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Okay, I guess that means I can say what I want now ;^)
They banished your ass for real?
What? That the most obvious grift ever was a grift?
Lord Whitetty seething they kicked him out of the gravy train

Yeah, I kinda uncovered all the receipts for the things being "bought" were faked lmao. Idiot Amin in charge doesn't like that.
how is Ugandan pussy?
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>the lore of Lord White
neck yourself immediately

A lot of the donation money has been spirited away to fuck-knows-where. Some items have been bought (that they keep posting photos/videos of), but the receipts have been faked to say the items cost a lot more than they actually do.

Gotten so bad that I was being sent some of the funds to make sure it was actually being used correctly, Bumbash (the retard that runs everything) got pissed off at this and used other people's phones to make thinly-veiled threats against me so I just said fuck it and sent back the donations.


It's pretty good, I recommend.
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What's next for Lord White?

Gonna make a sandwich like this https://x.com/SolBrah/status/1810922937760784767
so the stereotype of ugandans being a scammer is still true after all
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I seriously can't believe people actually fell for this. Whites love to fawn over third worlders doing even the most mundane shit. Triggers their white saviour complex.
Wrestling Reloaded was always better anyway

It'll be interesting to see if the shill journos who INSISTED SGW wasn't a scam change their tune now (or never speak of it again)
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its kind of sad that they have a lot of people there really passionate about wrestling and then all their funds are getting basically embezzled by some dude running it

Genuinely, I really want the actual talent there to be given opportunities abroad - they've done nothing wrong in all this - and this one guy is going to fuck the lot up for them
Wait so is this literally the actual Lordwhite who appeared on the show? lol
Yeah he's posted here before
That's very funny. It's just odd, I don't think I've ever seen a wrestler directly make themselves known on 4chan.
>global South gets exploited for labour and resources by the West
>wrestling company gets some of that wealth back

I see no problem here desu
that's how you know he's really a massive faggot
(and racist)
Did they cut contact with you? Are you about to go scorched earth?
Are you still in Uganda?
Are you here to say the word?

That kind of depends how far Bumbash wants to push me desu, I've got all the evidence of fake receipts, edited videos etc - perfectly happy to post them all as a fuck you. His problem is he thinks he's smart but he's dumb as shit.


Yeah I'm usually here - hence why I took the last instalment of funds raised (before sending the lot back). Was gonna hire someone to source/deliver a bunch of stuff they need at SGW and get people on first aid courses before Bumbash threw his toys out of the pram over not having the money under his control.


Fools and their money.

Honestly though, if it made you feel good to give to Ugandan yard tards then don't let a little embezzlement rob that joy from you. You do you.
Compile everything into a Google Doc and then make a video going through it on YT.

If only for the fucking comment section full of cope and seethe.
is he not just saying that with a kayfabe jokiness to it
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>White man builds something
>Blacks: "I built this"

Nah, I've heard from multiple wrestlers there how he called a meeting at midnight to tell everyone to block me lmao - he's been on full panic mode for a while now
Do it Lord White!
Think he's going to try and kill you?
Were any of the guys on the roster one of the Bulbasaurs that accosted Kevin Nash on that fateful sweltering night?

Hope not, he definitely seems to be going off the rails though: https://x.com/DLovesRasslin/status/1811762517720322506

Funnily enough my mate Alan had similar issues with Wakaliwood here, finding his pets poisoned to send a message etc
fuck that other shit i just wanna know how you ended up living in Uganda, or from the sounds of it, travelling over Africa?
>the most honest person was the white supremacist character yet again
Do you have an idea how much % of the money is being pocketed?
are you gonna Bash his Bum lmfaoooooooooooooooo
By honest you mean the pol plant

No wonder they tossed his ass out
Dude you may want to actually leave the country. they are definitely going to try and find a space-goat to kill.
It was obvious this wasn't going to be anything from the start other than a temporary meme. Like do these guys make a profit of any kind? Do people come from other towns and pay to watch it? I doubt it. Also there is no way you can take this show on the road. That van is way too small to transport people and equipment so where are they even going to wrestle if they go to other towns? Every real wrestler that went there politely said these guys don't seem to know the basics and it looks like they have poor management.

