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WBD deal is done.
exclusivity talks were gonna finish this weekend so it sounds about right
Who's Matt Black?
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Of course. GLOBOHOMO needs as many shitty no views globohomo programming as possible. It's the only reason AEW exists...to promote the fall of man... turning men into faggots. All of you clowns talking about ratings truly live in a bubble and have no idea what has happened to the world.
TV deal? in 2024? you gotta level up uce..
piggiEs starting the seethe early I see
fine speech
How about you extrapolate on that if you got balls
>force aew to wait until the last minute
>get picked last and get a low ball offer
aewtists are something else, man. lol
>way better than the original deal
>now that they have 70% less of their audience compared to 2021!!!!
Yeah, something smells like shit.
>no proof
>"trust me bro!"
fucking faggot shit kys op and buy a banner instead of shilling your twitter here you little faggot ass bitchboy
Genuinely can’t wait either way. This week is going to be hilarious between console war tards
Literally who
kek ya seething already?
Nah you will though when no deal is announced this week.
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I kneel
AEW fans have jobs and disposable income. WWE fans are neets and downies on a tugboat. Easy to see who advertisers would value more.
>Matt Black

>Kenny The Sports Guy
>Way better than the original deal
And that's how I know he's making it up kek
>Easy to see who advertisers would value more.
Yeah, they value WWE fans more. Have you ever compared the ads that run during AEW programming to the ads that run during WWE programming? It's hilarious. WWE gets higher profile ads and that says it all.
Calm down e-downie I know the ads during Dynamite for credit cards and life insurance are too difficult for an e-tard to understand but on Raw you have the pretty pictures telling you to buy KFC and Mountain Dew. You can’t buy it yourself because the route to the store passes the elementary school you’re banned from being within 100 yards of but maybe your carer will buy some if you drool about it enough.
take a shower loser
What im hearing is that the deal is done and is very lucrative
KFC and Mountain Dew are much higher profile advertisers than life insurance and AIDS medication lil bro. WWE mogs the absolutely shit out of AEW in terms of the advertisers they attract. They also mog AEW in literally every other area, too.
During Smackdown this week they played AEW ads during every break
A nobody on Twitter posted a picture of Tony looking autistic, this is definitely a good sign!
Why is it that no one knows anything about WWE's business dealings until its announced in mainstream reputable sources like Variety or The Hollywood Reporter

