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File: 1717903139854519.png (616 KB, 800x500)
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imagine the bangers
this pic has very high sexual energy
Unironically would have good matches with guys like Malakai/PAC/Murphy/Rush/Darby.
Off his chin?
Why did the Saudis make him dress that way?
>when Ricoshit was in WWE
>not a single cringepost
>the moment he leaves and might go elsewhere
>Ricoshit hateposting begins
Why not give him a mask too
he sucked in WWE but was based in lucha, I guess I just felt bad for him
He is in the physical prime of his life and left to go wrestle.
Yeah, he’s gonna put on some great work.
that will be his and riddles tag name
Pre-2024 this guy would be Sammy-tier in AEW but leeching off Ospreay's push to get a guaranteed main event spot and bigger payday is fairly high level carny shit for a guy that doesn't think about wrestling in a carny way whatsoever
don't worry i am sure jericho is already planning on doing a months long angle that will put a stop to that
Rick O'Shea sucks and so does ireland
is this the nigga that likes to finger his booty hole?
Black Panther a gimmick so shitty it gave the actor cancer.
I saw a lot of shit about him when he was in WWE. I had actually never seen a positive Ricochet post until he left, and I think that's a combination of people reflecting on LU and mostly bad faith consolewarfags.
Is’t he dressed as Night twink?

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