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Say something nice about him. He has a beautiful moonsault.
He's more based than anyone will ever admit.
haven't seen a better job guy in a very long time. he understands his role very well, and he's great at it.
he makes other people look like a millino bucks
he has a shocking amount of physical charisma for a midget bong with a huge head
He has a full head of hair
He’s white
The Devil Inside/Devlin Side is one of my favorite moves of his.
when was the last time he even hit that on Raw?
JD's fucking fantastic when a booker let's them. Sells, takes bumps like a champ. The joint manipulation psycho he was in NXT was unironically kino in matches - iron survivor 1 is MOTD levels KINO.
Being the punching bag with JD and having good spots few and far between says more about so called tenured stars and management more than it says about his abilities. He's in faction that's featured every single monday though so is it really hurting him? Nah, he's a tv star.
Gnome Warriors are a great race/class combo
good wrestler
despite being an ugly midget, he pulled off the Patrick Bateman gimmick so well
sorry for the backhand
Ireland’s Call is sick too
holy kek
He beat the runway level in under 5 minutes
present it
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still more entertaining than Damien Priest
Best worker and seller in WWE right now
Why is his head so big
His matches are intense
giant brain
He would shoot kill somebody with a headbutt
He kinda looks like Wolverine
He'd smash their head clean out of their ass.
He's Irish
Maybe if i squinted really hard after being pepper sprayed and I stared at the sun for an hour.
He is the best midget wrestling has had since Rey.
He somehow got himself in the most over faction in wrestling, which means he gets constant screen time and matches despite being otherwise forgettable. If judgment day ever splits he's tucked though, unless he's a better backstage politician than I thought.
Kek what a punchable face
He's very unique looking.
>thinks the Irish are white
mutt education eh
It still takes me a solid minute to remember his name when hes on my television. Only thing I can remember about the dude is getting potatoed by the youtube faggot with a ring and getting a gross shiner
Brother its the middle of a work day why are you this drunk?
he did it recently, I know because in the live thread a buncha anons marked out saying it was a cool move and he should make it his finisher kek
He got in JD by being Finn's friend in real life so he probably pushed for it
He would have a very nice and proportionate head if he was 7' 3".
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He shoot headbutted that Jew Commie David Starr in their match in OTT, I was there and he fucking walloped him. Devlin is and always will be based.
is he the most unlikely man to ever get over on /pw/?
This >>15308313

He's an excellent enhancement talent. Nothing wrong with that. It's a role that's sorely needed in modern wrestling, and he knows how to make his opponent look like a million bucks. He should have a job in WWE for as long as he wants it.
He's a great sport, which makes him great at being the butt of the joke and designated fall guy in the stable. Lots of respect for someone in his role doing it so well.
His mother told him he was her special little boy
I like him because I have a big head that’s disproportionate to the rest of my body and he makes me feel better about it since he can take jokes about it and let me know that I’m not alone
He's been doing a lot of thinking
His head isn't big, he has tiny shoulders. He's unironically the new Chris Benoit, who had the same issue.
Hello Dustin, how does it feel to be the jobber of the family?
No one ever said Benoit had a big head, but yeah he had small shoulders too
Yeah Benoit's problem was short arms
and short legs, and a stubby cock, etc
all that contributed to the manlet rage
I wish he'd hit the headbut and then do it more often. But knowing wwe the finisher wont be protected at all.
I like him, tried to put him over during a live event by cheering for him at every given moment.
Drones are now stanning for an absolute GEEK. Jesus H. Absolutely shameless.
Shut up geek
His eye for an eye storyline with Apollo was top tier Kino in the NXT 2. 0 days
I want to see him headbutt a Samoan and both of them no sell it.
He carried Moose to a better match in OTT than Will Ospreay has ever had against anyone in his life.
Part of his gimmick
No humility
This. He got a clue when he changed his name
>He's unironically the new Chris Benoit
Minus about 5 inches in height, about 60 lbs of muscle mass, minus charisma, and a add creepy head and weird face. Other than that, he's exactly like Benoit.
Where does he go after Judgement day?
>Also curious, so look it up
>It was only 4 years ago
Holy shit he has come a long way.
Where is the headbutt? The match is like 30 minutes long
@ 17:40 - 18:00 mark
I don't see it, you sure that's the right mark?
He smacked his head on the pavement when he fell from heaven
Many thanks my dude
Yep, that's a shoot finner headbutt. He beat the shit out of that guy in their matches
i still cant find it. i must be retarded
Yea by "mark", I was referring to you.
So you're lying? That's not cool, man.
Just watch the whole feud JD is based and destroys him in promos
>Of course ya want to save the indies, because you're gonna be on them for the rest of your fucking life
I have a hunch that he is descended from Dwarven royalty. The way he looks, his giant head and weird proportioned arms, I don’t think he’s a short normal human, I think he’s a really tall dwarf. Like whatever the 7 foot equivalent of a dwarf is. He should be the company ace of a midget fed and have a giant gimmick and moveset. I guess that’s a nice thing to say.
holy based
just watched all their promos
never knew there was a feud this good out there in the modern indies, but JD was in the right on every single point
I enjoy watching him bump and sell.
holy btfo
He’s a great seller, honestly the business needs guys like him
Lmao we've found one of the only wrestlers that /pw/ universally likes and it's JD Mcdonagh kek
this is a truly magical place. this board is divided on bron breakker but jd is over with everyone. only /pw/ would be like this
Imagine going back a few years and telling dronies that they'll be gassing up fucking Jordan Devlin of all people
He's good at literally everything. He can talk, be funny, wrestle, bump, sell, tell a story, play his part, throw believable strikes, show emotion, etc. I don't know what made him so good but even during his indie days you could see he was different.
He's a GOAT tier jobber. Knows how to put guys over and has a unique and funny look to him that normies enjoy.
>He's good at literally everything
Except having charisma, being over 5'5" tall, having a normal head, not looking weird, having the requisite muscle mass you would expect of a wrestler. Other than that, he's good at everything.
JD McDonalds is a funny name for a jobber.
Finn and JD make great tag champions. But WWE is already making them look weak as fuck by having them lose on Raw.
He was very based in the start of NXT UK and I'm glad he's getting some big TV work and I hope he's having fun with it
I'm sure that forehead can hold several loads.
Excuse me?
for me his awkward proportions only added to him just being interesting to watch in the ring

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