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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


7.25 Nao Kakuta Graduation Commemorative Performance ~You are our treasures~ @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:30 JST]
7.28 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 1st Round @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
8.3 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 2nd Round @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
8.10 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Quarterfinals @ Edion Arena #2, Osaka (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
8.18 TJPW Shoko Nakajima Version 3 ~Niigata Triumphant Return Show~ @ Duo CEREZO, Joetsu (VOD)[13:00 JST]
8.23 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Semifinals @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]
8.25 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Finals @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]

it was ok
it was kino
The reign of Watanabe continues
Great show, last 4 matches were fucking great
should have waited to have a cap of koda behind the curtain for the op
0 stars
reminder that miu still hasnt beaten:


in singles matches
Thank you Miu! Thank you friendly girls!
i dont understand koda. book miu to paper shred 3 of the pillars, the strongest of the roster. how is miu supposed to lose to anyone now? bring yuka back? i will accept a mahiro level fluke win for pom or wakana.
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
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Trust the plan
Aniki is more powerful than anyone.
misao shenanigans and we get a short run before big bad toga goes on a tear
Here are the prediction results
busy with her outside belts
literally lost today
spending her time in america
in aew
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Miu V2.
she'll lose to an outsider
Oh sweet! I won! I forgot that I predicted Love Triangle winning
i like how that anon ignored all of the people miu hasnt beaten and instead went with people that wont even get pop title matches
Another fine show my fellow TJPW connoisseurs
Miu needs a better finisher
The next challenge won't be for a couple months, and then the next after that will probably be Ittenyon. There's plenty of time to position any of the people you mentioned as a challenger
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>misao shenanigans
Misao doesnt even need shenanigans. She beat Yuka clean as a whistle while she was champion.
Hikari getting exiled was the best thing to happen to Miu
Not nearly enough pictures of Blondezume in here
I'm not a fan of Miu doing the quick laserbeam and teardrop combo to win after getting destroyed for 15 minutes, feels rushed, could have grabbed her during a top rope attempt by Rika or something like that, but that finish was too sudden for such a hard fought match.
People said she broke her hand, I wonder if that was the reason
miu was getting pushed well before hikari kwabbed herself
Hikari getting exiled means Daisy Monkey as champs and thank god for that
It's a meme because of Rika's diamond ass, she didn't really break anything
oh thank god
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Most cursed tag team wrestlers:
1) Hikari
2) Moka
3) Marika
Either Ryo wins TPC and challenges or Rika/Shoko win TPC and get a rematch.
I wanted Rika to win here, but I prefer this booking to Mizuki's reign beating up only the midcard and dropping on the first real test against Miyu.
TPC brackets should be announced either tomorrow or Monday
I'm fine with Rika winning the TPC and challenging again, after all, she's never won the cup in the 10 years she's been with TJPW.
Shoko should win the princess cup then take the belt off Miu
Ozaki Maika will defeat Miu
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How will the uncles feel about this?
It's gonna be Mizuki
kyokyo are winning the tag belts next year bro
2 weeks kyokyo sister
Trust the plan
no i said next year so its more than 2 weeks
Nah and also that's a waste of Shoko
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Here is my plan
>Ryo wins TPC
>Beats Miu to make up for awful tag reign
>Defends against most of the mid carders
>That makes Aino look bad for being the tag partner during the tag reign
>Aino beats Ryo to bring the belt back
I'm very glad you're not booking TJPW my friend
Instead Miu will beat Ryo and aino will stay in the midcard where she belongs
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nope and she wants to win them as well
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still can't believe uta hit a shoot piledriver on mei
Grand Princess is my guess when it happens.
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It's not even fun laughing at the kyokyo schizo for being wrong ever time anymore
KyoKyo is inevitable
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Shino exists to get pinned by Toga
I have received word that Miu’s next challenger is SANADA
>When Miu was spinning, Tatsumi's face was against her chest...I just realized, if it wasn't Miu but Wakana, Tatsumi wouldn't be able to breathe and would probably have to give up.
we are going to sign 2 established freelancers after naho graduates to fill the void in the upper midcard
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didnt kill her this time
shino's nono
that's gotta hurt
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Leave Miu to me
>I like the shape of Alice-chan's panties.
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>my b-ACK
Nice quote job, Pajeet
They're not going to have rika main event two big shows in a row and challenge for the title twice in a row.

She's not Yuka.

If rika was going to win, either the tpc or the belt, they wouldn't have had her challenge here. The storyline is clearly "Miu is the new ace, have her demolish the entire generation before her to establish dominance".

