life anons?
For me I’ve surprisingly had women fall hard for me because I pretend I’m a wrestler cutting a promo to cheer them up when they’re feeling down. They think it’s genuine but I’m just an autist pretending he’s a wrestler cutting a passionate promo
It shoot helps to go "in character" sometimes. I like to act like Batista whenever I need to be strong and confident but also selfish.
I don't know if it's helped me but I really enjoy playing the heel. If somebody talks shit about Hillary or Biden I remind them that Orange man bad and he has 34 felonies and is gonna be the President of prison
Cutting promos is how you move forward in life.
Can't get anywhere without cutting a promo and putting yourself over.
Sometimes you've gotta do what's right for business, that's okay, but getting into business? Promo.

I particularly favour walking like I'm Steve Austin, just sort of wobbling my head left and right as I walk with my chest out and a "fuck you jabronie" attitude to all I see.
Makes some of the women smile.
not with wrestling but imitating tony soprano.
Lifting and tanning helps you get over
watching wrestling since childhood has taught me how not to get worked irl and how to catch carnies trying to work me
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It never really carried over into one-on-one conversation, but I do think it's part of the reason I've never really had a fear or a problem with public speaking.
Never had to use notes or flashcards, never had to worry about hitting time cues (seen enough HHH promos to know not to do that), always been able to "look" at the audience while not just eyeballing some jackoff, pretty decent at varying speech tone and emotions. Just always kind of felt like I was playing a different role for however many minutes I had to go.
You have no idea how much power you can have over unsuspecting normies by just no-selling what they say. It drives them up a wall. It confuses them. They hate it.
I unironically use Carney slang at work and it's gotten me more over with the boys and the boss
It's weird. I can feel stage fright all the way up to the moment that I actually need to speak in front of people. Then it all melted away and it's natural. I now wonder if pro wrestling subconsciously influenced me like it influenced you.
You know what, I understand this completely. It's like I'm playing a character at all times. It almost feels like I know I'm going to be okay because I'm over with the audience.
Memes aside if you honestly train hard in the gym, say your prayers and take your vitamins you'd be better off than 95%+ of people
I got laid off the back of a pretty good macho man impression
I’ve no sold normies trying to play work politics. It genuinely makes them seethe. I’ve gotten death stares for it even
Nothing better than telling Lisa from accounting "That's not gonna work for me brother" and HHing outta there.

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