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who is your guy? who will always get a big pop from you no matter what?
I pop wood err'time I see mah nigga Kevin R. Nash.
SCSA, Hogan, Sting, Kane, lil'nigga, Christian.
Most of my guys are dead, jobless, or retired. I got Miz left. Would like to see Lumis shine some, but I think I'm lying to myself there.
Sting, Christian, Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, Sabu, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, James Storm, Raven
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LA Knight and Joe Hendry
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Based Classic TNA mark
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Roman Reigns and Kenny Omega
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>Would like to see Lumis shine some, but I think I'm lying to myself there.
The almost-bald undercut and pedostache secret sex freak Lumis is a dud that was proven to have a milkesque shelf life, but messy hair and bearded Lumis looks dimes so maybe he can make it work. He was a guy who was in desperate need of a shake up anyway, so hopefully it will help.
The ones i would Mark out for have all retired or are dead
the ones who are still wrestling i really dont give a shit about
Those active
LA Knight and Bron Breaker
Yeah and Woof Woof Woof Woof
Macho Man, Cactus Jack, Andre the Giant, George Steele
Kurt Angle, Rock, Lil' Nigga, Benoit and first and foremost is picrel who most of you probably don't know, but he was great in pre-NWO WCW, his feud with Ice Train is one of the first times I was invested in a wrestling story. Also a 2-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion. I'm a big dude and I love watching him throw people around the ring like I would.
I liked when Ice Train's shoulder was injured and Ice Train said it was wrapped up "like a mommy".
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meltzer is reporting that there were huge spikes in raw's viewership last night specifically in the detroit. compton and mississippi markets
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Don't care
Not listening to pdub smarks
I'm an edgehead for life

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