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Remember when GirlonCinema (also known in /PW/ circles as "GOC" or by me fondly as "The" GOC :p) thought that "Trios match" means Triple threat (she didn't get the difference between the two, lell XD) so one of us explained it to her on twitter (thru my meme account tho, I'm too shy to interact with her on a real account :p :p) and then she was like HahaZomg and then made a YTvideo about how funny it was and finally she learned and explained in the video what is the difference between a "trios" match and a "triple threat" in AEW.

That was cute hehe , when you reminisce.

I'm a guy btw
i didnt read any of this but you should still kill yourself
Holy shit I hate you
aight, that's cool
don't let the self-destructive and possibly gay nerds get you down anon
Tee hee this is what GOC would say, too anon.


(I identify as female online but guy irl)
great gimmick
can see some anons getting worked already
No, I know
I know who you are dawg, don't worry about it
Remember when she started to show bobs and vagine, that was cool
When I asked for some originality on this board I didn't mean the gay kind. Fucking monkey's paw.
Remember when GOC and/or her BF would flood this board with her crappy content and boring lewds?
It was fun bullying her off youtube. You guys should find I new girl to simp for so we can do this again.
That was cool. She got married and stopped watching wrestling altogether. Total sadness


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