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she calls this move the "tummy tickler"
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what does it feel like to touch a woman's belly like this?
Salty milk.
Ah slampegs. They fell the fuck off
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bag of coins
Warm apple pie
Izzy has a WOAT face though. Now young Paige was kinda ugly too but she worked that emo chav gimmick to perfection
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What a woman of the world.
Flashbacks of my ex from 2006. She was a sloot as well. Hope she's not dead.
Why isn't there a torrent of all these fetish videos?
before she was bl*cked
Anon... You're going to have to go a LOT further back than that...
asking the right questions
Shes dead anon I wouldnt look her up
Because it's expensive and not a lot of people buy them.
does anyone got the rest of her leaks?
just post her leaks already
who took the pic tho. there was a rumor that it was botcha.
so she's 18 in the latest leaks where she still has the ugly goth look, right? right?
>does anyone got
You have to be over 18 to use this site, otherwise you'd know where to look
Whatever helps you sleep at night
I miss girls like this
how many abortions do you think she's had? I say at least 5 easy
I mean the "new ones" where some dude bought a lot of things from her NXT days
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I need to rewatch Skins
Shitty thread where's the xxx
She had a miscarriage or some shit when she was a teenager and it fucked up her insides and she couldn't get pregnant again afterwards.
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if only we could see her shoving things up her ass and pussy in a bathroom if only
Thats what all the abortion clinic season-ticket holders say.
He is over 18, he's just black
I'm sorry, I take it back. Fucking puke.
That scar is so grody.
is that an abortion scar?
Jesus what'd they cut her open with a fucking broken beer bottle?
for me it was cassie
Those pikeys need to work on their abortion skills
Was Xavier the first and only black man she's ever slept with?
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Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.... no
amazing shes still not committed suicide
Why? She seemingly has no shame.
I found her hotter before the leaks, I dumped my share of cum for her, but I prefer the Paige before the leaks
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She has achieved far more in life than anyone with her upbringing would expect. She should be thrilled with her life.
It's a c-section scar. Abortions don't require an incision. They just reach up the vaginal canal and either pluck the fetus out by its head or slice it into several pieces and vacuum them out.
I have a picture of Paige sitting on an edge of a tub, spread eagle, jamming a dildo in her gash. One problem: that hideous pikey abortion scar! Gross.
There's no such thing as an abortion scar, you dumb virgin.
No this paige is ugly im talking WWE rookie paige up until the leaks, on /sp/ and /asp/ we would talk about how puffy her pussy looked
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Yeah this
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A fellow /asp/ie! Why didn't u say so?! Yeah, I think I got some "Paige Prime" somewhere, here's an Izzy while I look...
it's either that or they take a pill which enters the bloodstream and causes the body to release acid into the womb to dissolve the fetus so the mom can piss it out
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You like this era of Paige, correct?
>they take a pill which enters the bloodstream and causes the body to release acid into the womb to dissolve the fetus so the mom can piss it out
That's the morning after pill???
I'm learning so much ITT
Same but in 2005. Last I heard she was all in with psychedelics, healing crystals, tarot cards and all that junk, living in a RV somewhere in Nevada.
>slice it into several pieces and vacuum them out.
damn this sounds bad they should make it illegal
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Those virgins are lying to you.

To give a girl an abortion, you cut her tummy open with a box cutter and wiggle a coat hanger in her belly.
nah, one of these.
prison shanks? are they sterile at least?

I wouldn't want to catch any diseases
Not him but 2015 Paige was her peak before she went based Bimbo. Then that was even hotter
I can see that, maybe she will bloom into something, but volleyball shorts look good on 90% of women under the age of 40
I got warts just opening this thread.
>That's the morning after pill???
no. The pill they're refering to is Misoprostol. Plan B's shoot name is Levonorgestrel
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Ya know, I don't say this often, but GIWTWM.
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>I got warts
Paige calls them "love bumps". Ribbed for her pleasure!
based OP
post more of this kino
preferably with people that made it
You asking me or OP? Thread is over 12 hours old, brother.
I am angry every single time I'm reminded that those fuckers didn't upload the full facial compilation
I looked up her new leaks they're not that crazy, I thought there'd be more fuckin'
>new leaks
sure ya did
The newest leaks, she's underaged, I couldn't believe it. Pre-NXT shit.
lurk moar ya retard abortion scars are /asp/ folklore
jesus christ.
how the fuck is stand and deliver boring speech with over-emote still the go-to in burgerland wrestling these days?
i wish someone would flip ghe script and find something new, it all feels so cold and played out.
it genuinely sucks that these aren’t all widespread available somewhere

wwe likes to clean up their prospective stars more colourful background histories, they ask websites like slamminladies etc to quietly remove content. they go through old account to delete wishlists, potentially offensive tweets or comments on instagram and fb, and anything that could potentially raise eyebrows or get internet psychos onto their case. it really does suck that potential cringekino has been lost to the internet sands of time.

any time some embarrassing shit like iiconics wrestling dudes in a warehouse or jordynne disgrace wrestling imaginary invisible opponents while fat, i can’t help but laugh
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laughed at the part where it's head turned into dust
>I couldn't believe it
why? she has been pimped by her parents since she was 13.
No, the morning after pill is not an abortion. It just prevents the egg from being released so the sperm can't fertilize it. If fertilization has already happened, the pill is useless.
I need to see her current giant bimbo tiddies so bad bros
These can only be done up to 3 months in, when the fetus ranges from microscopic to a tennis ball. You don't piss it out, though. You can't impregnate an urethra. It pauses your progesterone production, which sheds the uterine lining, then causes a heavy period, in which the fetus comes out along with other tissues. It doesn't really have a brain yet and dies immediately upon being detached from the uterine wall, like freshly picked fruit. This is exactly what happens during a natural miscarriage.

This is the abortion that is legal in most countries. The one in that video looks to be at least 5 or 6 months, when they begin being capable of feeling pain. This is illegal in most cases.
Her baby is now AEW's Zak Zodiac.
Fucking gross, anybody who thinks she looked good before going under the knife is an idiot

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