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7.20-8.18 - G1 Climax 34
8.31 - Capital Collision
9.6-23 - Road to Destruction
9.29 - Destruction in Kobe
11.17 - Historic X-Over II
1.4.25 - Wrestle Kingdom 19

! New Japan Pro-Wrestling does not feature a weekly TV show like WWE, AEW, and TNA, instead relying on the streaming service of NJPW World for their shows.
! NJPW's major shows all feature a clear schedule, and feature in the same buildings—Wrestle Kingdom occurs on January 4th at the Tokyo Dome, Sakura Genesis generally occurs in early April at the Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Wrestling Dontaku is mainly around May 1st - 4th at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center, etc.
! NJPW Strong is the brand name for New Japan's American events. They carry their own belts, but the main NJPW belts can be defended in these shows as well.

>NJPW World Links
In-Browser: https://watch.njpwworld.com/
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/njpw-world/id6451441843
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tvasahi.njpwworld
Fire TV: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CCS28SGS
Roku TV: https://channelstore.roku.com/details/2683188c1fe3c439b3e1109a0981febd/njpw-world

>Previous Thread
He'll never be the ace unless he gets hair plugs
G1 lineup looks kino
Think I will watch it all and then take a break until after Tranny Door WK is over
Bblockfags lost, I'm afraid
He looks so fucking bad
Who looks at this guy and thinks "yep he's gonna carry NJPW for the next 10 years" ?
not that other guys are great options either, this new generation is full of fucking geeks, Tsuji would be dimes if he wasn't a shoot 5'7 manlet but Shota is by far the worst: no personality, no charimsa, ugly hairstyle (and balding), dimeless cocksucking geek.
Take a shitta bros...
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The irony is that he looks a hundred times better here than he does nowadays
How did he hit the wall in 2 years?
Tsuji general
GOK general
Oiwa general
David Finlay general
War Dogs general
Shottetties not welcome
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this, he looked better with the longer hair trying to be Tanahashi instead of trying to look like Okada (who's also balding btw)
I guess he's anxious and crying every night cause he knows deep down the pressure to be the Ace is way too strong for him
We love Great-O-KWAB here, don't we, folks?
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>I'm going to shit up every card i'm on and you can't stop me
What did he mean by this?
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Let's see how our 5ch BROTHERS are doing!
I am very hyped for the G1
Have a feeling this is gonna be a very special one
Don't mind Shota but the memes are funny and if he wins and proves the doubters wrong, it would be kino
And even more kino if he goes the Stardust route
He's so fucking based
I kneel
I forgot J5G existed until I read the random gook crying about them
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>Umino is not popular
Based heel
>Even though Jake is a resident of Japan, he doesn't seem to be very fluent in Japanese
I'm interested in this from an anthropological standpoint. I assumed the Zainichi all spoke fluent Japanese as their primary languages. Was Riki Choshu also not fluent in Japanese during his career?
>watching the Groom1
Not tired of this gimmick yet? No, this is not an invitation for you to go on about pedo orgies or whatever it is you talk about.
No one is being fooled by your falseflag anyways, AEW tranny.
I'm not the one supporting gAyEW by watching their partners, nor am I enabling trannies to rape children like you are. Project all you like, but you're admitting you're okay with kids getting molested.
I've watched two Jake Lee matches and i liked them. Don't get what the hate is all about, is it really because he's a gook?
Calling Jake Lee mid is putting it politely.
is Jake Lee shoot korean or is his real name a japanese one and he's just trying to get the disgusting zainichi gimmick over ?
nobody actually hates Jake all the posts are from some koreanschizo
I literally cannot tell nips and gooks apart
Jake Lee sucks cause he's a shitter
We don't tolerate racism in this thread.
ya sure but jake lee is shit
It's because he's pushed beyond his charisma.
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What was the point of Despy's reign?
Do you often fantasize about children being molested?
He quite literally has the same hairline here, you idiots. Look at how deep his hairline recedes at the part in the glasses picture.