But somehow, literally who podcasters who pay for twitter check marks are privvy to the details of legally binding corporate entertainment contracts drafted by Warner Bros Discovery? How do they have all this apparent access to AEW's business dealings but locked out of WWE's?
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how do gAyEWtoids always find some literal who xitter clown to post on here?
dude lol
cope and seethe.
WWE is literally owned by Israeli Jews
You base your taste in wrestling on what an aging Jew tells you to think lol
did he celebrate the TV deal live on air? I don't get the pic
this isn't surprising to anyone with isn't a fed mark
Already pre-coping and it hasn't even been confirmed kek what an insecure cult
Already backtracking
How can this happen? I spent 5 years spamming "No Million" on /pw/, r/scjerk and under my @TinyClownIsPoopy twitter account
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Who is this retard
502k lol
Tony Khan
2019 and they were already doing 852k? lmao
idk man dude wipes seem pretty high class
is that how much smackdown is gonna lose with no fox?
who the fuck watches tv
legitimately what the fuck is the purpose of watching a stadium show from the cheap seats when the wrestlers look like ants and you’re watching the screens anyway? To experience the smell of wrestling fans and pay to do so?
I've been there and I hated it
Kek I'm going to make myself a fine steak, open wine, and enjoy dronies killing themselves when it drops
That's still more than all of the AEW shows combined
No, they actually got 2 billion for smackdown
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and they'll be poor and stupid so i don't care
>that second tweet
in planet retard dollars?
>that second tweet
If you're not going to be in the first five rows of the floor it's better to just watch at home.
Oh so its headcanon lmao
This is true, but it applies to modern WWE as well.
lmfao why does EVERYTHING backfire on them
wrestling fans that spend their wages on mountain dew, kfc and twix bars are not going to spend real money on anything.
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this is excellent news for professional wrestling fans as this ensures that WWE's biggest scouting department will be around for some time to come, ensuring an even easier flow of quality wrestlers having to come up through the outlaw/arena's empty wrestling circuits for WWE to choose from.
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WWE is not wrestling, lil' bro
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never has been
It’s another thread where the pig in a wheelchair talks to himself for hours lol
Another fatso (Rovert) backfire. Always taking Ls just like when he got exposed for being a bagger by Alvarez LOLLLLL
I've seen this exact issue play out multiple times with other sports rights deals:
>owner/gm/ceo whatever bigs up the new deal as gigantic massivexboxheug
>deal is signed
>is slightly bigger than the old deal
>but has additional years over the old one
>and/or includes irrelevant shit like "contra-advertising" which is worthless airtime at 3am that no-one cares about, but given big dollar value
>and/or requires the company to do production of some or all of the content, destroying a lot of the value in the deal
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>had to an a clarifying tweet an hour later, to help save his credibility when the news drops
AIDS meds are high dollar business
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>t. coping pig faggots who are very angry that someone else is footing the bill for WWE's biggest scouting department, leaving WWE with that much more money while the arena's empty "wrestling" shills are left with spot monkeys and dick rubbers
you're in a cult
who the fuck are these people and why do they act like this is a personal achievement for them (the poster) instead of just reporting like they should be?
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They’re in a cult
E-Troon mass suicide incoming
dron'E bros, what is our preferred method of suicide?
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laughing to death at aew
>It's lucrative. Way better than the original deal.
>uh I mean I believe it's lucrative for a 5 year old company, relatively speaking...
KEK. That nigga just pulling things out of his ass. Meanwhile, AEW's making budget cuts. So either they got renewed for LESS money or WBD has kicked them to the curb.
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Will be announced Thursday at SDCC imo
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psychological projection confirmed. squeal more, little pig faggot. always empty wrestling = a major league fed's farm system.
WWE would never do budget cuts so this must be true
the hoggalos won’t like this one
Vince won't shit on you
I’m so excited for Thursday now. We get to laugh at you for the horrible ratings and no new deal lol
ya'll just gotta be delusional retards right to the end huh
Has nothing to do with anything. If AEW got renewed for a big rights increase then they wouldn't be doing budget cuts. So like I said, they've been canceled or they've been renewed but given a pay cut. And either way, AEW doesn't have infinite funds like AEWtists claim.
>I believe
I don’t lol. Another PigCrip falseflag thread.
>delusional retards right to the end
But enough about AEW trannies
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he sure won't but tony will keep shitting out spot monkeys and dick rubbers onto your plate and you'll keep lapping it up like a good little slop loving pig faggot.
Actually it's common for companies to scale back after a growth cycle
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great now lets wait for matt white tweet
Actually, AEW isn't a real business and shouldn't be compared to one. The only reason Tina would slash the budget is because he's in survival mode and he absolutely has to in order for AEW to keep the lights on.
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AEW is turning men into faggots? It's doing a pretty bad job.
There was no growth, PigCrip. It’s been a DIVE off a cliff like you’re gonna do when Gayew gets no new deal.
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>Actually, AEW isn't a real business and shouldn't be compared to one
Tell that to Based Lachlan
Khans have more than enough money to bankroll AEW for the next century kek. What "cuts" lol?
they scrapped the elton john song on collision and e drones think it's the end of the world
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>AEW is doing a lesbian angle in the women's division
>over in the men's division, guys are taking penises to the face
AEW has become the LGBTQ+ promotion I'm afraid
This is gonna be the worst week of your entire "life" kek
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Is he the world champion like the bisexual undertaker?
Sounds like The Attitude Era to me
>While speaking on Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer addressed the change. Meltzer reports that AEW Collision’s switch from Elton John’s song to a new in-house track is part of broader cost-saving measures. With production cutbacks being made, the decision to replace the licensed song with a more budget-friendly option reflects these financial adjustments.
>”Regarding AEW Collision’s previous theme, there’s a lot of cutbacks being made in production. AEW replaced the Elton John song and put their own new song in place, and obviously that’s a cost-saving thing.”
def rebel
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Well anon, I'm afraid that's because you're retarded and in reality AEW is an ice cold product not even a fraction as hot as the attitude era.
>AEW tranny coping this hard
Kek. Try reading this part again:
>there’s a lot of cutbacks being made in production
didnt wwe just cut 3 guys or something? why do that when they just got trillions from netflix?
Explain how the Garcia Dance is significantly different to X-Pac's Bronco Buster. I'll wait.
So many cutbacks you can't even provide a 2nd example :)
Rumor is between 130 - 150 milly / year, which would be roughly 3x their current deal. Which is bad only by metrics of retarded non-white 'E drone pigs
That's literally just Dave guessing. For all we know the studio could have wanted too much to renew the rights or WBD could want to move them off Saturdays.
>didnt wwe just cut 3 guys or something?
Don't know, don't care. This is about AEW.

