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>Last week
2,355,000 viewers; 0.70 P18-49
>This week
2,313,000 viewers; 0.65 P18-49
no wonder based lachlan canceled this dog shit
no milly?
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considering they get 1/3 of the ad rates of other shows thats what it works out to sadly
e-drones getting btfo by bachelor boomerettes, fucking GRIM
>outdraws Dynamite, Collision, and Rampage combined
Kek no wonder based Zaslav canceled AEW
two more weeks

thats a very roundabout way of saying no milly
>slightly less views than last time
For a show that sucked as much as last week's Smackdown did, it did great.
>two more weeks
But enough about when trannies keep insisting AEW will get renewed
fox cancelled this dog shit show
It'll be less than a milly after this terrible looking taped show
Reacting to a bad joke at face value isn't getting worked, you mark working yourself into a shoot.
Actually, Fox wanted to keep Smackdown but got outbid for it. Where can I watch AEW in 2025 btw?
thats exactly what it is, actually
sure kiddo whatever helps you sleep at night
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Meltzer confirmed it I'm afraid
>meltzer isn't lying when his tweet makes me feel good
sorry dronie lachlan cancelled that shit
just about every cancelled show could have stayed on the air if they took less money but they didnt, sounds like cancelled to me
>Meltzer is lying when his tweet makes me feel bad
Sorry piggiElite but Lachlan got outbid and Smackdown isn't canceled. 100% confirmed by Dave Meltzer. Facts don't care about your feelings.
damn two different no u's in a single reply, this dronie got steam cummin' out his little pig ears lmao
ps slopdown got cancelled
kek it happened almost a year ago and he's still seething
You eat up his star ratings, PigBus. You gotta eat this one too.
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based lachlan said himself that he cancelled it actually
Wow thats more than Double the ratings of Poop Dick Wrestling.
4chan is an 18+ website kiddo
Poorboy Lachlan can cope all he wants. WWE is busy getting more money than before. Something you desperately wish would happen to Poop Dick Wrestling, but it won’t. Cope about it some more.
I think r*ddit is more your type of place.
>less money from usa than last time after inflation
not impressed lil bro, if netflix didnt save their ass they'd be in deep shit
>knows how reddit talks
go back
PigCrip has to resort to “inflation” because he knows he lost. Lmfao.
>if they didn’t win they would be losing
Goddamn can you cope any harder?
>Leave team in Houston paying you $20M/year
>Sign with team in Denver paying you $24M/year
>"You don't have the spotlight of Houston any more!! AHAHAHAHA!!"
PDWtards really think this is a flex of some sort. Just unhinged individuals.

Somewhere along the line, one person got upset by "Slopdown got cancelled" so now it MUST be repeated 135 times per day on the off chance lightning strikes twice

Meanwhile AEW needs WWE fans, at least temporarily, or they're SOL for their TV deal. But the fucking retards keep driving WWE fans away.
let me guess, your mom pays for the groceries
Oh wait are you that same fucking retard saying Smackdown will move to 3 hours, for 0 additional dollars, just because?

It's been months now. Months and months. How do you still have the energy for this, to get BTFO constantly?
I can know how redditors like you sound like without going there myself, dumbass.
I’m not actually using reddditspeak like you. It’s called knowing your enemy, something you’re apparently too stupid to understand.
>poop dick wrestling
this grim level of banter brought to you by the PG Era
get a GED, and job, and stop crying over slopdown getting canceled
How come the red hot fed can only draw 1,518,000 more fans than AEW?
WWE is getting paid .4 billion more dollars than before, for Smackdown. I think that should cover everyones groceries there.
Keep coping. Nice to see you worked by Poop Dick Wrestling lmao.
damn, is THIS why it got cancelled?
so it's staying at 2 hours? it's 10 weeks away and i havent heard any confirmation
bitchtits in the fucking mud
thats where piggies belong
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>Poop Dick Wrestling
touch grass
you had that pic saved already, you disgusting degenerate pedophile
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kek based

reminder that Smackdown is on a channel with 4x the reach of Dynamite

They literally can't stop talking about their Daddy Vince's fetishes
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>93 year old daddy worth 20 billion
Pedotits is still pushing carts at walmart kek
Oh noes! That's like, a whole month of AEW at once!
Try that without Fox, sloptits
Slop dick wrestling
It's going to be so funny when Slopdown ratings PLUMMET by 75%
Sneeddown got chucked
Lachlan vindicated
afraid so
Brrrr it's getting ICE fucking COLD in the 'E land
No console war, that demo drop is kinda crazy. What happened?
The demo is way down.
You can only do the same ending so many times before people get bored and move on to something else. Right now, Smackdown is the B show, which isn't a good look for Cody desu
Fatso (Rovert) still bumping this huh? crazy seeing how he's going to avoid the Dynamite rating thread that is about to be posted just like he avoids walking.
Is he really?

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