Some guys have really pushed back hairlines and don't go bald (for example Jake Perry and his dad Luke) and it's even more common in asians. Rarely do asian men go bald until much later in life. Guys like Mutoh are the exception which ended up giving him a very distinct look and ended up being a benefit to his career
to win the Best of the Super Jr and the title win was to keep him strong as he inevitable goes heavyweight at some point

If he doesn't, there WAS no fucking point. Ishimori could've done the job for DOUKI.
DOUKI and Despy have a long standing rivalry, DOUKI winning the IWGP Jr from him makes a lot of sense to establish him as a top player, it wouldn't have been the same with Ishimori or SHO
Never, unlike you frequently actually encouraging the molestation of children.
There you go again. Keep your hands out your pockets, pervert
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KWABsuya Wheelchairto will die in the middle of the ring during this G1.
You're the one lining the pockets of those that promote the raping of kids. If anything you're the pervert here. gAyEW still has yet to draw a profit by the way
Naito will make it through the whole G1 and win the WK main event.
Can't wait to dab on the trannies when Naito has matches much better than the match with Moxshit
He's going on a break after his match in DDT on Sunday.
Also, he doesn't wanna become a heavyweight and will never move up. The point was to get him his BOSJ win and win back against SHO. He dropped it to DOUKI to give DOUKI his big win without the HoT shenanigans.
>Also, he doesn't wanna become a heavyweight and will never move up
I think it's more likely that the continued influence and crossover with American wrestling will destroy the line between juniors and heavyweights in NJPW eventually.

How could you classify Darby Allin as a junior if he comes over, for example? He has victories over prestigious heavyweights. And in AEW, NJPW wrestlers like Ishii tag with guys who are small like Orange Cassidy regularly without comment. NJPW heavyweights challenged him for his belt when he held one even.
Insider-kun here. Naito is winning the G1 and facing Hiromu at WK.
Insider-kun here. Shota is winning the G1 and facing Naito at WK.
Insider-kun here. EVIL is winning the G1 and facing Naito at WK.
Insider-kun here. "Ichiban" Hulk Hogan is about to resurrect Inoki with satanic black magic for a promo at the RNC.
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Who is telling the truth?
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Darby doesn’t care about working Japan. We learned this year that he would rather shoot die on a mountain than work BOSJ. And since he didn’t actually get to do it this year, that already rules him out of next year’s tournament
Climbing Everest has been a personal ambition of his his entire life, it's an understandable distraction and doesn't mean shit about his disposition towards NJPW or Japan in general. He flew to Japan to tag with Muto after all.
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>*comes back from the dead* Please...my last wrestledream......vote for Trump-kun...and...support...Tonikan and...A...E...AAAAARGGHHHHHHH *dies*
Will you respect his last wish ?
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Wow, he did a favor for old man sting before going into self destruct mode. Fuck off mark.
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She's finally switched teams...
>calling someone else a mark when you create your own unreasonable schizo theory from reasonable facts
Anyway, no more (You)s. You're probably the pedoschizo.
Rumors are saying Rocky Romero raped Shota Umino in the arsehole and that's why he got a bad back now.
I was wondering when this thread would be infiltrated and spammed with rape memes like the rest of this awful board.

Guess it's over.
We don’t post in the 2nd person here
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>Aaaaaaaaammmmmmm, I know a lot of you guuuyyyyyys were looking forward to the annual G1... roast... by ELP...
huh what u mean? oh you do the funny bits right, forgot about you little buddy
>but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa with everything thats going down and Hikuleo not saying goodbye, and Jay and Juice not saying hi, I aaaaaaaah just didn't have it in me to be funny this year. Oi'm sorry. Gomenasai
lol what

What the fuck was this gay shit? lmao
ELP has sucked balls for a year now
why can't tonikan sign this geek, he's a flippy bangerino shitter
why can't you wash your ass
>His gimmick is that Tony and Paul don't want him
/njpw/, I have a challenge for you

Name the 4 people in this G1 you hate the most in order.
>How could you classify Darby Allin as a junior if he comes over, for example?
Because he's fucking tiny and all the matches people wanna see with him are with Jrs? What a stupid question.
1) Osgaylite
2) Jake Lee, I'm snoring just thinking about him
3) Takeshita just cause he's a tranny kek
4) Goto is older and more busted than Naito, he should not be here
>Goto is more busted than Naito
That's one of the most wrong opinions ive ever heard
Goto was never as good as Naito but he is objectively way less sawdusted
I'm trying to do my best but really I don't hate anyone in the G1.

