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[Tremendous News]
Iyo Sky(34) fucking won and worked the antis into a shoot and is....
>#1 player in the universe
>supreme talent
>an emoji
>superior to Taylor Swift in every way imaginable
>winner of the Joshi Civil War
>a draw
>the GOAT
>cat enthusiast
>hard working
>hates aOSU
>great butt
>does not use weave like a black girl
>3 million viewer woman
>the main attraction
>ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS!!! Will risk copping a career ending and potentially life threatening injury to send the Iyomaniacs home happy
>a worthy obsession
>bigger draw than all AEW(5O2k) wrestlers COMBINED
>never starts fights with her co-workers and is the true embodiment of a locker-room leader
and most importantly
Special thread theme for maximum seethe:
Holy based I missed you [Tremendous News] poster!
This is eye opening journalism
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>thread isn't filled with Oinko spam
Was it really only one guy spamming that shit? He gets banned and the spam decreases 100%.
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Not so fast pig lover LOL
Yeah we know you're the regular discord troon. Your one friend in the entire world got banned LMAO
Based we love Iyo here.
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Been busy but thanks to webm chad's hard work after the marigold event, I now have material to use for the next month or two. Praise be upon Iyo!
I have no clue what you're talking about, take your meds and stop simping for a mid moonfaced botch machine
Welcome back, King. We'll need your Tremendous News in the great war against the discord.
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I saw that the anticord is actually real. We are dealing with the most pathetic of losers.
>We are dealing with the most pathetic of losers
Afraid so
That may all be true, but she’s still a slant eyed yellow fucking gook.
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She's also a fat pig.
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This is Evil's bitch!' You damn simps!'
Iyo is the goat
I would rearrange her guts and make her cum hard. Fuck her so intensely that shit starts sliding out of her ass.
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Reminder that you are so gotten to, you had your discord friends spam report Oinko threads because they hurt your feelings. This is peak effeminate beta male behaviour, but then again you're a pigger.
How do you explain the pro-Iyo threads that have been deleted? Is your cord spamming r*ports?
I would tickle her during sex until she violently emptied her bladder
Can you provide proof pro-iyo threads were deleted?
Sure here you go
One of those is a spam thread that has nothing to do with Iyo and is instead addressing your schizo boogeyman you've created.

The second one is a post that should have went in your general that then descended into you all arguing with the schizo boogeyman you've created.

The third should have went in your general and had absolutely nothing to do with her wrestling.

What exactly are you trying to say by linking these?
And spamming OINK threads isn't spam? The other threads are way less wrestling related and you dilate over your threads getting KWAB'd. Sounds like you're coping.
So because one mentally ill loser is spamming that means we should all also put up with you doing it?

Seems like some pretty juvenile logic. Personally I think they should nuke all you faggots off the board.
But you're conceding his point that pro-Iyo spam was also deleted which is what you were challenging (for no good reason) you retarded literal faggot
But the diacord narrative of the Iyo janny is dead huh?
I didn't challenge anything, I asked you to provide proof that they were being deleted and then I responded to your proof by pointing out they were spam threads and deserved to be deleted.

You're the one kvetching that it's okay for you to spam because someone else is spamming. Look how mad you're getting lol
stop pretending to be even less literate than you are
No response outside of petty insults with no basis in reality? Yeah that certainly fits the character you mentally ill losers have built up for yourselves.

Stay in your general gook lover and quit spamming the board.
I accept your concession, but not your homosexuality.
Nah ill keep posting Iyo threads until you show the same narrative energy for rape threads, Rhea threads, Poi threads or whatever else gets posted every single day. I dont have a problem with those as I'm not a mentally ill tranny who tries to censor people like you do. I'm just sayin'... you ignore plenty of daily spam.
Then I look forward to watching you cry about pig threads despite not being a "mentally ill tranny" and threatening to dox people over banter.