They just plugged Miu into the Miyu spot and kept on trucking.
at least my fantasy bookings have logic in them. whats with this rematch nonsense?
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nao injured her back during a sordid encounter with a group of american servicemen
fuck marigot
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I was right.
seems soon to put it back on Mizuki
its Koda he doesn't have that many ideas and will book himself into a corner.
it will be Itoh ignoring that Miu just beat better wrestlers than her or that the time to pull the trigger on her was three years ago
Afraid not, doomertranny. It's entirely on Koda for not actually building anything and presenting the show as just another Korakuen
that is shoot not good at all. i cant even come up with an excuse. its summer sun princess. sure it was at korakuen hall but still. it couldve at least sold out or dont over 1k like the previous 2 summer sun shows. theres no covid anymore. daisy monkey are tag champs and defended against arai, miu and rika main evented.
daily chinny meltdown
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even Moka and Arai have better tag team moves then Miyu and Itoh. Why is 121000000 still so shit?
le doomer man
>arai fan is about to start seething now that the shitty attendance number is up
the excuse is that there was zero promotion of this as a big show. a few mostly paywalled articles for the main event, 2 posters only for the title matches. the audience has been conditioned to (correctly) assume that any show taking place in korakuen except ittenyon is just filler
Holy moly...

No words needed.
the premium on the ticket prices, savings on the venue plus not having to fly out worthless international shitters mean that revenue would be way up. Miu, Dejimon, Rika, Arai and Moka are all certified dimes now
Why would an Arai fan seethe? Miu and Rika were the main event and theirs was the only match that Koda bothered to slightly build
That was my thinking. Easy money.
Arai is good but Arai is stagnant
Last time Maki challenged Mizuki for the title, it was on a show where Maki lost her match. I think Mizuki even mentioned how it was weird that Maki was out there.
now that these 4 are a bust, who should take over?
It was Korakuen but they didn't super charge the card and they charged insane "big quarterly show" prices.

It was fine but people expected more than fine
Evidently, the fans are finally tired of the same people getting title matches. The shows that had Miyu, Shoko and Rika challenging were down, but the ones with new challengers were up
Which Miyu challenge are you referring to, because she was champ last and the show where she lost was the biggest drawing show in history
This guy puts the blame on everyone but the current champions. L O L
Why are you posting a picture of Toga?
Because it's the truth. They're doing their best with what they're given
>book Korakuen because Ota Ward is under construction instead of just booking another larger but reasonable venue
>still charge Ota Ward prices
>put together a card that looks like complete dogshit with one interesting match
>draw barely more fans than your normal Korakuen shows

It's not them, Koda's booking is shit and it basically seems like every show is mostly exhibition matches now. There aren't any storylines or angles, there aren't any real rivalries anymore, it's truly turned into Friendly Girls Wrestling in a bad way where it's starting to feel like nothing matters. He brings in too many shitty foreigners who get title shots because they're foreigners. Wrestlers like Moka have clearly topped and Aino have clearly topped out so shouldn't really be getting main/semi-main matches.

On top of it, it's pretty clear that Marigold is eating into TJPW's attendance as well since its base pretty much seems to be a mix of disgruntled Stardom fans who left with Rossy and uncles who didn't want to watch Stardom.
Koda already did it once, why not twice
They have no chemistry and Miyu has been on autopilot for a long time. Only reason I suspect she hasn't left is because no company wans to sign her. WWE maybe could but they just signed two big non-English speaking women so there's not really going to be room for her on NXT unless they sign her and then loan her out to TNA.
>it's pretty clear that Marigold is eating into TJPW's attendance as well
It isn't. There is very little crossover between the two fanbases, probably less than between Stardom and TJPW
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The real reason attendance isn't sky rocketing is because Shino isn't winning enough
I still can't believe Suzume's new look
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Suzume looks like a slut (derogatory)
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Why does she insist on doing it like this
I'd crawl through a mile of broken glass to kiss those tummies
Wasn't that on a holiday when every other fed was running? I recall the venue looking pretty full either way. They didn't use the whole building so it looked better but they sold most of the seats they set up for.
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is that fucking comic sans
>There aren't any storylines or angles, there aren't any real rivalries anymore
/tjpw/ needs to make up its mind on whether or not they want stories. People get pissy when you bring up that there are no stories. I enjoy the matches but this is pro wrestling and it needs stories. As for rivalries, a solution ive said before is that of implementing factions. This will solve both of those problems.
Because Rika has always been booked weirdly and weakly. Yeah she wins a lot and is protected, but then she'll have a big match that matters and suddenly the company doesn't want her holding the belt anymore.