I like Finlay the least as a performer but I don't hate him and I think it's very weird and autistic to hate any wrestler. Jake Lee I haven't seen enough of yet.
Shotageek Uminetty
Take a shit
Jake Ree
Finlay Jr
Goto was visibly KWABbed out of the tournament just last year
History will repeat itself this year
>and I think it's very weird and autistic to hate any wrestler
nah u are
Takeshita for being transvestite
Finlay for being the worst wrestler
Newman for beating Yoshi Hashi
Henare for being maori
Bolton Oleg is my new favorite wrestler
He's a charming guy and I like his strength spots

but I haven't seen enough to know if I love him in ring yet. This G1 will determine a lot for me.
I hope Oleg sticks to the black trunks. Nobody wants to see a guy like that unnecessarily gimmicked up.
Having black trunks in NJPW /is/ a gimmick really. It's the "no nonsense wrestler/might be a shooter" gimmick.
I hope he gets a singlet
I hope he gets arm tassels
>ELP has sucked balls for a year now
He's literally never been good. The problem is that he's so shit that not even Tony Khan wants him, so we're stuck with this shitter.
Miyahara convinced people he was good yet despite being exposed later on he continued to fail upwards for years. I don't know how he does it desu.
He was fun as a heel for a while IMO
Shotageek Uminetty
Cocklessgay Takeashit
Colon Woman
Yuya the certified bald bitch
Yuya grew all his hair back in such a short time
He's anti-bald
he's still a bald bitch deep down
He wrestled exactly like the young bucks, i wouldn't exactly call it good
nah he was actually amusing
So the storyline is Shota is a fucking rapist and Gabe Kidd becoming alcoholic because of anger?
No, that's the shoot reality
The storyline is muh Shoterino is muh injuredino and comebackerino
Chud geek bitch
>Shota is a rapist
That makes him look cool, stop spreading this lie
He probably raped the geek way (Spiked drink)
>I am the rebel savior
>I am the goat slayer
>I am the savage king
David Finlay ripping off Jay White with the shit nicknames now
He’s so fucking cringe I can’t believe he’s being pushed as the top gaijin
nah hes based
He’s never had a 5 star match
Only person that has had a 5 star match in this G1 is Naito thoughbeit
I’ve given 5 stars to Naito, Takagi, Sanada, Tsuji, Kidd, ZSJ, Goto, Cobb and ELP
Low standards
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these my dawgs fr
Fuck off you dumb faggot cunt
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All of them have reaction image potential tbqh
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>tfw I jacked off and my cum came out brown
>"yep he's gonna carry NJPW for the next 10 years" ?
>he thinks shota will be in njpw for 10 years
Bro he's already associated directly with multiple AEW guys, personal friends with them and has been vetted for the audience.
He's fucking OUT after his first big run on top for the tonybux.
wtf i love tony poaching now
>yfw tana starts exclusively pushing absolute shitters knowing tony will poach them which will result in his dad cutting him off
Based Ace is gonna play the long con. Shota is just phase one.
Holy based

