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Quite possibly the worst wrestler of all time.
No one alive will ever be worse than The Great Khali.
Not in wrestling’s past or wrestling’s future.
>can’t even have kids of his own
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Khali is a legend and drew mad dimes. Even the non-wrestling crowd knows him. Can't say the same about Assplay
He's dimes when he's being booked by someone competent. Tony lets him do whatever he wants which is awful because Will is (clinically) retarded.
Khali drew nothing and was probably the worst part of WWE’s mid 00s decline by far.
I will never accept that anyone is worse than him.
Not any other Giant not any other midget and not anyone else in between. We lived just in time to watch the worst wrestler in history and he’s a giant shitty pajeet.

Imagine my shock realizing this dude actually has a wrestling school. What the fuck does this dude possibly teach? how to be tall?
This, he even has his own signature match in the Punjabi Prison. Jill Ospreay could never
Great Khali board, newfag
he does suck
Khali actually knew some big man psychology, unlike this gymnast cuck.
Terrible wrestler but a great stepfather to black children
Ospreay isn't bad at all. Unlike most flippyshitters, he understands how a wrestler should carry themselves in promos. He just needs roids, alcohol and some coke and he'd be GOAT.
He is so talented, shame about his anime/videogame indy shitter mentality
No it’s not, there’s just a lot of Pajeets who post.

No he didn’t dude could hardly walk.

In wrestling you need to be able to deliver a good match, deliver a good promo, or help in delivering a good story.
Khali could do none of these things.
Literally just tall and could barely take advantage of even that because he could barely walk.
We talk about Rey killing a guy but that was all in Perro’s sell where he whiplashed himself into those ropes. Khali ACTUALLY killed someone by being a sloppy shitter.

I don’t think there are any people given airtime worse than him. Definitely the worst Giant wrestler and worst wrestler in history.
Squashing Batistas head was more realistic than anything Ospreay has done in his whole career.
Don’t know who it is so they certainly aren’t a draw. Looks like a ten year old boy who didn’t get a toy.
Because you were 6 when it happened.
Non Indian Adults are talking.
Khali sucks.
and ugly too
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Will Ospreay making his AEW debut 4 months ago - 500,000 views

Great Khali lifting a car 4 months ago - 9,800,000 views
Indians do not count as views or people.
no, he isn't dimes. any time he is on AEW the ratings for that quarter drop
Ospreay isn't even a wrestler lmao
Easily. He's basically the logical extreme of a wresting style to it's lowest point.
nah khali could invest crowds and do very basic big man shit that looked authentic at his best
ospreay makes everything look fake and gay
Worst thing about this guy is that there's clearly something there but he'll never quite grasp it. He's decently tall, solid physique, extremely quick and explosive, athletic, someone who's good in the role of both a babyface and a heel, a passable promo etc. but much like all the other modern smark wrestlers he just wants to do le cool epic moves and have anime like fake fights with his friends.
Many people are saying this

Nah, Khali was better than Ospreay because at least he tried to be a pro wrestler. Ospreay doesn't even try, he just launches into an amateur gymnastics routine and makes viewers run for the hills.
He couldn’t do big man shit because he could barely stand.

>tried to be a pro wrestler
Khali could barely try to walk
The best gymnast in wrestling
Osprey could have been a main eventer if he was given more time in NJPW, but unfortunately the Meltzer and Tony Khans decided to force him into a top spot before he was ready.
And yet he was still better at psychology than Ospreay with his move after move dance routine.
>Khali could barely try to walk
And he was still better at pro wrestling than Ospreay. Which speaks magnitudes about how clueless Ospreay is.
Neither do brits
What he needs is a story
Something like being brought in as a heel champion's hired gun, who outgrows the role and turns babyface/supplants the previous guy by becoming an even bigger heel
The most I've liked him was when he was the Kingpin of United Empire
Being confused and slowly hobbling around isn’t psychology, it’s just slow. Get your head out of the asshole of jaded boomers.

Nah, Khali is pretty shit and Ospreay is a better Wrestler. You are allowed to think that he is the second worst wrestler in the world but Khali will always have the title of worst wrestler to ever live.
At least we can agree that using YouTube views as a metric is bullshit.
Worse than Epico? Worse than Brakkus? Worse than Top Dolla?
Or do you just not like him and AEW? Because those are two very different things
But that's the thing. Khali might be the worst wrestler but even the worst wrestler is still a wrestler. Ospreay isn't even a wrestler.
>Worse than Epico? Worse than Brakkus? Worse than Top Dolla?
Well now no one's going to take your opinion seriously anon
He has won several world titles in several companies, including an actual world title and not a trinket.
He’s more of a pro wrestler than anyone in WWE except Styles, and Nakamura mostly because WWE isn’t wrestling.
It's true though. A bad pro wrestler will always be a better pro wrestler than a gymnast is. Because the gymnast isn't even a pro wrestler. Somebody like Flop Dolla sucks but at least he makes an attempt to wrestle. Ospreay doesn't even make the attempt.
HOLY FUCKING DRAW!!! Based Khali has hogwheels SQUEELING
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>there are four retards who responded to this and said that The Great Khali is better than Will Ospreay
lmao even

When your opinion is so obviously driven by console wars, it goes right into the trash.
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We know you South Americans are the ones shitting up the board. You already exposed yourselves
>He has won several world titles in several companies
He didn't win anything. Wrestling isn't real lil bro
Kahli‘s match against Cena mogs Bruv‘s entire body of work
Still cawdy
>console wars
Ospreay is objectively terrible. That's why he's an anti-draw in AEW. Even half those trannies can't stand him. This has nothing to do with console wars and everything to do with how gymnasts need to stay the fuck out of a wrestling ring.
Yeah it is isn’t it?
Khali’s quite terrible at this.

Probably doesn’t even crack Will’s most mediocre matches Kek.
You Indians are something else.
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>could walk
Sorry dude. He sucks but no Khali.
Khali's chops and head squeezes look singlehandedly better than any faggotry ospreay has ever performed I'm afraid.
This is the gayest fucking requirement ever lmfao Young Bucks have won 500 different titles in 500 different companies and they are possibly the most overrated tag team in history and legitimately terrible workers, terrible entertainers, and anti-draws.
Wrestling titles are fake accolades that bookers put on talent to try and make them draws.
Despite this, Will has never been a draw, not for NJPW, not for AEW, not even for something as small-scale as RevPro. He's also not a pro wrestler, he's a sub-par gymnast.
>console wars
I didn't even watch WWE when Khali was around, that was over a decade ago at this point. My exposure to him is through clips.
He's better than Ospreay because Ospreay is not a pro wrestler.
Fraid not, his chops are slow as shit and his “head squeeze” simply depends on who sells and their facial expressions. Dude sucks and you were a kid when you watched him and/or a pajeet.

Yes, wrestling is fake because it’s a circus. You are getting mad at the acrobats. Will was always a Jr and now that style is over and not posing or 20 minute headlocks.

Accolades given to those they feel deserve to be at the top of the company/industry. Various promotions including NJPW, gave him, a wrestler, their top most belt. Khali won a trinket of a trinket in a company that’s not even pro wrestling.
>You are getting mad at the acrobats
Funny how you say this because your average Ospreaytard would start foaming at the mouth for this comment.
>Accolades given to those they feel deserve to be at the top of the company/industry. Various promotions including NJPW, gave him, a wrestler, their top most belt.
They're trinkets, they will only ever be trinkets given to people in the hopes they do good business with said trinkets. It is not a meritocracy of quality and never will be, and that is good, because ospreay is not a pro wrestler.
>Will was always a Jr and now that style is over
no it isn't lmao

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