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E-drones will never have this.
Oh no, not two ugly ass generic ching chong chinamen, what will we do now, E-Gods?
>green shitter vs failed ddt ace
wow so cool
To be fair, they tried to get Takeshita, and I think they'll make a play for Tsuji.
So there is a longshot chance it happens.
Gonna be an amazing match
takeshita is someone that njpw could rebuild around
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LMAO nu jamal in 2024 is just literally gooks doing soiface mocking each other deformed facial features kek
He could have a short term run as top guy until the other kids are ready. TK isn't using him and owes NJPW. He would grow more from the experience than just hanging around doing random Dynamites too.
Finner vs a guy literally named Tacky Shitter?
I think the E-drones may survive this one
Tony doesn’t let anyone play with his super special toys
You’ll get Willow or Wheeler Yuta and like it
Tina Khan is not giving away his toys, ever
>a short term run as a top guy
why would they do this with an outsider who's an anti-draw though?
It's like these guys have never played TEW and don't know that you use alliance trades to steal the belts away from every other company.
They already did it with Moxley, clearly, they don't have any dignity anyway
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>take a shitta
you mean the guy who drew more than sanadetty?
Maybe on planet Meltzer
no on this planet, planet retard
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>"climax with 2 asians?"
>"never heard of it"
>Gives them a new world champion that actually sold tickets
>Gives them a Wrestle Kingdom main event that people actually wanted to see
I think you 're confused, sexually and about this
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Is this a mirror match? Chinky.
tony literally let njpw put their world heavyweight title on dean ambrose, the top pushed star in aew
if anyone vetoes takeashit being in njpw for half the year it would be ddt
Takeshita would be a draw in NJPW, you clearly have no idea how it works there
>I don’t want to fuck them so it’s bad!
E-tards are so gay lmfao
japanese fans were very into the idea of takeshita winning the iwgp title

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