What do we think?
It's kind of based but Jake Lee isn't and I doubt he's going to suddenly become an excellent pro wrestler out of nowhere
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>Is in a phenomenal block filled with awesome wrestlers
Will he manage to get even ONE (1) good match?
>All this hype for a boring shitter
His new nickname is "Bars"
What the fuck does that mean?
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>crash it
its what he spits. gedo has given him a rapper gimmick
it means snow leopard in kazakh
What ELP match was worth 5 stars? I can't think of any
I watched the G1 for the first time last year and it was the most fun I've had watching wrestling in a while. Felt really close to an actual sports competition and the 20 minute time limit made the matches more exciting as they got closer to the end. I don't know how the 30 minute limit matches will work out. You guys reckon I'll enjoy this one?
ELP vs Rocky bosj comes to mind
30 is actually the more common time limit they pick
i think 30 mins/2 blocks is peak g1 formula
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fuck rocky
The majority of matches are still gonna go under 20
This G1 is gonna be much better than last year's. Trust me.
20 minutes was a signal to fans that matches weren't gonna be overly long. Most of the best G1 matches are 20+, so you should be getting some great stuff if guys can deliver
I wonder what shota will discover his look to be, he has a weird face so he needs to frame it right with his hair, maybe a beard or a moustache
The long hair worked
Boltin should beat everyone
>Day 1: Gabe Kidd vs EVIL
>Day 2: Jake Lee vs EVIL
>Gabe's promo at the press conference where he told EVIL that he wasn't safe just because he's in BC
Are they finally doing something to separate HoT and BC?
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If you're not happy about the state of New Japan Pro Wrestling how about instead of complaining online you get off your ass and DO SOMETHING about it?
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All tickets for Shingo's 20th anniversary show are sold out
But Tsujischizo said that Shingo Bangerino wasn't a draw...
I need to know what the song at the beginning is called
>I hope they suffer from food poisoning or diarrhea
too far
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a new luchador has arrived in new japan
>preferring Nemeth to Takeshita
That man lives on an island alone with his terrible opinions
Japs think Takeshita is dimeless and Nemeth is a cool foreigner.
Americans... Think the opposite.
yappari, we truly are clueless
I have seen nothing in any of these 5ch caps saying Takeshita is dimeless.

I also remember them saying Takeshita made Shota and the other young guys look like geeks in that All Together match
i just gave money to bushiroad
So you're okay with kids getting molested?
I just want to see Jake Lee
aew fan here being 100% honest I would give you guys takeshita. tony isn't doing shit with him. he would be so good in new japan.
That's even worse
Alright, that got a pop out of me
Predict Boltin Oleg's record
Given Japanese wrestling's natural predilection towards very slow-building storylines for babyface wrestlers... I bet he'll start slow.

3 wins tops, but his losses will all make him look strong. He will challenge for every match.
A Block is too good
Who can he even beat? GOK, I guess.
You can't be keeping the m'lady top hat and attitude if you're joining the fucking War Dogs
2 wins because Gedo has no balls, is a cuck and a shit booker
He's in B block. Callum is in A block and he seems like prime pin eater.
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5 more hours. I’m gonna have some ice cream to get my energy levels up then nap so I’m bright eyed and bushy tailed for match 1
First year I got the Roku set up. I'm REEAAADDDDYYYYY
Staying up to watch live was so much easier when I was in my early twenties and NJPW was God tier
I’m lucky I’m in a Timezone close to Tokyo. This is going to be the best G1 since 2019 of the lineup is anything to go off of
Lucky bastard! Enjoy it
i know broski. g-1 is gonna be lit this year
DAY 1 GAMETHREAD >>15281700 >>15281700 >>15281700
Godspeed to Jake Lee vs fucking EVIL
When was the last time the IWGP champion lost his first G1 match?
Tsuji botched more than "broken down old man" Naito, it's over
Should've kept the belt on Mox
Tsujischizo cursed Shota into being the worst performer of the whole night
Evil fucking boogeyman
Naito has botched the Destino in almost every big match this year. Bro.

Can't even get a great Naito/Takagi match anymore. We're finally here.