Just doesn't seem like something they'd do for Rika, she of "Yuka refused to tap out/jobbed to Miyu immediately so Miyu could main event CyberFight Festival instead" fame.

She's not good enough at politicking
You're just a retard.
The only people who get pissy about people criticizing the promotion for no stories are the "nooooo everything they do is always good" types. TJPW had clear storylines, heels, rivalries and such prior to the last few years. It vestige of it was dropped when somewhere during the Mei Saint Michel run, NBG went from being a heel group to just being another part of the roster.
2022 is my guess of when storylines started dropping in favor of just special matches.
There are stories. The Rika/Miu build had a clear one. Clearly the fans don't give a shit either way though so why bother
>I can't understand basic friendships and rivalries if people aren't defined by the group they're in
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I think we avoided a big landmine with Kira, I thought she was going to be toxic and cancerous infecting the lockerroom with westoid drama, but she is genuinely very sweet and respectful. If I was booker I'd probably put her and Toga together as a tag team.
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>The defeated Tatsumi judged that Watanabe could now stand on her own. "Today marks the end of Daydream. But it's not like I've come to dislike Miu; in fact, I like her even more. My appreciation for pro wrestling has also grown; it's really amazing and entertaining. So, my (heart) feels quite clear," she said, explaining that she was putting an end to her activities as part of Daydream.
daydreamers...it's over...
I am surprised Kamiyu hasn't she seems to be getting crazier by the day.
I liked it when Itoh-chan spat the invisible tea into Mizuki's face
queen of menhera style
The look of disbelief on Miu's face when she hears it...
Now that Miu has beaten Rika, they are true equals and should continue tagging. Seems bad if Rika suddenly can't work with someone who has beaten her just once.

Of course, breaking up Daydream is a great way to avoid having them ever challenge for the tag titles ever again.
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We know how they felt about Marika, but as long as Suzume doesn't lean into the slutty aspects of gyaru, she'll be fine. The oji-san will just find it amusing and lavish more money upon her.
Toga's face is just like "ehh, another day at the office"
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let's see haru-chan's gyaru makeover
She was born to be a heel but she probably just wants to be loved
For me it's bug catcher Shono
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frosty the handsome
TJPW needs more players willing to be a bit heel-ish, especially with Hikari being gone and Nao leaving. Toga and Kira could fill that role. They just need to find that darkness deep inside
Here's some old TJPW lore. A dark match from 2013 between KANNA & Kiba vs Shoko & Miyu
>new guy gets put in charge
>they actually start uploading old shows like they promised 3 years ago
>On top of it, it's pretty clear that Marigold is eating into TJPW's attendance as well since its base pretty much seems to be a mix of disgruntled Stardom fans who left with Rossy and uncles who didn't want to watch Stardom.
This, Marigold didn't expend the fanbase, they took fans from other promotions and now we have a weaker #1 and #3.
Is complex, while attendance inside japan may be limited to a group of fans, the fanbase is international, you people don't tour, but once you do you'll notice
I hate maki itoh
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Sorry, made a lil' typo. I mean to say "I LOVE Maki Itoh!"
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Mahiro teasing the next great face-off in joshi wrestling. This needs to be a cross-promotional feud with Mahiro crashing an OZ show and beating up kak
Maki Ito does not exist
Is a social construct
Arai lost, Rika lost, the yen keeps going down
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when are you guys going to apologize for all the Moka bashing? she helped put on the motn, elevated Arai and made them become the best active tag team in tjpw outside of dejimon
she didn't do any of those things. she was the least notable part of her match (again) despite getting the most time
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koda really panicked with yuka leaving
>quick, 8 new rookies
>lolmiyuwins to lolmiuwins
Technically a book I allow it
Neither of those things have any relation to Yuka leaving
Wakana has never been "intimate" with a man
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Oh yeah? Then who did I have sex with last night?
Give it two years and Miu is gonna have the same level of heat as Miyu in here. At least Miyu is very likeable outside the ring while Miu always sounds like a resentful menhera who hates her peers.
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but I always hated miu
Is explanation time

Years ago I replaced the core, b4 me what they did was have a chad core who they just let do the horizontal with all the girls he wanted, then they erased the ai, the ai being erased sended the entire harem into a depression spiral that landed them on irresponsible sex, then they had videos of chad having sex and videos of the cuckettes having sex

Knowing this I just said if I don't have sex and am always there they need to cuck me first to have sex and become blackmail porn

Is slightly less common, enough to break their biz model

For this I simple reduce my chances of having sex get cucked and then have to deal with the we were on a break bunch

Reducing my will to live, for this whole thing I never get anything, at all no sex no kisses no hugs and no sandwich

Nothing this wenches will cuck me and then expect me to save them every single time, but it werks minors get spared what the previous generation had to deal with

Do you even get called a coal burner anymore?