>So many cutbacks you can't even provide a 2nd example :)
Dave named one example. He also said there are multiple budget cutbacks. Who are any of us to doubt him? He never misses when it comes to AEW info.
>Rumor is between 130 - 150 milly / year
>source: I made it up
You should go for a bigger number like 500 milly per year. If you're gonna make shit up why hold back?
>That's literally just Dave guessing
And you know that how?
Bitchtits is losing his mind ITT kek
>named one

Yes that's why I asked for a 2nd example. No wonder Lachlan deemed you all morons kek
because i have media literacy
based lachster
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Nightmare day for the pig on wheels, still talking to himself here. Get to work cleaning up my mess, Trevor!
Holy kek, pigwheels is so mindbroken he actually thinks I'm Dave Meltzer. Go ask him for a second example on twitter. I can't help you.

Another classic melty from pigwheels
He’s going to keep talking to himself in here for the next couple of hours too kek
you malded every day for 5 years for nothing lol
Stop talking to yourself
I'm not you. You seem to be confused. Has Bitchtits been Joe Biden this whole time?
What are you even talking about, pigwheels? You've lost all coherence I'm afraid
lose weight bitchtits
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>lose weight bitchtits
To be honest I'm actually impressed with how mentally ill you are. You aren't some casual schizo, you really commit to it.
Good fucking lord
For me it's when they start adding qualifiers to headlines.
It’s a one year extension
>Dave named one example
So Dave is a legitimate source for you drones now lmaoooooo. You guys are hilarious.
>you gotta level up
Like Smackdown leveling up from FOX Sports back to US--ACK
kek that plummet will be legendary
and it's happening the same week as MNF returning so we're getting a double plummet
I'm not even anti-WWE but damn that deal still feels extremely shortsighted. Good on them getting the money they are from USA. But exactly like you're saying their numbers are going to plummet. Plus they were on Fox fucking sports. You'd watch NFL games and see Smackdown advertised during them. That was a huge. But hey shareholders and all that shit apparently. I'd personally take a lower deal and not outprice Fox on what they saw it to be worth keeping Smackdown just to say on that network than the short term increase of money from USA. Because now not only are their numbers going to drop down once they move to USA but they're not going to have nearly the negotiating power they do once this next tv deal is up. Maybe they're banking on moving everything to Netflix? Who knows. Hell what do I even know. That's just how it looks to me
I don't think there was any real interest from Fox. They were more than happy to move to College Football instead and have more sports packages lined up for after.
>Khans have more than enough money to bankroll AEW for the next century kek. What "cuts" lol?
straight from the dog fucker's mouth
>I think that this year I have been very active not only in the free agent market, but in the production budget. There are things tonight, like for example, on one song alone, I spent like a year's pay for most pro wrestlers in this business. And the budget not only with free agency, but production, is very high. Going into this year, I have to look at where we're at. I'd really spent more than I'd planned going into this year. And in particular with this group of wrestlers we just released, I would be happy to take any of them back under the right circumstance. I have no bridge burned with any of them.
meltdown in 3...2...1...
Maybe not. I know there was that whole thing that came out about advertising costs and that not being worth what they were seeing in return. But if I'm WWE I feel like I try and make that work as best I can. They're not particularly hurting for money and if they can maintain the deal they have with Netflix for the 10 years then I'd consider it a fair trade off to keep the mainstream exposure and vastly wider audience they were getting on Fox. Again not trying to act like I know how any of this works but it's definitely going to be a huge drop down for a short term chunk of change added to their pockets
Seems like you're already melting down kek
just so we're clear, anything below 200m/year is a massive failure for AEW
>already moving the goal posts
>All of you clowns talking about ratings truly live in a bubble and have no idea what has happened to the world.
based and truth pilled
>renegade upstart
still clinging to that underdog shit huh?
>unironically watches cable
imagine not illegally streaming wrestling like a chad
>from a renegade upstart
>still clinging
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WWE's #1 ad in a recent study was for a loan refinance company
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Think this was already announced and isn't related to anything about a network deal
yes, still clinging to the narrative by using that phrasing, thank you for reinforcing my post.
referencing the past isn't clinging, acquire education

they have a panel and mentioned having announcements on it
>the little pre-cope caveat
This is going to be fucking comedy
still renewed, not my problem
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>still renewed, not my problem
i dont work there lil bro
Kek but it has to be your entire life and personality just like all the edrones make it with WWE! God they're pathetic
You don't work anywhere
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same energy
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ya seethe?
See I give this one credit because she's a true believer. When the rest of the discord gives up or goes to work, this one is still here trying hard.
Lashley all elite
wbd new deal
Slopdown cancelled