Yeah, that was a match. Naito is barely hanging on at this point. I didn't even think Shingo was great here, either.
Keep the tweet reposting gimmick in the joshi threads, faggot
Whoever tweeted this is a faggot
They're kinda right though
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Jake Lee > Yota Tsuji
Maybe on planet retard
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holy fucking tenge
Kino show
See you tomorrow, lads
>EVIL in his backstage promo talked about expelling Gabe from Bullet Club
If they don't do anything on tomorrow's show i'm gonna be mildly annoyed
The joke is that EVIL isn't in charge, silly. Finlay is.
Nothing is happening.
EVIL isn't the one who should do something though, it should be Gabe. And him doing something without Finlay's approval could be interesting. But yeah they're probably just going to tease stuff like this for a few more years and just do nothing
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I have a feeling Nagata being part of the IWGP commitee isn't just kayfabe.
in the org chart of New Japan Pro Wrestling IWGP is the legislature but Tony Khan is the executive
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Downloaded tonight's entire show from a pirate site. Just over 3 GB. Now to figure out the best settings to re-encode it to AV1 with FFmpeg. I will archive this entire G1 Climax and upload it to a sekrut club. Muhahahahahaha!
looks like Shota is getting humbled this year thank god
>no Max the Max
>no Over the Max
Why didn't Taichi show up?
gaped by Boltin
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takeshita is gonna fight an extra match in ddt and he is STILL gonna beat fatass cobb on night 3 who gets a rest day. that is just how good takeshita is. because takeshita is in aew and aew is where the best wrestle.
>Jake Lee vs Sanada
>Under five minutes
>All action
They found the formula.
Solid first night. I didn’t think anything was bad. Reddit and twitter types are gonna jack off over Tsuji/Takeshita but it was..okay. Didn’t blow me away.
my match of the night was uemura vs finray desu
Lads, I can confidently say that I still believe in HEAT STORM
Worked mark
Same. Honestly I think Tsuji and Takeshita under delivered. I think Tsuji is getting a little bit worse everytime I see him (unless he's in with Goto)
don't get cocky
you may have the heat storm but we have the raging fire
EVIL didn't have the worst match of the card. He is a fraud and a liar.
>Heel tells everyone he's gonna have bad matches
>Has good matches just to work them
Positively devilish
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>Shota needs to stop imitating Tanahashi bro. He needs to be his own man!
>Is that Callum Newman? Is that the heckin WILL OSPREAY look?! HE WON USING THE OS-CUTTER??!!! HOLY WOWZIIEES
Shota and Newman are shit. Sloppy and over-choreographed. I enjoy every other match though
kek tsujischizo is not gonna like this one
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Oleg, Uemura and Tsuji are based
Shota, Narita and Newman are cringe
kek /our guy/
When did you realize that this guy bringing up "Tsujischizo" is the actual schizo and "Tsujischizo" doesn't exist?
Botchuya Wheelchairto needs to retire
Colon Woman should cut his cock off already, I don't want him here
Gaped Schizdd is wrestling like a tranny ass bangerino machine so he should join AEW as well
Shotageek Uminetty is a dimeless bitch
Yuya the bald bitch unKWAB'd himself today, I'll give him that
I searched tsujischizo on palanq and he's not just been doing this in NJPW threads
Imagine getting this mindbroken
Seems like someone that just wants to shit up all generals he can and this is the method he's found
I'm sure there was at some point someone actually obsessed over tsujischizo, but his autism has been weaponized by another autist ever since
The original shota fan that was crying about shota memes and tsuji fanboy is probably pretty embarrassed now that Shota had that match with Callum and his rhetoric is being used to shit up the board, if I had to guess
>Botchuya Wheelchairto needs to retire
>Colon Woman should cut his cock off already, I don't want him here
>Gaped Schizdd is wrestling like a tranny ass bangerino machine so he should join AEW as well
>Shotageek Uminetty is a dimeless bitch
>Yuya the bald bitch unKWAB'd himself today, I'll give him that
Now that Shota is dead in the water, is Yuya the actual ace?
Nah, Oiwa is
holy shit tsujischizo lost it lmao
Oiwa is gonna be a disappointment when he comes back and have to adjust like every other guy that came back
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Tsujischizo is the guy who always starts the thread with pic related. I don't know why "we" are pretending he doesn't exist because he even admitted it himself that he is the only one who does it. His current forced meme is something about Shota raping kids. I just hide the posts and move on.
there is no "we" lmao
he just gets triggered whenever people call him out and starts his samefagging routine
he gonna go on a melty now kek
My reaction when Callum won was
>the Oscutter is his finisher? jesus
I don't care for him at all really
>Tsujischizo is the Singaporan schizo from joshipedo threads
I forgot all about this connection actually
Name one person that likes Callum Newman
you tagged my first and only post ITT lol
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Always was
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>His current forced meme is something about Shota raping kids
That shit is so annoying and I don't even like Shota. This general was the one place on /pw/ which was free from all the Nash Bryan rape spam and now he is bringing that shit here as well. And no wonder he posted a bunch of Joshipedo threads. He is shitting up those generals too and he pretends everyone calling him out is the same fucking person. Samefag calling other people out for samefagging, what a joke.
Wait, is that the guy that is doing the WWE memes?
kek i knew just mentioning the tsujischizo name will throw him into a melty hahaha
I don't think anyone other than you would even think of using Inspect Element to fake screencaps lol

