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File: bloata.jpg (253 KB, 1366x2048)
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Is it over for him?
No he's rehabbing from surgery and will have a kino tag run with Kenny when they're botrh healthy
Kenny's dead
He definitely needs a two years rest and a stem cell treatment.
His 5 minutes exhibition match in gleat was okay though, no major botches at all unlike the Marufuji match
Kenny has aids
Looks like a japanese Chip Kelly
In theory he can still recover physically with time off and treatment, but I don't know if he has the performing instincts to adapt to his limitations. Ibushi is a headcase and he's kind of retarded.
didn't he just have a match the other day?
Kota Ibushi has become Kota Ibushi At Home.
Put a fork in him, he's done.
Which Japanese star had the hardest fall from grace? Ibushi, Morishima, or KENTA?
no he KWABed himself back in January, you're probably thinking about one of the several other 40something Japanese dudes with the knees of an 80 year old
did you not see his blood and guts match? he was done before he even signed his contract
Go ahead and put Okada on there.

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