Pauletty truly btfo
absolutely based
lachlan won
>lil bro
normie go back
Every wrestling journalist is a nodbody tho
nice strawman
>AEW is doing a lesbian angle in the women's division
A lipstick lesbian angle to appeal to men. It's not like it's three rugby player dykes with beer bellies and crew cuts.
nu drones would complain if aew did a bra and panties match
A WBD deal just flew over my house
Kek. Even in a photo in which she's paid to pretend she's Tony's gf, she's too uncomfortable to actually touch him.
they've been together for like 10 years, meanwhile you've never been with a woman for 10 minutes
Truth. AEW is so bad they can even fuck up lesbian porn.
Lol. Ok buddy. He's only been paying that Instagram model to pretend she's his gf for about a year. It think the last one was too creeped out by him to even be paid to pretend, but whatever. The body language in the photo doesn't lie. Can you imagine being so creepy that even having billions at your disposal you can't get a gf?
E-Gods actually would complain, because AEW would have a bra and panties match with Willow and Brandon Rose.
you never leave your house but you're an expert on women's body language
clearly women should be groping their boyfriends all day like in your porno movies right?
Unlike you I have touched a woman in my life, I've been in relationships and I understand that when couples take pictures they usually are physically touching in some manner. That woman is avoiding contact with Tony. Evidence is clear.
>dude trust me
tell me how you passed shit tests
>tell me how you passed shit tests
Easy. Lie. All you have to do shower
every day. Have basic hygiene. Pretend you have money and lie. You retards on this board are too obsessed with Joshi feet to even bathe. That's why you'll never be near a woman. Tony is just a retarded sperg literally on the autism spectrum. The nigger should be drowning in pussy. Instead, he has to pay women to pretend to be his girlfriend. I unironically think Tony is some kind of psyop to make people feel better about not being a billionaire. It's beyond me how someone can have access to that many resources and fail at everything.
So where is the press release then?
this insane scizophrena proved me wrong bro
The fact that you think this is insane is the reason why I know you have never been near a woman. Truth is, you retards put women on such a high pedestal that you don't realize how obtainable they actually are. Brush your teeth. Bathe. Stop acting weird. Get a job, even if it's a shitty job it helps you socialize with people. It's not hard. That being said, I don't want you to change. It's endlessly amusing to come to this board and laugh at you retards.
you have no chill with bitches which is digging your grave deeper
You seem to know your shit with women. Tell me how do you get them to open up to you and after they do how do you carry a conversation with them?
This dude gonna blow his brains out when AEW gets renewed lol
will he? hating aew is literally the only reason he didnt kill himself already
tony is keeping people like this alive
That faggot knows fuck all about women. The fact he's telling you shit like 'brush your teeth and shower' should tell you all you need to know. He was a turbo loser but managed to get a few shags from hogs when he started brushing his yellow teeth and brushing the cheeto dust out of his beard. He knows nothing

To answer your question, some girls will only open up when they feel comfortable around you. For me, it's often because I'm a good looking 'calming influence' Some people have built up walls and will never let people in and when they do you wish they never. As for carrying a conversation, that's another thing that can't really be taught. You either got it or you don't. You can practice and get better, but good chat doesn't come easy. You've got to be a little bit of everything. Funny, cheeky, confident, humble, interesting, knowledgeable etc etc if you want a good woman. If you just want a fuck just find common interests and be agreeable. Even if it means pretending to be a dweeb who watches the latest Netflix slop and knows tiktok memes
you never had sex in your life
NTA but the secret to getting along with women is to understand that a woman is just like a man except for mentally, emotionally, and physically inferior, they want contradictory things and you have to navigate this, and you need to pretend like you think they're equal. Also, don't sexually harass them unless you're hot and charismatic enough to make them enjoy it.