Please seek sexual intercourse and medication.
this just proves you are the one who is playing the samefagging game all day
i cannot edit a picture like that so quickly lol
>Look up this supposed proof that """Tsujischizo""" posted a joshi webm
>It's clearly one poster that meant to post in another general and posted in /njpw/ instead
>Deleted their post
>No indication whatsoever of who it could possibly be, besides the fact that they posted in /njpw/ accidentally
>Text is also clearly meant to be from another thread
>Some retard (That was You) immediately goes "THIS MUST BE TSUJISCHIZO"
lmfao you are actually psychotic, dude
lmao this
tsujischizo outed himself for samefagging
>Inspect Element
>Edit picture
NGMI newfags

I'm the "Tsujischizo" in that I did the "Kill yourselves, trannies" post. I'll make sure to post that every thread once again to keep mind breaking you. And (You) will continue associating me with every single poster you see. Please keep accusing random people of being "Tsujischizo" so that everyone can see that you are the faggot that is derailing these threads.

Last (You) from me.
Yeah, I'm sure every anon in the picture I posted is actually me. What a fucking moron. Shut the fuck up now, I'm tired of your shit. I don't care if this guy >>15285573 triggered you so hard that you are bleeding from your vagina now.
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*Ahem* Kill yourselves, AEW trannies
Afraid so
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Look, bro.

Tsuji had an off night last night. He looked like shit with probably the most capable opponent he'll have all tournament in Takeshita, and will probably be the worst match Takeshita has all tournament.
Now, this doesn't mean it's OVER for Tsuji but he's got some work to do.

He gets gassed within 10 minutes of the match's start every single time and I feel like his in-ring performance has regressed every time he steps between the ropes.
Also those gay little stomps with 0 force on them do nothing for me.
You are the worst part of these threads by far. Everyone hides your Shota rape posts and you just reply to yourself all day. Seek help for your mental illness or kill yourself.
kek hold on, I didn't even notice
You accuse other people of samefagging when you're the one doing it and it's blatant LMAAAAAAAAAO
Can't wait to see the melty that happens when he jobs to Jake.
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we mocked him for looking like a geek but he actually looked better here
He fucking sucked and his match was the worst match of the night by far
I don't like this meme anymore because Shota is an actual geek now and not the loveable kind
>I'm the "Tsujischizo" in that I did the "Kill yourselves trannies"
so you admit this guy >>15285931 is correct
good to know
Osgay's fault
He would be okay if he wasn’t a Will tribute act which is like 90% of him.
>Goes backstage and talks about how he doesn't want to be compared to Will
>Keeps getting more and more similar to him
>New gear is just an Osgay hand me down
he's got an odd face that doesn't look good with short hair
Shota was the fault of that match but Callum sucks too
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>*Gets mega over and is a future babyface gaijin IWGP champion in you're path*
Shota should have not stayed in.
His injury fucked him up.
QRD on Shottetty's injury? I haven't been paying attention lately.
He got a great reaction out of the Osaka crowd, I was impressed
There is an extension that lets you mark any post as your own. It's also there on the Kuroba 4chan mobile app. That's how he does it. This only proves that he is the one who samefags all day though. Anyone accused of "samefagging" who know this basic stuff and you guys clearly don't.
Rocky injured him in AEW and now they're pretending that Shota injured himself while training
>I had a hip fracture and a strained disc :(

>It's the L45 disc. I also had an MRI done. I'll somehow get back to Tokyo tomorrow.

