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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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What's the point of calling this board ''Professional Wrestling'' when it's just a bunch of simps posting Japanese women?
There needs to be one dedicated "women's wrestling" general to contain the simps and goons.
At the very least hey are professional simps.
If women of other races want to take the strap from Yellow Fever they better step up their game
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I only simp for white women!"
The yellow fever makes sense when posting about idols or actresses but the joshis who didn't fail out of one of those industries are always like, dough bodied judo girls with stumpy little legs and potato faces. Yes, including Iyo. Kinda cute in their own way but not simp worthy. And most of the actually talented joshis in history look like butch lesbians and Mad Max characters and they aren't for masturbating to, you're supposed to think they're cool.
This isn't the place for you then.
>on a site invented by weebs for weebs nearly 2 decades ago where the original boards were mostly anime and otaku related
>surprised by the general positive bias for anything that comes from japan and the infusion of weeb culture into all aspects of 4chan culture
i will never understand you zoomies
Yeah! Gays like me and this guy want to talk about the purity of the sport and stare at sweaty, greasy dudes all day!
If you don't like it then email Hiroshimoot and tell him to make a Joshi board. This is the place for Japanese women's wrestling until then. Deal with it
>annoyed by japanese stuff
>choose to spend hours of life on 4chan
lmao even
i dont simp for woman
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You sound butthurt. It's probably from all the gay sex you keep having.
God forbid people around here want a break from looking at images from guys all the time.
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[Uplifting News]
IYO SKY is one of the most special and beautiful humans to have ever existed and we will not stop posting her on /pw/!!
Many people are saying this!
'fraid so.
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its not 2009 anymore faggot
Quit exposing the business
We need flags or post ids to out samefags.

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