Practice what you preach.
I've never threatened to dox anyone lol talk about boogeymen. You're nothing but projection lil sis.
You're the one going around defending an entire community, don't act surprised when you're held accountable for the actions of said community. Fags in the Iyo thread were spamming about doxxing people for months. You do yourself no favors by playing stupid, everyone sees through your shit.
Posting pictures of an entertainer isn't a "community" you subhuman troon
So then why do you feel the need to defend it while crying about some pig meme?
This dude is mentally broken by people posting a 5 foot tall Japanese girl HAHAHAHAHA
It's so obvious when you fags have reached the capacity of your intellect, you just start typing LOL in all caps and squelching about trannies.

Begging you to get an IQ above room temperature.
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kek this dude is worked as fuck by a 5 foot jap girl
Tremendous News indeed.
>tried to take a victory lap when the tranny jannie told you its safe
not today faggot. /pw/ has had enough of your gay waifu bullshit. stinko pie fucking sucks.
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Thanks for bumping the thread, fellow iyo fan!
why would I want it archived? its a testament to your faggotry
More like showing everyone the L you look.
I heard he actually got worked by Rossy into giving him 30 bucks plus tax for abfailed pig meme. Is there any truth to that
The same meme that made your Discord spam report Oinko threads because you were so gotten to? Oh and btw, the original poster didn't even pay to see Groomergold, they got it from a clip on Twitter :)
Kek you got xim malding with this one. Must be true.
Iyo won
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What went wrong?
She's an ugly pig.
This is factual.
Many people are saying this
Actually no they aren't.
Low quality screenshot mid movement with some strange filter on it.
Based Rossy working the obese tranny
So you admit she doesn't look attractive in that photo?
Any woman could look less than what they are with a picture like that.
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Love iyo
Many people do!
WTF is this word? Is it just one deranged autist spamming and trying to make it into a thing?

It sure as fuck isn't actual lingo people use here
Joshi posters use it all the time. You only notice Iyofans using it because they're the most mainstream Joshi fans on /pw/. Pretty sure Asuka has used the term to describe her haters aswell.
Describe her pubic hair.
What pubic hair?
You're just a fag who isn't cool bro
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I feel sorry for the antis.

Antis btfo
Judging by the fact you piggers are constantly reporting Oinkoposts because you are effeminate gotten to betas, actually, yes.
Antis trying to slide this L
>Gook lovers crying about racism
lol absolutely broke them
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love shirais
Holy goatola
>Mio always mogged I-ACK
no sliding kek. reap what you sow.
Oinko piggers would know a lot about sows
told you, no sliding
Are antis trying to slide the L they took this thread?
What L have they taken exactly? They literally bumped it with posts you had no answers to.
They got exposed as hypocrites seething over a 5 foot Japanese girl. Kek what losers.
You know what, I'm not a coomer and I don't care for joshi shit. But I'm happy you're happy.
none of their points were disproven though. I saw people talking about reporting threads in the Iyo general, and then they got banned, no matter what, that is a fact that did happen
I don't know what points you're talking about, I just know that you're seething over a 5 foot tall Japanese girl lol.
Damn Pigtits antis got btfo itt
Meant for >>15319928
The point is that you are a gotten to bitch who had to cry to the mods because Oinko offended you. :) The only one seething here is you.
Yeah I'm the one gotten to not the guy typing all this seethe lol
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Iyo Sky is Starlight Kid?
Damn Iyofags really got btfo itt
the piggers really did get mindbroken over Oinko
SLK wishes she was Iyo.

How so? Your Iyojanny narrative crumbled.
Antis got btfo in this thread and now they're coping about how Iyochads got btfo kek
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IyoGODS never lose.... ever.
>gets worked into bumping generic copy paste thread
>gets btfo'd in said thread
>starts samefagging and claiming they won after they were exposed as sensitive whiners
The Iyocord sure won this one!
>>gets worked into bumping generic copy paste thread
>>gets btfo'd in said thread
>>starts samefagging and claiming they won after they were exposed as sensitive whiners
Kek the antis really did have this happen to them.
Describe her asshole.
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Nobody has ever seen it and lived to tell the tale.
I find it ridiculous that she just stopped getting naked when she came to America. Does Joshi really pay that little? I guess it's against the rules for WWE women to do this under contract.

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