>I will definitely be back by G1. I'm going to take a break for a while. Sorry.
Jun 18
Oh it shows, Shottetty
It shows
He clearly was not ready to come back. Hope him winning the whole thing is no longer the plan, if it ever was to begin with
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As a medical expert with 5 degrees in Harvard and 70 years of surgery experience, I can conclusively say that Shota is a stupid geek chud rapist bitch for thinking he can recover from these blue arrows in little over a month
This real or shitposting?
Japanese wrestlers won’t take time off unless they have an injury that’s completely debilitating.
ok good to know
i don't samefag so i never use this extension
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Why is wrestling twitter pretending NJPW can poach from Tiny Bakan's poop dick toybox?
Aww man a real bummer. I had high hopes for this, and I thought Soup delivered, but Tsuji just couldn't hang. His offense that he introduced in the Ospreay match doesn't look good on someone as big as Takeshita, and honestly, should've just stayed in the Ospreay match alone. Not everyone bumps like Will. It comes out looking sloppy, there's few botches, and nothing more than move trading is what this came out to be. I appreciate the effort to try to add some extra impact to some of the moves, but it still ended up feeling hollow. I do think both men will continue to be fine after this, especially Soup, but this was a missed opportunity for me. Props if you loved it though. Around 3.25 Stars, might need a rewatch at some point.
kek tsujischizo not gonna like this one
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just make Boltin the new ace
the other guys are either geeks or manlets
>Depending on health and injury pattern this bone can take 3-4 months to heal without surgery. Physical therapy for hip and knee range of motion is started around 6 weeks once bone has healed enough to prevent displacement with motion.
>A spinal fracture takes between six and 12 weeks to heal.
No wonder he looks like shit
He's doing damage to his own brand and getting mogged by everyone else in the show because he couldn't wait it out like a normal person
Nah Yuya is the future
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The REAL Reiwa Three Musketeers
The belief that New Japan could get Takeshita stems largely from a DDT interview about his struggles in America
>Implying Tony/Paul won't poach him
If Shota stays in the G1 despite his injured hip, how many years of his career do you guys suppose will be shaved off?
He is not even a skinny junior like Ospreay was. That Os-cutter just doesn't suit him as a finisher.
Agree with this. Oleg is getting some accusations of copying Lesnar on the normie websites but the similarities come naturally to him. NJPW isn't going to give a monster push to anyone either, he's going to level up slowly.
Replace Fujita with Yuya and you would be right
Is it cause he's winning? He's gonna win while everyone else mogs him?
>copying Lesnar
Kek. He does the F5 and his entrance in this match was like Lesnar's. That's it. Most of those guys just watch random clips instead of actually following New Japan. They probably don't even know that he speaks Japanese instead of English in backstage interviews.
>Mortality rates within a year of experiencing a hip fracture are 18–31%.
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tick tock manlets
He's not in his 80's
>Is it cause he's winning?
I don't think so, it's more that there's a lot of pressure on him to at least make it through the tournament. I think this is a bit reminiscent of Naito in 2012. The injuries are different of course, but Naito made it through the entire tournament that year with a fucked up knee. Then he worked a six man tag match at Destruction in September and lost to Yujiro at KOPW in October before finally getting reconstructive surgery
So he wins next year and gets KWABbed?
>couldn't even win the wXw Shotgun Championship
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>Smart Bastard
will you share the link here? njpw world doesn't let me watch the full night in a single stream. they break the matches into episodes. which website are you downloading from?
Jake Lee doesn't belong in WD desu senpai
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why did they put him there ? he looks so fucking weird as a BC nigga
He's gonna join House of Torture
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Is Naito gonna fucking lose 3 matches in a row? or 4 matches in a row? He's got Zack tomorrow, then Jake Lee and then Sanada. Who the fuck is he beating?
Naito is winning this. You'd know this if you knew what happened in the G1 three years ago.
Naito is most probably losing this.
Common sense says they wouldn't have SANADA lose to Naito three times in a row but I don't know about this one.
naitetty cannot even hit a destino anymore
he will lose all his matches and finish 0-9
then shingo will win the title and main event wk
>naitetty cannot even hit a destino anymore
He's gonna start winning using rollups and pinning combinations. Works for Uemura.
He should start winning using the DDT he used to beat Tanahashi last year in the G1, it was a great finisher
he already did a lot of that last year
naito is so fucking weird these days
he was totally fine against tsuji and even SHO he managed to do the destino without any problem
I don't get why sometimes naito shows up as his naitetty version and can barely wrestle for 15 minutes
Only if it's to take over
He ain't being EVIL's bitch
based smart bastard
i still like shota and i hope he gets a clue
ass spray is a bad influence
shingo needs to injure shota even worse so he can take some time off
but naito already beat zack in the last two g1s
he got his revenge for g1 31
zack is winning this time

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