I did that
>while Miu always sounds like a resentful menhera who hates her peers.
she doesn't sound like that at all though
Did they take GanPro's Korakuen slot for the 12.29 show?
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I don't like Blondzume. Dark hair worked better with her features.

Miu is a far better wrestler than Miyu so nah.
So I never got raped but I also don't own the site
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this retard with nonsensical posts has go away heat with me
I think its the same guy who used to post random panels from westoid comics
with your hand
The only promotions they "took" fans from are Stardom and AWG
If you could hear the silence here...
he's a shoot unmedicated schizophrenic
Or your entire mental health system, the answer may surprise you
seek psychiatric help or kill yourself. either is fine by me as long as it gets you to stop shitting up this thread with your fucking nonsense
I did, should see me bully Peterson is a town fest
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Wakana popped big for this
great power uta
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we all did, it was super smooth.
Yoppy and my BWC could repopulate Japan. She'd never not be pregnant with no less than triplets.
Who's your favorite Tokyo Joshi player, schizo-kun?
How is a 17 year old girl, who could barely even do one sit-up less than a year ago, better at high speedo than a 30 year old bird with an extensive athletic background whose shoot job it is to do flips and heavily choreographed sequences?
she's a genius and a tensai
peps talking to underage players again
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Been years anon no one is hotter than veny
um uhhh daikon legs or something
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someone tell her to stop starving herself
Have you ever seen Mahiro and Kakeru in the same place?
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I want to cum on her massive forehead
She's still plump in the right places anyway
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kurissu really is an araichad
I want to come in her vagina and force her to have an abortion
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That's just a fact of life. YEAH!
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was lucky enough to see this moment up close in person
I hope Daydream breaking up isn't just a work. Them being senior partners in new teams would be better for everyone
Nice! What do Rika and Miu smell like?
mucho texto
Toyo should just be split up right now; they aren't ever winning the belts. Have Kamiyu team with Wakana or Toga and have Mahiro form a jobber team with her shoot friend Neko
Why do zoomers hate paragraphs?
Combination of words and cryptography, they think we hide messages in all posts