Just didn't want to pay student loans back in the UK so escaped here - plus it's a former British colony so everyone speaks English and it's relatively safe when you don't have to deal with wannabe gangster wrestling promoters


I fucking told you from the start I was the good guy lmao


That's gonna be difficult to work out, they've had about $30,000 sent so far, the amount of food they said they'd bought seems to be a lie (and Bumbash is STILL charging the wrestlers to eat despite the donated food), there isn't the correct amount of beds/mattresses according to the receipts and even the minivan has been purchased in Bumbash's name (not the company's) so I'll leave that up to you whether that's legit or not (btw that van doesn't even have seats in the back so it's useless for transporting people unless they all want to sit on the floor)

If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say 2/3rds of donations have been embezzled at least.
kek, well now you deserve an answer.
You ain't the good guy you are the racist moron looking to ruin their promotion

They have a promotion you have us to pester, do the math or don't is not like you killed their thread already
How come they are still following you om twitter?
T. Bumbash internet defense force
Bumbash board I'm afraid
who /Bumbash/ here
What has the van been used for so far since I doubt that started traveling to do shows. I assume someone just uses it as their personal vehicle?
Who isn't?

Holy ESL


Have you seen the retarded shit Bumbash posts? He probably doesn't even know how to unfollow me
For solving mysteries
he just a young nigga tryna shine fr

I know they picked up Shaheen from Entebbe Airport in it (and you can see how some poor girl has to sit in the back).
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Forgot the image
It takes a highly principled and highly disciplined man to go from nothing to something and not go corrupt. George Washington, the founding father of America was offered the position of King which most men would have taken but he rejected the role for the betterment of the United States.

What I am trying to get at here is that it's insane that people thought people from Uganda could be trusted with all this money. Especially a guy named Bumbash.
Mace/Dio Maddin did a Q&A on /sp/ back when he was in the NFL. I know Landon Cassill from NASCAR too.
Have you gotten in contact with any of the wrestlers who have been helping you guys?
Is Manny really based and red pilled?
tizzop kizzek

Everyone is being kept in the loop on this


He's a top lad for sure, kinda wish I'd started watching WWE back when he was in it (I'm not watching AEW)
>I'm not watching AEW
>No Lord White
way to kill your promotion retards
Any dirtsheets you'd like to share outside of SGW, or are they too hot to talk about?

I only know what's going on at SGW
>I'm not watching AEW
Did Manny and Dio donate to SGW or the orphans in Uganda? I wasn't sure from the tweets
The blacks did build SGW tho.
They did a fundraiser and Manny's mom brought the SGW crew a van.
Mansoor literally did an AMA on here around when he got signed newfags
>gets booted from sgw
>starts spouting nonsense rumors to get back at them
Pathetic. Go on and post that proof. You won't because you're just a salty bitch
I am here once again to ask mods to ban all SGW shill threads and make them buy an ad.
Whenever we see clips of the fights, there is always a crowd around the ring. Are those just local people that live there or are any of them people that paid to be there. Was there any kind of monetization locally? Merch selling? Food vendors? Ticket sales etc? Do people in other towns give a fuck about SGW?
based /TJPW/ schizo annoying the rest of the board for a change
Why would you ask a dumped girlfriend these question?
Why not? Why are you defending SGW hard? Are you Bumbash? If so fuck off
shut up baboonbash
Hi Bumbash!
Not even.