Where's that renewy? Two more weeks?
True. Anon 115 is the voice of the voiceless

Pic unrelated
I've been fucking girls for 20 years bro. I lost my virginity to a 24 year old when I was 15. I was fucking my friend's aunt at 17 and had slept with 35 women before I was even 25. I've fucked girls from Spain, Holland, Germany, America, France, Scotland, Australia and more. You will never be me.

See. This guy knows 2 things..Fuck and all.
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>cm punk on reddit
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we all believe you, for sure
>Tell me how do you get them to open up to you and after they do how do you carry a conversation with them?
I don't. Truth is, women know the first second they interact with you whether they would sleep with you or not. After that, it's all a transaction of hypergamy. If you act like you care about them opening up, you will appear low status to them. Think of how you would treat someone that you are above. Treat them like that. Also, don't talk about professional wrestling. Talk about golf or investments or shit like that. Spend like an hour understanding the buzzwords of finance. Learn how to cut a promo in character. And dress the character too.
Here's a snippet of a convo I had earlier with a girl with tits bigger than your gut pal
wow only the coolest chicks like rimming
>The fact he's telling you shit like 'brush your teeth and shower' should tell you all you need to know.
Kek. Please, tell me more about how the secret of getting women is poor hygiene. Dude you are fucking clueless. Just go back to defending Tony Khan. You were more entertaining that way.
>I've been fucking girls for 20 years bro. I lost my virginity to a 24 year old when I was 15. I was fucking my friend's aunt at 17 and had slept with 35 women before I was even 25.
And then everyone clapped
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slopdown got cancelled because youre poor n stupid
A WBD contract just flew over my house. It's worth $150 million a year.
this sounds like its from grindr tranny
Is Rovert still living in loony land while ridin’ solo on his wrestling figs?
Take the wrestling fig out yo bussy Rovert all you do is suck off AEW while crying about WWE because everyone dislikes AEW now so you have to be contrarian again as much as I fucking hate the word contrarian
you couldnt understand grocery inflation becaue your mom buys them i
>I created a fake Tinder profile and got a bored slampig to exchange a few messages with me.
Yeah.... THAT sounds true, kek.
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>you couldnt understand grocery inflation becaue your mom buys them i
>women know the first second they interact with you whether they would sleep with you or not
>If you act like you care about them opening up, you will appear low status to them. Think of how you would treat someone that you are above. Treat them like that.
Wrong wrong wrong
>Talk about golf or investments or shit like that. Spend like an hour understanding the buzzwords of finance.
Fucking idiot.

You're painting all girls with the same brush and the real world just isn't like that cupcake. A bimbo is going to expect to be treated different to an art hoe. Bro yapping like all girls are the same and it just proves no real world experience with bitches. Sad.
Quit thinking critically. It's not fair for the PoopDickWrestling fans.
You're a fucking moron. I'm not saying don't brush your teeth you fucking dolt. God damn you're dumb.
Just can't quit him, can you Tony?

5k buys for All In Wembley 2.
dronie suicides soon bros
Yes doctor love, please enlighten everyone with how smoothly you make love to your fist. How you whisper sweet nothing to it while it's elbow deep in your own ass. Please, spare no detail. Educate us in the way of self-ventriloquism.
How soon? Would you say... Two more weeks?
im not the guy who gave up having a sex life to spam megamind every thursday for no reason
So you don't know what the timetable is for AEW getting renewed, is what you're saying?
they're already renewed you fucking moron
>they're already renewed
A gif of Tony Khan looking retarded isn't a source I'm afraid.
You yapping incel dribble dawg. There's girls your approach will work on, but they're low value vapid whores. Likely with BPD. Anyone who reads a freaking PUA book could pull a bitch like that. You're only going where dozens of men have been before. If that's what you want, go buy an escort instead. It'll save you a lot of time and effort

