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File: Punk.jpg (139 KB, 720x720)
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What's his gimmick?
Best in the world archetype like Bret and MJF,

Kenny Omega the tranny and Osprey the midget ballerina are failed iterations of this archetype
Your Friend's Pissed Off Uncle
File: BM Bunk.jpg (717 KB, 1536x2048)
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Whiny 45 year old man who doesn't actually wrestle and instead sniffs around NXT girls at the PC.
>Best in the world archetype
>Can't wrestle
>Can't fight
>Mid promo
What did Punk mean by this?
The UFC's Glass Joe Biden
He looks like those fake hipster tough guys in this picture. All he needs are glasses
his gimmick is having an attitude of a woman
injury prone loud mouthed pedophile
He is one of those fake hipster tough guys.
He's a great promo and you know it tranny
He's horrendously overrated and can't improvise to save his life.
He improvised very well when he was burying all trans wrestling
name three people better then him
>Stone Cold Steve Austin
>Dusty Rhodes
>Macho Man Randy Savage
I could go on.
ok how about someone who has wrestled in the past 20 years?
so many butthurt trannies coping in here
kek. if trannies could be objective, he is clearly top 20 of the modern era (84 to present). hes right behind guys like piper, macho, funk, taker, Cena. same tier with dusty, Jericho, lawler, roman, hbk and bret. above edge/batista level. on the bret 30 pt scale his prime is probably a 26 at least
Being "objective" about Phil is almost impossible for IWC. They're either a deranged religious fan, or someone who hates Phil so much, you'd think he personally ruined their lives or something.
dumb faggot
>Little Miss Pissy Britches

That's it.

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