Lero lero is more subtle than that
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Based L.A. putting my oshi over
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cryptid sighting
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>We're safe he-
once girls start gluing shit to their nails its literally over
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why doesnt she do this move anymore? requires that she not be the one jobbing?
she has a shoot career that requires her to be physically healthy, so it's not worth risking a sawdusting if she's not gonna win with it
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she needs to get booked in a big match first
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yeah I'm thinking that arisu's new pants are based
That's literally her S finisher, she only breaks it out when it's time to call in the big guns
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Her asymmetric eyes are really noticeable here
I think Koda will sign Thigh Homma and Sakipopo
I think you're retarded
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not a single joshi in the peter pan show
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didnt even know wp was today
arisu is so fucking dimes, i love her. (suzume too)
that cheek hngggg need more desu
Yuki Arai secretly has a nice ass. Whats with these girls and hiding it
>Gollum confronts Frodo at Mount Doom (colorized)
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7.25 card
>Nao Kakuta vs Mizuki
>Miyu Yamashita & Maki Itoh & Yuki Kamifuku & Mahiro Kiryu vs Rika Tatsumi & Yuki Aino & Raku & Pom Harajuku
>Miu Watanabe & Runa Okubo & Haru Kazashiro vs Moka Miyamoto & Kaya Toribami & Kira Summer
>Suzume & Arisu Endo & Shino Suzuki vs Wakana Uehara & Toga & Chika Nanase
>Shoko Nakajima vs HIMAWARI vs Uta Takami
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>replace pink ace named Miyu with new pink ace called Miu
How does he keep coming up with this creative plays? He's a genius
And soon it will be another pink ace named Mu.
>>Miu Watanabe & Runa Okubo & Haru Kazashiro
Now that Daydream is dead Miu needs to adopt one of these two
>miu and one vs rika and the other
the trainer war arc starts now
If I wasn't lazy, I would photoshop a moustache and glasses on Miyu.
whose lovely toes are those
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would be good to have a MokDonald gravure. both those girls are hiding the goods
Saki Akai cameo at DDT
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Tetsuya Koda emerges in the weapon rumble with his battle girls to end Sanshiro Koda once and for all
kenny omega is going to show up
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me when I see the doomer start posting
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the prodigal son returns
sucks that misao is injured. she wouldve been involved in this given her history with takagi.
Ibushi has returned to DDT
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ddt sucks
we love our sister promotion here pal
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>Emi Sakura praised Uta on YouTube, saying that although she doesn't have any big moves, she wrestles with all her heart. She also complimented Tokyo Joshi, mentioning that the wrestlers enjoy the entire event, from setting up the ring to the matches themselves. She mentioned that every single blow from Yamashita was incredible.
loli hunter Sakura-san looking for another to add to her collection
Uta is the joshi version of the based retard gimmick. Practically a joshi Jim Duggan.
Anyone know what the attendance number for Peter Pan is?
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I don't know, but I just want to say that Shiozaki is wrestling now and it reminds me of the epic staredown match he did with Fujita when the pandemic first hit.
it's not even finished yet
Only NJPW numbers come out mid-show.
Tsuji is okay at this babyface work but he needs to be dominating or staying 50/50 matches more
kek what a wrong thread posted bitch
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She can raise the next pink ace
Runa-chan will be safe under the watchful tutelage of Mizuki. But any other player will corrupt her.
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Familiar location
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This video is just undiluted pain. And it's even worse now it seems Noa's died or some shit.
>TJPW Year End Party
wonder if this'll be a big members only style show since they haven't done any this year
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>big members only
what about the small members?
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When the FUCK is she returning
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We need a name for this generation/faction
It's been about a year since she's been out. I don't remember when her surgery was, but I'd think she'll be back before the end of the year. Maybe she'll get a grand return at WP, if she's ready by then.
Aren't they already called the '98 class? Or are Miu and Arai not included in that?
Love when Maki wears a thong
>Aren't they already called the '98 class?
They are
I want to order the new UUG portraits but BASE keeps giving me an error message that says "The credit card you selected could not be used for some reason. Please use another payment method. " I can't tell if my card company is repeatedly declining the transaction or if there's something else going on. The UUG store doesn't accept PayPal either. Has anyone here successfully ordered directly from the UUG shop to a tenso address?
I've used Zenmarket a couple of times and have had no issues.
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Yukata portraits are going to be available from noon JST tomorrow.
>*Yuki Arai and Up Up Girls (Pro Wrestling) are not included.
Seems to be in MUCH better shape than the last time I saw him
Yeah, he still wasn't moving as quick though, something's off with him
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I want a Toga pepe
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>Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry
>Nowhere to go, nothing to do with my time
>I get lonely, so lonely
>Living on my own
they finally replaced the old photo with Hikari and trainee Uta on the up up girls shop
TJPW derivative art found in an Elden Ring thread >>>/v/683283512
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the influence of TJPW grows ever wider
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this is the warehouse where they ship my Miu to me
The influence of mad man pondo
3some where Brookes and Despy spend all night fucking while Maki flicks her bean sadly in the corner
do any of these sexy ladies like granola?
as we all know granola is the sexiest food
why didnt the team of mizuki/shino work out?
Thanks, but I wanted to order directly and have it shipped to my Tenso address since proxies take a few days. The Shino portrait is already sold out... I'm worried the others will sell out before the proxy ordering service I use confirms the item is available and then orders the item. Other BASE shops accept PayPal, so I'm not sure why the UUG shop does not have that option.
Creative differences
because koda has only booked them together twice since the max heart. they worked well together in their most recent match
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Can someone tell Baliyan Akki to stop fucking yelling all the time on commentary?
He also swears a lot too and generally natters like he's at a family dinner with no professionalism at all
And he reeks of cigarettes and is a bad influence in general
Stop hating on Akki
akki actively harms anything he's apart of
and he smells of shit
Can someone tell retards who watch with english commentary to stop crying about the english commentary?
You stop crying first bitch
Good commentary
which one of you freaks keeps making these threads
He's old. He's not that guy anymore. Him trying to be is what has caused a lot of his issues lately.

He can still be mega over working at half speed and doing ddt comedy.

UUG is a Base store. They only accept Japanese payment. You need to use a service that will buy stuff for you like zen market or buyee, not a proxy like tenso.
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I hope Gabai Ji-chan sensei senshu senpai player can make his much awaited return to the friendly ring
He should just retire imo
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It's me, I'm afraid.
stop it
And do what?

Fans seem happy to see him again and want him back.

Let him hang out in ddt for a bit, see if it works for him/them. He's hardly the most broken and beaten down guy they would be employing.

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