Genuinely desirable women are a different bag of beans. I fucked a woman who earns 200k a year and I did so by making her laugh and getting up and doing karaoke with some improv comedy at a 30th birthday party. This bitch had an earring worth more than I earn in a year. You've read too many pua books bro and those geeks only teach you how to pick up easy girls. Get a clue.
This is the first and only time I'll ever agree with pigwheels about anything: you're full of shit and you've never touched a woman kek
you're sweating and i'm as calm as a summer breeze
Imagine posting this to the board like it's a win. Jesus how pathetic
>e drones posting their gay boomer hook up ass eatings as an own
We won e-drones
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aew fans are sad people holy shit
It's going to be worth so much less than the deals for Raw or SmackDown
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What's funny is if you compare the timestamp of your image to the timestamp of the post, your relative timezone is in India somewhere. Please give us some more hot dating advice from the Gujurat Province. Or you can always just go back to making us laugh by defending Tony Khan's retardation.
I'm from the UK you numb cunt. God you're d u m b
Lmao no only is he from India what messenger is that? I think that’s WhatsApp that only trannys use kek
Fucking mong. You probably use discord to message zero bitches.
>I'm from the UK you numb cunt
Correct. You are from India.
AEW chads dining good tonight, milly pending.
They should bring flags into PW because I know for a fact that this user without doubt is an Indian.
Brother stop getting worked into a shoot
Sar, I will have you know I am great slayer of vageen on whats app message system and I am not from the India and am instead residing in the Londonistan and am having the sex with real women at least 6 times per day. They have large bobs too.
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Is the deal done or not wtf?
Kek 5 billy Indians and chinks. It’s a known scam that when a bitch wants to take it to WhatsApp she’s a prostitute or a scammer. KWAM (kek what a mark)
Bit quite ay dronies?
It's a chick I've known for years ya big dope
Yeah and she's been a prostitute the entire time
I see Rovert’s samefagging again
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I've not been following this properly, so I saw random posts here over the week about AEW having a deal, but not in america yet. Then posts saying "oh, it's coming soon!!!" and "It's not as good as thought" etc.

TL;DR - wtf is going on with this thing, can someone explain to me as if you were talking to a retard? Is this deal i've been hearing all year about done? Is it not? Were people baited with a fake one? I don't get any of this shit.
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Lachlan who got BTFOed by Based Roger Ailes will not have gay sex with you Rovert ya crippled bitch
Roger Ailes has been dead for 7 years kek
Bitchtits is in his mid 40s so that's recent to him, AEW haters are all ancient like that
>AEW haters are all ancient like that
Unlike the spry spring chicken you are.
>bitchtits admits hes in his mid 40s
He meant that's his weight in Stone kek
lachlan won
tony won
chadvert won
bitchtits lost
KEK gotta love the Lachster
Fraid so
Big if true
>It's a chick
I just realized you are talking about ass eating with a "chick," not eating pussy (which is still beta AF). This just gets more hilarious. Not only are you a Pajeet, but you are bragging about trying to "pick up" a tranny.
>I've known for years
Which one is it Ranjeesh? Are you some master pick up artist or did you know the tranny whose ass you are trying to eat for years?
aew’s been in a cycle of hype regarding their potential re-sign with WBD for a long while now. things have just flared up now since WBD fought to retain the rights to NBA broadcasting and lost to Amazon. no matter how much circlejerking there is about aew’s mythical new deal, never take it face value until something concrete comes through.
The number is going to be very good and make AEW long term sustainable business but clearly still not in league with WWE.
Hopefully console war podcast fags fuck off forever. It's clear that most of them just enjoy the drama around the wrestling business and boomers talking about wrestling in the 90s that doesn't work anymore. They just won't go watch WWE that is doing record business because they can't get their jollies trolling people because WWE is giving the fans what they want with a full time top baby-face champion having great in ring matches with some of the best promos and stories in years with a sustainable business model that wrestling was built off on for decades.

Go try to get a Kickstarter for a exhibition match with Russo and Cornette dramafags. Wrestling is good and the podcast console war shit is going out of style fast.
>The number is going to be very good and make AEW long term sustainable business
Lol. You are going to need $150-200 million a year for that. Basically, SmackDown money for NXT ratings. No fucking way this happens. Tony is a fucking retard and no one is going to pay for more retardation.
>It's clear that most of them just enjoy the drama around the wrestling business
Yup. At least Tony delivers that. Dude is the best lolcow the business has produced.
>They just won't go watch WWE that is doing record business
I watch that too. It's why I know AEW is a botchfest produced by morons.
>because they can't get their jollies trolling people
AEW fans really self-troll. It's hard to not laugh at a Pajeet giving advice on women that stems from his experience catfishing trannies.
Wheels got owned.
Fraid so
everything is owned by the Jews and if it isnt owned by them they have some kind of control over it.
No billy?
No Bitches?
kek based
very interesting indeed
e drones will have the biggest meltdown of asp history when its confirmed.

aew is HERE


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