This entire thing continues to confuse the hell out of me since there has been many backyard fed in the past and none of them with as much support with actual people in the industry.
I continue to be confused at how a promotion where everyone just does WWW signatures or finishers gets this much attention.
It should be banned from here.
These threads are clear shill threads.
kys Bumbash. That money is not yours it's for the Ugandan children.
>Just didn't want to pay student loans back in the UK so escaped here
They don't break your legs for student loan repayments mate.
He also could have gone to pretty much any country in the world, but he chose Uganda of all places
I don’t give a shit which nigger has your money if you were stupid enough to give it.

If you are really trying to ask questions from someone fired from this promotion as if he’s not a ranting like a jilted ex lover the problem is you.
Lord White was kicked out of his backyard wrestling fed in the sweltering Ugandan summer of '24

They're other wrestlers/referees/announcers/maybe some kids who live close by. The truth is Uganda is the hardest market to, uh, market SGW to because nobody really cares. It's the same with Wakaliwood - crazy popular worldwide, within Uganda hardly anyone gives a shit.
Give the money back you stupid fucking Ugandan Jew
Ah thanks that's what I suspected so this will probably go nowhere and it's only a matter of time before this implodes.
>Almost all donations to Africans is stolen
Imagine no one's shock. This has happened since the dawn of time. It's why Africa is still a shit hole
>people only watching it because they find it hilarious and see it as some subhuman attempt to mimic the west
>people within the country see it for the total trash it is
imagine my shock
Too fucking late, Bumbash lmao
>LordWhite will never wrestle again
>LordWhite is around
well, which is it?
well now they're definitely spaffing the money, they obviously hired russo.
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Have you considered India? >>15310602
It's time to expand the colonizer gimmick, go to where the REAL soul in backyard wrestling is.
>I fucking told you from the start I was the good guy lmao
Lord White confirmed rebirth of Uncle Adolf
White people are so dumb and naive it's unreal.
So Lord White is trying to work us or is he a KWABOTY contender now?
Still Vince.
delete dis thread bruddah
Bumbash? More like Bumbased
Niggers gonna nig. Corruption and drugs will be the use of any money sent to African shitholes. Billions have been sent to feed them and guess what, it’s done nothing.
Rookie KWABOTY for sure
Isn't this guy going to try to kill you now for leaking this? Isn't that how it works there?
Which wrestling 'journalist' was the most balls deep in pushing sgw propaganda?

SRS for sure

I assume he's at a safe distance.
Lord white about to have his bum bashed with a dagger. Grim
does anyone have any pics of that beautiful woman who did presentation? i will marry her
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yes perfect specimen
>I will marry her
Of course it would be that crosseyed autistic faggot
>third worlde thing turns out to be a giant scam
Wow, I'm shocked.
You're retarded then, that's the expected outcome.
I'm gonna ask, are the actual wrestlers and shit cool and it's just whoever's running it that's the problem?

Yes. 100%.

no she's out of my league. but i can dream
Lord White, can you hook this guy up? We all deserve to make it.
You might actually die for this.

I'm sure I'll just come back from the dead again, don't worry
>Lord White is an E-Chad
>even indie darlings in the deepest darkest jungles of Africa don't like AEW
Daniel BUMBASH finna piss on this honky's grave
Off to bed now lads, if I wake up in this morning and this thread's still around I'll answer more stuff

Say "Goodnight, Lord White"
So you tried to take over and they kicked your ass out. Now you're coming here to cry about it? Fucking pathetic man. If you have proof, post it. Otherwise I hope Coolman shoot puts you 6 feet under.
stfu Agenda 21 shill
based lord white exposing these indie shitters, should've pushed him to the moon
Goodnight, Lord White
Bumbash did nothing wrong.
Goodnight, Lord White
Goodnight, Lord White
Gross. This homo is pretending to be a guy who rubs on negroes.
>Talent getting ripped off by the Owner
Legit the most pro wrestling thing that could happen short of dudes dying from speedballs and roids
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so you are telling me this meme is real?
Lord White screwed Lord White

goodnight, lord white
no way there is some dude called 'bumbash'
That ring in the other picture is a toy ring. It's made with mostly metal parts and costs $230.00. I've been considering grabbing it.
What were you doing in Uganda?
this faggots big question was how come people don't rush to unfollow people at the first sign of issues. Are you twelve? Gonna cry when your first boyfriend changes to it's complicated on Facebook? Jesus.
Goodnight, Lord White
I thought it was on South Africa
Any good food in Uganda?
Please let me know if you saw Pally's pussy when you awaken, Lord White.
Don't turn your back on the Bumbash
I too, must know

