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>Dory Funk Jr shirt
incredibly based
*Hits crack pipe real hard*
Oh God we're going to have to hear about how depressed this made him and how it fucked up his mental health aren't we
I legitmately thought this was a picture of Dynamite Kid
He got friendzoned by Ruby, or as he called her, "Monkey." Gee I wonder why she went for the BWC instead.
I never saw how this fat nigga KWAB'd himself.
He slipped on chicken grease and a pack of zesty negroes ended up inside him somehow
He and the equally retarded Gabe Kidd had a "hardcore" match or something at a third rate NJPW show.
Did Mcdonalds have a reality show you were in?
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No you didn't, you were on AEW.
T-what star?
Was this intentional?
What happened was: the Elvis NJPW Strong ref was fucking awful. He kept counting when they were brawling outside, various other flubs.

But he was meant to help set up the table spot and Eddie got frustrated and went outside to do it himself, and in his anger he jerked the guard rail too close and ended up taking the suplex right onto his fucking leg on the rail.
50/50 Eddie's fault and the AWFUL ref's fault

btw I haven't seen them use that ref since
Kek what a fat retard full of himself working himself into a shoot for a 499k rating
he looks like one of those wheelchair Manhatten drug addicts that leave the hospital against medical advice to get high.

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