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Battle of the kicking bitches
Whatever is Josh doing now?
Is Fallon seriously the Alexa of the group?
Was it ever explained why Stevie Turner is an assistant general manager now?
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Good night sweet prince.
Frazer is a bad friend
is that not a DQ? she slapped her twice
>soccer player does the pele kick
Fuck Nathan Frazer
Never change Book
jazmyn nyx has a legitimately very good pele kick
Gooning to NXT girls
She better considering she's a soccer player
note to self: make a webm of jacy sticking her tongue out later
Female soccer players know two things, how to kick and how to rape
Wish Karmen would jump on my hands
>Joe Gacy got brainwashed
>Brooks Jensen is going incel
>Fallon Henley is about to link up with the sluts
What went wrong?
All you fags saying this episode is good, see you tomorrow when no 500k drops kek
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ethan page
brooks jensen has been the anti-thea hail this whole time. man who's life gets progressively shittier over the course of nxt
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shawn booked with his cock instead of his heart
It will be down but not THAT much
It's really weird how they pretend that WWE Speed matches actually happen on the day they air. Everyone knows his match with Xavier Woods already happened.

And you want to know what's really weird? Ricochet's reign is officially recognized as having begun on the day the episode aired, okay. But when it was time to air the episode where he lost the Speed Championship, that was after he got murdered by Bron, so that particular episode had a little thing saying it was taped last week. But WWE's website still recognizes Ricochet's reign ending and Andrade's beginning on the day the episode aired, NOT the day that the episode itself says it was filmed.
July 4th weekend starts tomorrow so I won't be here
Don’t respond dumbass
Americans be like "oh my science ken jeong is so funny!"
lol Arianna
Yeah he's been doing too much coke with Sexy Red
If this team wins I'll mark out
What happened to Natalya
Oh they're firing Gigi, huh?
Arianna will lead Karmen to victory
Arianna is the most dimes woman in NXT or honestly the world.
Gigi is hurt
sol is such a varbie
Probably going to AEW
arianna and karmen. alright lets go
sure she is
how fucked is gigi?
Arianna is one of the only nxt women who gets it
contract expiring
I like Sol but anyone with a septum piercing is not over with me
Stratton vs Arianna is headlining Day 1 of Wrestlemania 2026. Screenshot this.
did they completly drop the dollin arianna storyline?
Natalya is hurt
>Kelani quoting Jordan
>Sol quoting Lebron
dusty old bones full of green dust
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Nobody cares about Speed
who turns heel at heatwave, sol or kelani?
The heatwave theme is ten times better than the MITB one too
Arianna is hurt
Threesome with Grace and Karmen!!
Why is the music still playing? lmao
holy jobber entrances
gee I hope this ends civil
The heatwave song is way better than the MITB song
They need to add some melodics to Tricks theme. Its pretty much just drums and bass
Trick Williams should just steal Booker T's entire WCW moveset straight up
someone give me a quick rundown on why je'von is covered in the number 4
trick can get over with this on main now
Actually getting the NXT audience to boo you is a skill
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swagger of a black teen
all you have to do is wrestle against trick, couldn't be easier
They are going to pick on the runt of the litter
>swerve strickland knockoff
cut this faggots mic off and send him back to aew
Trick is the only person in that ring that drew a dime.
swerve wishes he had half of trick’s charisma. trick’s gonna have a much better career
>balding mohawk
ethan page fucking sucks and nothing will convince me otherwise
Bring back the ten chant.
I think Ethan is a pretty good promo

The problem is Trick is one of the 5 best promos in current WWE when he's on
Spears is the epitome of anti-dimes
are they gonna show the cookout on thursday
This bald mohawk dude has go away heat with me
Jevon still sounding like a Popeyes cashier
I like trick but these other three are channel changers
I swear to GOD please send Dillinger and Page back to AEW.
spears is over with me
there has still never been a good nxt contract signing
Jevon needs to put on some more muscle
Ja'Von isn't ready ro run with the big dogs
Yung OG needs speech therapy.
kek Je'Von's got enthusiasm at least
I've seen enough. This kid can talk on the mic. Send him straight to the RAW intercontinental title scene.
can't stand the way this guy talks
young og is charisma mogging ethan page and shawn spears
You said the same thing last thread, and you were wrong then too
>Central Asian Nomad gimmick
>gonna show up to his match firing arrows from a horse
lol bouncy nigga has a mushmouth but he's getting over with me a lil bit with that promo
Spears BTFO
Kino segment. Except the bald AEWreject all the others promo was lit.

Jevon made me lol with the no title jab. Almost like he meant no milly.
kek rough night for promo battles
he sounds like a real person the two aew rejects are theatre kids
Trick is a good emcee
shawns plantation is spitting out oozing charisma negros
Young OG won
>gently presses microphone on your head
What did Ethan mean by this
Ethan still summoning his inner HBK lol
Well I'm looking forward to Sunday.
Yung OG is over with me now brother
Sorry but I'm going with the blacks over the canadians.
spears is 100% eating the pin lmao
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So, what did you think about tonight's show? A little slow, but I think we picked it up at the end.
i didn't like the racist ending
As he should
Jevon should say next time Shawn brings up his age atleast he can count past 10
why are the old whites the heels and the young Blacks the babyfaces? is there something there?
please stop booking main roster rejects
please stop hiring people from aew over the age of 30
I'm begging you
Pretty great show, Ava. Only downside was the in ring talking segments. Watch out for Brooks next week. I don't trust him.
ava even if the weekly shows have been kind of mid the card for heatwave is outstanding, so i forgive you
Can't do anything about that. This is a Hunter and Cody edict to push those people.
How do I earn sex with Arianna Grace?
>The Perfect Storm
Oh yeah, it's gamer time.
>43% critic rotten tomeltzer stars on my tv guide

WTF is their problem with this kino?!?!
Be an Italian member of the mafia
I just wanna fuck

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