Pretty much, here's a good example: https://nilepost.co.ug/News/170943/among-orders-probe-into-shs-9-billion-spent-to-teach-ugandans-how-to-drink-coffee


Being a world-famous wrestler, weren't you paying attention?


If you like boiled rice, boiled bananas, boiled potato, boiled pumpkins, boiled peas, boiled beans with boiled meat, sure.


No, although I did see Debie Kagisha's nipples a few years back
Goodnight, Lord White
what about broiled Ugandan black snake?
Was it a gimmick?
Didn't want to distract from the thread but Im glad someone said something there.
I'm not even mad at the Africans for this one. Anyone who falls for this shit at this point is just gullible. You guys don't remember I Go Chop Your Dollar?

419 is just a game. If you pay you are the mugu, they are the master.
And spoiler alert, the SEAfag youtuber "Primitive Building" channels that pretend to dig football field sized pits with sticks in 1 afternoon are a scam too.
Is it true that Nash is going to start making appearances for SGW?
Because lord white noted that he was blocked from everything but twitter which is how SGW communicates with the world.

I get it. You are 30.....probably even 40 since you mentioned Facebook. You are mad that you are getting older. You are mad that things are popular that weren't when you were younger. So you attack Twitter and other things just because you don't understand them. Do what you want boomer. We will keep using these things that upset you and you will continue to be old and irrelevant screaming at the clouds till you die and we take over.
Ohhh he got the numbers! KWAB

>he thinks birdapp is "hip"

This is kwab: KEK what a BOOMER
i’m talking neither side here, but there are a lot of words that even through skimming expose a lot of projection here
unfollowed, no one talks to me like that and gets away with it
>facebook using boomer gets called out
>gets mad and immediately starts with the no u
concession accepted

damn it
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accept this.
I didn't accuse you of being the same person boomer you both were using no u's so I gave you the same reply and accepted your concessions. We are good now. Go back to being angry that you are old lmao
>If you like boiled rice, boiled bananas, boiled potato, boiled pumpkins, boiled peas, boiled beans with boiled meat, sure.
so... no

The last real workers
Birdapp is the laughingstock of the internet, gramps. Simping for Elon isn't gonna make your kids want to speak to you again.
>face hardship once
>immediately expose the business
more like Lord Blacklisted cause that bitch ass ain't ever getting a shot again
kek what a bitch ass bitch
Man no spices or anything? thought there might be cool shit to eat but if its just utilitarian slop I guess I can pass
So where's that proof big boy?
>n..n...no u are the grandpa
Thank you for confirming that comment upset you.
>soft ground wrestling
>build a normal ring
I don't get it.
Mansoor was literally a regular on /pol/ and /tv/.
Facebook was popular when I was in middle school and it's still the most known social media for changes like it's complicated. I could have said takes you out of his top 8. I am 26, and I still think you're a faggot of the highest degree for being like how come he didn't rush to unfollow you!!!!!

Spicy food is more of a West African thing


A lot won't make sense unless you've got knowledge of prices of things in Uganda, but if you really want something then there's this:

https://archive.is/bwTKZ (since deleted) - got picked up by quite a few large wrestling Twitter accounts who applauded SGW on their charity initiative. Only problem is it didn't happen, traced those photos back to an event that happened last year: https://x.com/ElevateChampion/status/1646769872985116674

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